Thursday, November 17, 2016

Nicolas Sarkozy, the “wild boar wounded” in search of “redemption” – The Point

It is not yet known by reading Nicolas and the Vampire slayer if it is the chronicle of an announced disaster or the story of a return unpublished. A stampede or a success-story. A few days before the first round of the primary of the right, and then the candidates will be competing for a final televised debate on Thursday evening, the journalist Serge Raffy was published by Robert Laffont the story of the four years and a half that followed the defeat of Nicolas Sarkozy in the French presidential elections.

Four and a half years a wealth senseless, between court battles and political battles for the party, in the heart of France, depressed by the crisis – economic, social, political – and traumatized by the attacks. In this context, the former head of the State believes to be the man of the situation, ” duty “, and calls for ” a second chance “, says the author. It is necessary to see in what climate.

” The French do not love me that silent ? “

An atmosphere of pure hate within his own party, among the main protagonists of the polls, which will be held on 20 and 27 November. And for which he is consistently ahead in the polls by Alain Juppé. A primary in which Nicolas Sarkozy did not want to, reminds us of the work, that he thought he could work around, repeating everywhere : “De Gaulle wanted a presidential election in two rounds, not four. “But his defeat to François Hollande has tarnished its luster. It no longer seems to scare big-world, the primary will therefore take place.

From the outset, Nicolas Sarkozy feels that his back, which he never gave up, not even in the aftermath of the defeat, will be full of pitfalls. “The French do not love me that silent ?” he asked at the sight of his popularity, invariably weak. But, in the background, Nicolas Sarkozy continues to think the best, never let go completely of the idea that he would destroy his opponents. “They want me bury them alive, they believe me to suck the blood undisturbed. They don’t know what you can do with a boar injured. He turns and it support, ” clamp-t-he about ambitious of the UMP, who identify.

” Sarkozy, it is necessary to walk on it. It seems that it brings good luck. “

In its viewfinder first, his former Prime minister François Fillon, in which he says, borrowing from Georges Clemenceau : “here’s one who, when he shall come in the nothingness, feel right at home. “The latter, called” croque-mort ” by Sarkozy, is proving tough, he returns the favor by borrowing from Jacques Chirac. : “Sarkozy, you have to walk on it. It seems that it brings good luck. “

And what about Alain Juppé, mr Sarkozy has returned to the saddle itself by making one of his key ministers, to counter the ambitious Fillon ? This is the story ” of children in dispute in bad inheritance and recognition of the father “, in this case Jacques Chirac, says Serge Raffy. To give an idea of the atmosphere, Sarkozy balance, prior to his election to the presidency of the UMP in November 2014, that it will rebrand The Republicans, knowing that the teams Juppé and Fillon put their nose to all the floors of the headquarters : “What are my friends from the Gestapo ? “

We meet as Bruno Le Maire, who has a hard time to resume the party, Jean-François Copé, who is ” without faith nor law, it is dangerous and has no loyalty “, NKM he most admires for a long time, ” the strongest, the most intelligent of her generation “… And then, of course, François Hollande, aka ” the couch potato “, of which he has never, ever, digested the victory is seen as a humiliation.

The prophecy of Hortefeux

These four and a half years are also marked out of an appointment with the judge, review, and non-place, threats of lawsuits, the revelations in the press and defense mode victimization. The reader sees on the pages of the case for exceeding the accounts of campaign, the scandal Bygmalion, the vaudeville Bettencourt, the episode Paul Bismuth, a resurgence of al-Gaddafi, Karachi, come back, Patrick Bush and his wiretaps…

We learn that Nicolas Sarkozy re-reads The Assomoir Emile Zola in the last line right before the election. And it also performs definitely that, regardless of the outcome of this primary, Brice Hortefeux, the friend of always, is wrong, prophesying, shortly before the return of Nicolas Sarkozy on the front of the stage : “Nicolas is going to put in the middle of the desert, and the world will come to him. “


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