The bill for 6.4 million subscribers at the regulated gas tariff (Engie – ex-GDF Suez) will alleviate for the sixth consecutive month. Rates are lower and 3.22% on average, excluding taxes.
This reduction will vary with use. It will be.
3.3% for households using gas heating
1.1% for households who cook with gas
2% for households use gas for both cooking and hot water
the trend decline was registered in the long term. the drop was 15, 4% since January 2015.
Sign dematerialized employment center
All new jobseekers now go through the website of the organization to s ‘register and therefore will not have to go to the counter. The measure had been in place in some areas since last fall.
The ELP automatically extended
People who hold to plan housing savings plans (PEL) will no longer have to show from their bank for its extension. Each ELP shall be renewed automatically renewed for one year. . Except, if the customer otherwise will
The measure will be effective:
From the 1 st of March to the PEL open after Date
from 1 st July for PEL opened before that date
fixed taxi fares to airports
a package will be
in place for a run from the capital to the Paris airports.
30 euros between Orly and the airport Paris’s left bank.
35 euros between Orly airport and the right bank of Paris.
50 euros between Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport and the right bank of Paris.
55 euros between Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport and the left bank of Paris.
the surplus booking Parisian taxi becomes too flat, and is 4 euros for immediate booking and 7 euros for a reservation in advance. The care supplement for animals or luggage is removed. Overcharging for a passenger (adult or child) can be applied from the fifth person carried.
Standard PaySlip
If it does is not mandatory, but companies who wish may establish simplified payroll. It is less and provided with clearer headings. It will be mandatory on 1 st in January 2017 to more than 300 employees of the companies and the 1 st January 2018 for all others.
Labour Law: Valls must slow down to cross the obstacle
iN aNNOUNCING YESTERDAY MORNING – in the middle of his visit to the agricultural Fair – the postponement of two weeks of the presentation by the Council of Ministers of El Khomri bill on work, Manuel Valls was able to give .. .
It will be patient, Wednesday, March 9, if you take public transportation, operated by RATP and SNCF.
For the first time since 2013, the unions of the RU call set to strike in defense of working conditions of “high level” and demand higher wages. It is also on this basis that the same day, the RATP will strike. “The glaring lack of responses to our requests and uncertainty that you weigh the fate of Railway force us to react,” write the four organizations representing the public group (CGT, Unsa, SUD, CFDT) in their joint notice sent Monday. This covers the period from Tuesday, March 8 at 19:00 on Thursday, 10 March at 8:00. In the meantime, organizations need to be again received.
The SNCF “regretted” the filing notice “may penalize travelers” while “on all items related to the work plan there are appointments discussion took, “said she argued. It is also March 9 retained by the youth organizations, the CGT and other opponents of the El Khomri bill calling for the street the outright withdrawal of the text, which will eventually be presented to the Council of Ministers March 24.
a first since 2013
the unions of the SNCF, deeply divided by the railway reform, no longer had joined forces at the national level since June 2013. This strike last unit was then observed by about 70% of train drivers and controllers, and four out of ten trains had rolled on average, according to SNCF. With one voice, the unions today denounced a “catastrophic” job management while trains are removed in many regions due to lack of staff in 2016, when the train is still 1 400 redundancies over departures the unrecovered pension. Apart from a general wage increase, they demand guarantees “high social status” for the railway in the future rules of common work to the railway sector, the socially most delicate part of the reform passed in 2014, currently under discussion with the government and the companies concerned.
discussions, which concern both passenger transport and freight, must establish rules of work organization and counterparties to the high flexibility required of railwaymen. Their definition has a direct impact on the productivity of the SNCF as its private competitors. “You said to have intervened with the government on some points, but we are still far from the account,” say the unions, unhappy with the basis proposed by the Secretary of State for Transport, which gives up to 15 March to improve its draft “Decree base.”
black day at the RATP also
the railway unions denounce recent weeks the “inaction” of the transport Union public and rail (UTP, which includes the train and its private competitors), which still has not unveiled their proposals. With this notice, “is meant to send a warning shot to the government, UTP and SNCF,” said Agence France Presse Didier Aubert, head of the CFDT-Cheminots. “The outcome of these negotiations will impact the lives and work but also the quality and safety of rail transportation (…) the interest of the railway, as users freight and passenger, is that the negotiations result in social standards high level, “said the CGT in a file on the subject posted Monday.
for users of the RATP, March 9 also looks difficult since SUD (15.3 %) confirmed on Monday as he called the CGT (30.4%) as at the strike that day. March 9 was the date chosen for initially opening the mandatory annual negotiations (NAO), finally staggered two-day by the management of the authority. CGT-RATP application “300 euros for all” immediately and a rise of 3% of the point base for the calculation of wages, while South demands a 5% increase.
The government provides two additional weeks to review its copy. Manuel Valls, the prime minister, announced Monday, February 29, the presentation of El Khomri bill on the reform of the labor code will be postponed for a “fifteen days” . The text, assailed by unions and part of the left, will be presented by the Cabinet on March 24, not March 9, as originally planned. This does “changes very little from the original parliamentary calendar” , assured the Prime Minister.
Mr. Valls assured be open to discussion for “correct what needs to be” . He spoke to the Agricultural Fair:
“It takes up a number of misunderstandings, we must explain, answer a series of false information which are given on the text. “
Read also: labor law reform: Holland prefer to avoid recourse to 49-3
Mr. Valls wants to “to reserve the right to change (the text) if needed” , commented Minister Emmanuel Macron economy. The prime minister, however, denied any setback: “The decline, it would abandon the text. “ This report is intended to ” move the text without going back on its principles “ were known earlier government sources.
Mr. Valls said he would consult, from next week, “all social partners, trade unions and employers’ organizations, one after the other” . He said he then will “to bring together” , with Myriam El Khomri, the labor minister, and Emmanuel Macron, the Minister of Economy, “to return the debate “
Read also:. Labour law: the executive requested to review its
Clashes in the press
This new posture of Mr. Valls shows a change in tone, at least on the method. So far, the Executive had indeed opted for an extreme firmness of speech. An interview of the Minister of Labour to the Voices , February 17, had set fire to the powder. “We will take our responsibilities” , said M me El Khomri, questioned the possible use of Article 49-3 (adoption of a text without a vote, except confidence motion) to get this text, as for Macron law in 2015.
this possibility, even before the filing of the bill in Parliament, had aroused strong opposition within the Socialist Party, already strongly divided on the vote of the required constitutional reform by Francois Hollande, President of the Republic, and including deprivation of nationality for perpetrators of terrorist crimes.
in an article vitriolic published Wednesday with Le Monde , Martine Aubry denounced a “weakened France” which would lead the MM policy. Holland and Valls. The Prime Minister was in passing
scratched for his “indecent Munich speech” , in which he criticized the policies of Angela Merkel to refugees.
Read the full interview of Martine Aubry: “A sustainable weakening of France is preparing”
Petition against the Bill
on labor front, this small report before presenting the Council of Ministers was urged on Sunday by Lawrence Berger, the general secretary of the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT). “We have to start a dialogue on” , had advocated M. Berger, unhappy with a text by leaving him too much space to the “flexibility” and the decisions “employer’s unilateral” at the expense of employees. “The points made by Berger to be taken into account” , considered Monday a government source
Done unpublished since 2013, an inter a dozen organizations. – CFDT , French Confederation of General Confederation of Professionals-mentoring (CFE-CGC), General Confederation of Labour (CGT), Federation of unitary unions (FSU), Union Solidarity union (SUD), national Union of autonomous unions (UNSA), Union national students of France (UNEF), national Union schoolgirl (UNL) and independent and Democratic Federation schoolgirl (LDIF) – had gathered Tuesday to denounce “a project developed without real consultation” . An online petition against the bill, initiated by the feminist Caroline de Haas, had gathered Monday afternoon over 785 000 signatures.
“The reform must remain very ambitious “
Meanwhile, the employers’ organizations said Monday that the postponement of the presentation of the work on the bill would allow for ” make education “, but warned the government against any “fading” text facing the “slingshot” a part of the left. “ The reform must remain very ambitious” , reacted spokesman of Medef, the main employers’ association.
A message relayed by François Asselin, a number of the CGPME organization representing small and medium enterprises, which expressed concern “a step backwards” . “By trying to make France a social paradise, we will make an economic desert” , he regretted.
Read also : working time, dismissal, industrial tribunal: what is in the bill of El Khomri
the party Republicans believe that with this report “we are witnessing the implosion Live from the majority “. “We’ll see if a text is submitted [Parliament] one is eager to discuss this item after item project” on Monday said Guillaume Larrivé, spokesman party. According to him, “it is urgent to change the parameters of labor laws to enable companies to hire more easily,” . Republicans are “support the principle of the El Khomri law” , but want to go “further” , said Eric Woerth, the secretary general of the party.
Is this a start of retreat? They spoke of forced passage with 49.3, but eventually the redesign of the Labour Code will be slightly delayed in time. Manuel Valls announced Monday the postponement of “fifteen days” the presentation of the bill on the Labour Cabinet, originally scheduled for March 9, but strongly opposed by the left and the unions. According to a source, it will be presented Thursday, March 24 by the cabinet, having exceptional place that week on a Thursday and not Wednesday because of a visit to Brussels by Prime Minister on 23 March.
“it takes up a number of misunderstandings, we must explain, answer a series of false information given on this text. So we are going to give us a few extra days before entering the Cabinet, two weeks probably, what does not change much from the initial parliamentary calendar was expected, “said from the Salon of agriculture Prime Minister, who denied any retreat: “the retreat, it would abandon the text. “” I’ll get in a week probably, all the social partners, trade unions and employers’ organizations, one after the others, “he added the Prime Minister. He said he next step is to “bring the power”, with ministers Myriam El Khomri (Labour) and Emmanuel Macron (Economics), “return to the debate.”
Mélenchon welcomes “a first victory”
The first reactions were not long in coming. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who “offered” his candidacy for president, welcomed the postponement, but continues to ask for the “total withdrawal”. “Report of the #LoiTravail: first win. Long live the # 9mars! Complete withdrawal of the law! “Tweeted former presidential candidate in 2012 in the minutes that followed the announcement of the postponement by Manuel Valls. Citing a “law of the return of the past” in a post broadcast Sunday blog, Jean-Luc Mélenchon quipped: “Manuel Valls did not take sufficient account of the use of child labor to meet the challenge of competitiveness, flexibility and modernity. “It held that” the will to fight spread like wildfire crystallizes all the hatreds that the government creates “,
deeming that state the text would” put the daily lives of employees in tatters “and” not create (it) not a single job. “
for his part Eric Coquerel, policy coordinator of the left Party, described the report as” first retreat, “recalling the planned mobilization on 9 March. “A delay of 15 days is a first retreat of #valls: push until you remove the #loielkhomri. The 9/3 is mobilized! #OnVautMieuxQueCa “Said he tweeted.
A motion of censure in case of 49.3
Discontent grew in recent weeks against the bill. A petition is circulating on the Internet and won a great success. On the policy side, the left, we cringe. PS MP Christian Paul, leader of “slingers” said that “nothing (was) excluded” on a possible motion of censure against the law work when using the 49.3 criticizing again the orientation “liberal” given by Manuel Valls. Christian Paul is a part, with Martine Aubry, signatories of the platform Le Monde accusing François Hollande and Manuel Valls “the weakening of France.” This forum has he said on i & gt; TV is “a halt facing a coup”: Bill on work
“This text may not. go to state before Parliament. Others suggested that it suspends or postpones it, in the words of Laurent Berger, the CFDT. Frankly, it is not within a few months “, developed Christian Paul. “If Article 49.3 is used on a text which I believe it is not good for the country, it weakens the collective protection, the left goes astray on the wrong track, obviously the issue ( the motion of censure) will arise and we will look into consciousness. But I do not despair that it be deeply rewritten, or simply removed, “said the deputy of the Nievre. On a motion of censure, “nothing is excluded, there is no taboo,” he said.
The Board of Directors of Gameloft met this Friday, February 26, 2016 and took note of the bid project Vivendi filed with the AMF on February 18, 2016. unanimously, he found that the project of Vivendi’s offer is contrary to the interests of Gameloft, its shareholders, its employees and its customers.
This finding is based on four main reasons:
- The lack of industrial rational of this proposed merger. Since the sale there is more than one year of its games business, Vivendi, whose turnover is overwhelmingly generated by pay TV with Canal + and music with Universal Music, has no activity likely to bring synergies to Gameloft. In independent company Gameloft has all the assets in place since its creation to continue the implementation of its industrial plan to capitalize on the growth of the mobile gaming industry and in particular the very strong growth market programmatic mobile advertising. - Inadequate financial terms of the offer, in view of the intrinsic value and prospects of Gameloft, already partially reflected in the share price Gameloft. - Destabilization teams Gameloft resulting from this hostile bid and in particular its creative and very attached to their management independence of the company. - The terms of the rise in Gameloft's capital by Vivendi since September 22, 2015, who deceived and harmed the minority shareholders who sold their shares to Vivendi.
The Board of Directors will meet in due to give its opinion on the terms of the public offer in accordance with
applicable regulations.
About Gameloft
A leading publisher of digital and social games, Gameloft (R) has positioned itself since 2000 as one of the most innovative companies in its field. Gameloft creates games for all digital platforms and with a monthly audience of 147 million unique players offer via Gameloft Advertising Solutions, a visibility and unique commitment to advertisers. Gameloft has its own franchises like Asphalt (R), Order & amp; Chaos, Modern Combat or Dungeon Hunter, and also works with major rights holders International including Universal, Illumination Entertainment, Disney (R), Marvel (R), Hasbro (R), Fox Digital Entertainment, Mattel (R) and Ferrari (R). Gameloft is present on all continents, distributes its games in over 100 countries and has 6,000 employees. Gameloft is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris. Gameloft is listed on the OTC market in the United States (ADR Sponsored Level 1 Code: GLOFY).
For more information, visit
The game publisher on mobile Gameloft said Monday, Feb. 29 that its board unanimously rejected the bid from Vivendi filed February 18, considering that it was “contrary to the interests of Gameloft , its shareholders, its employees and its customers.”
the Board of Directors has denounced such “lack of industrial rational of this proposed merger,” the lack of financial terms of the offer “and” the terms of the increased stake in Gameloft by Vivendi since September 22, 2015, who deceived and harmed the minority shareholders who sold their shares to Vivendi. “
” since the sale there is more than one year its games business, Vivendi, whose turnover is overwhelmingly generated by pay TV with Canal + and music with Universal music, no longer has any activity likely to bring synergies to Gameloft “, the statement said.
destabilization teams
the french media group was in fact totally disengaged from the American publisher of games video Activision Blizzard since the summer of 2013, affecting the way a little over ten billion. Vivendi also conducting an offensive for several months on another editor of video games, Ubisoft, whose CEO Yves Guillemot is the brother of Michael, who founded Gameloft
“as an independent company, Gameloft has all the assets in place since its creation to continue the implementation of its industrial plan to take advantage of growth industry mobile gaming and in particular the very strong market growth of programmatic mobile advertising, “the statement said.
the game publisher also deplores” the destabilization of teams Gameloft resulting from this hostile bid and in particular its creative and very committed to the management independence of the company. ” Vivendi filed a takeover bid on Gameloft at a price of 6 euros per share, valuing the company at around 512 million euros.
the group led by Vincent Bolloré held on February 18, 30.01% of the capital and 26.72% of voting rights Gameloft , according to the AMF. The Board of Directors of Gameloft “to meet later to express his opinion on the terms of the public offer,” the statement said.
Manuel Valls he will receive the same welcome that François Hollande? Expected Monday at the Agricultural Fair, the Prime Minister will plunge into the turbulent arena of Porte de Versailles. The head of government has planned to arrive before 7:00, the milking time, well before the landing of visitors, but when the fairways breeders are already full.
It is they who primarily signed overflows the passage of François Hollande, linking names of birds and whistles, after attempting an honor guard his back to the presidential motorcade, pushed by a muscular order service.
Premier also comes a few hours of the official end of business Monday night at midnight negotiations between industrial and retail (GMS), accused of driving prices down by training farmers in this downward spiral. For ten days, the main actors – food manufacturers and agricultural officials – take turns to denounce the “harder than ever negotiations” with representatives of the GMS, which sometimes take the shape of a “guard view “as an industrial speaking on condition of anonymity.
an amendment to the 2008 law
” We called the signs of large distribution to exercise solidarity by not lowering prices during trade negotiations in 2016, “warned last week Manuel Valls. On Saturday, President Hollande hit hard and warned dealers: while “the state does not set prices,” he acknowledged, but it can and “must put pressure on distributors for true recognition of the farmer’s work, “he said. The Head of State intends to change “before the summer” the law of modernization of the economy (LME), adopted in 2008 under the previous five-year period to ensure better protection of the producer, the poor relation of these negotiations, and he “is not used as an adjustment variable” to preserve margins of middlemen and distributors.
“be careful what
you will do in the next 48 hours because it will determine the content this next law “, he launched the bosses of major retailers. For farmers, the LME they call “Leclerc Act”, according to the hypermarkets and supermarkets of the same name, establishes freedom of price negotiation between the central purchasing of supermarkets and their suppliers. A system that allows the first to impose their prices and demand reductions that penalize producers. “A law tailored for Michel-Édouard Leclerc by his friend Sarkozy” and accuses Bruno, a dairy farmer from the Morbihan.
The “appeals for calm”
These purely French difficulties relating to extreme concentration of large retail chains in France, defended by four central purchasing, in addition to a cyclical crisis of overproduction, falling demand and Russian embargo that weighs the latter especially the price of pork. For his part, Xavier Beulin, the boss of the powerful FNSEA agricultural union first in the country, denounced these “bosses teaches hand on heart that gently come tell us that all is well, they themselves will take their responsibilities “while their groups demand decreases” – 4% – 8% on all food products. ” “Are we may have as detestable attitude? “Has he asked.
Xavier Beulin has launched” appeals for calm “to the arrival of Manuel Valls, with whom he gets along well, without excluding other” spontaneous movements “moody or angry after dismantling Saturday of the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture and the boos accompanied by insults against Francois Hollande.
Five months after the exfiltration of pilot Fauret Pascal and Bruno Odos, sentenced to 20 years in prison in Santo Domingo for drug trafficking, Egypt announced yesterday the extradition to the Dominican Republic Christopher Naudin.
This criminologist and specialist in aviation security had been arrested on February 4 in Cairo because of an arrest warrant issued by the Dominican Republic. He is accused of having helped organize the exfiltration pilot in late October.
Former military converted in business aviation, the two were arrested in March 2013 by the Dominican authorities to commands a rental plane: in suitcases, 680 kilos of cocaine . In August 2015, they were sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking, but have always protested their innocence.
A exfiltration by sea
Two months after conviction on 28 October 2015, while on parole with ban on leaving the territory in pending the examination of their appeal, the two drivers fled the Dominican Republic by boat and joined the Franco-Dutch Caribbean island of St. Martin.
They were then flying in the Martinique . then had won, always by air, the city
RTL, Christophe Naudin explained then:
C ‘was a rescue of two persons sentenced to death had they remained on
site. “
according to the criminologist,” a dozen “people had participated in the operation, including of former sailors and soldiers.
International arrest warrants
in early November 2015, the two drivers were placed custody by a French court, which investigates this vast international drug trafficking. They are covered by an international arrest warrant issued by the Dominican Republic, but France rules out extradition.
At the end of November, an arrest warrant was also issued by justice Dominican against three French involved in the exfiltration:
on February 11, 2016, the sentencing of two pilots to 20 years in prison was upheld on appeal by the Dominican justice “C ‘is a big hoax from the start with a country that is locked up in a scandalous denial of justice “while denouncing Fauret Sabine, wife of one of them.
THE SCAN POLICY – In announcing the extension of the lifespan of nuclear power plants for 10 years, Segolene Royal is accused of betraying the spirit of the Energy Transition Act (LTE)
This ad is not likely to help the ecologist galaxy to pick up his tracks. Invited this Sunday 12/13 France 3 on Sunday, the Minister of Ecology and Energy, Segolene Royal, has declared itself ready to give its “green light” to the extension of the lifespan of nuclear power plants French for ten years. The reactors would therefore their period of operation from 40 to 50 years. The minister said that the decision came “in the context of the decline in the share of nuclear power from 75 to 50% in electricity production to ramp up renewable”, a provision under the transitional law energy (LTE) adopted in August 2015.
This argument does not convince everyone among environmentalists, sustainably shared since the last realignment between the support for the government and a “left opposition” in line the executive. “I hear that Ségolène Royal puts to death the Energy Transition Act by extending nuclear power plants 10 years. Ecology, that’s it “, has outraged the temporary boss on Twitter Europe Ecology-Greens (EELV) David Cormand. According to the spokesman of the party Julien Bayou, Segolene Royal is “irresponsible.” “Extending nuclear power plants is running risks to the French. And delay the development of renewable energy. Economic realism is turn the expensive and dangerous nuclear page to initiate the development of renewable energy, “he judge on the social network.
” This announcement is obviously a blow for ecology, but also for the French population. It’s mostly a humiliation for environmentalists entered the government, and ad delivery to an individual promotion poaching related to their careers “, asserts in his by the deputy mayor of Bègles Christmas Mamère, joined by Scan. “It was an open secret, as the boss of EDF Jean-Bernard Levy had suggested it a few days ago. This shows how energy policies beyond the policy to be dictated by the pro-nuclear lobby. We are facing the political schizophrenia, “he continues. “The commitments of the President of the Republic will not tenable, it would actually close 25 reactors. The safety of French is at stake “
When asked by BFM Sunday, the deputy François
de Rugy did not show reassured by this announcement.” What is certain is that it’s not going in the direction of LTE which was adopted last year and aims to rebalance the electricity production in France between renewable and nuclear in 2025 “. Yet close secretaries of State Jean-Vincent Place and Barbara Pompili, he develops his analysis for Scan “Royal said that this ad should be compatible with the energy transition law. So that means it will still close in parallel over old reactors. So better start now to close older plants as Fessenheim and Tricastin, Bugey, etc. As electricity consumption stagnates or regresses, to reduce the share of nuclear power from 75 to 50%, it is necessary to close a number of reactors rather than prolong them, which also is very expensive. No doubt that Ségolène Royal said this to show to EDF that all options are on the table. But economically and financially, there will be no miracles, “said co-chair of the Green Group in the Assembly.
” Royal said that this ad must be compatible with the LTE: then it means that it will close in parallel even old reactors “
close to the Minister of Housing Emmanuelle Cosse, the Vice President of the national Assembly Denis Baupin was less critical on Twitter: “the most limiting factor for the extension of nuclear reactors is that EDF has not the means.” Before scanning for Scan criticism of the Minister of Ecology. “ The usual protesters protesting … It should not stick to one title to press reports. Ségolène Royal has only specify the scope of the reduction in the share of nuclear in the planned LTE. To accompany a nuclear phase-out, it is necessary to extend the life of existing ones, allowing not to build new ones. Furthermore, the Minister has placed this extension under the supervision of the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), to determine the amount of investment needed. Faced with the lack of resources, EDF should not restore older plants, “he says, before returning his colleagues EELV” review their records. ”
FRANKFURT (Reuters) – the European Central Bank (ECB) could inject more liquidity into the system financial eurozone, said Sunday the governor of the Bank of France (BoF) to a German newspaper, explaining that the weakness in oil prices was likely to have a long term negative impact on the economies of the region.
“The temporary fall in oil prices is not in itself a sufficient reason,” said Villeroy Galhau the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. “But if the low price of energy has long lasting effects, we must act. That seems to be the case but we will see in March.”
The Governing Council of the ECB must meet March 10 to discuss a possible change in policy rates and a possible further amplification of its asset purchase program to support the economy of the eurozone and boost inflation.
François Villeroy de Galhau added that it would be possible to increase the amount of redemptions in excess of € 60 billion a month being made.
“We are ready to act, but we must first see where are economic statistics,”
he added.
The first estimate of inflation in the euro zone in February, a figure closely watched by the ECB before its March meeting will be published on Monday. Economists polled by Reuters expect that prices have stagnated over the past month compared with February 2015, after rising 0.3% year on year in January.
(John O’Donnell, Juliette Rouillon for the French service, edited by Marc Angrand)
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Emmanuel Macron shows credentials. Sunday, in an interview with JDD , the Economy Minister has chosen to relay the message of reconciliation Late executive on the proposed El Khomri law. “The Prime Minister said he intended to continue the dialogue,” he says. The government is listening and does not consider that everything is intangible. “ This is to confirm that the executive side, the doors are now open to develop a text that threatens to ignite the left, between lifting union shield, fever Socialists and petition against the bill in a few days, brought together more than 700,000 signatories via a mobilization on the Web. It is also providing implicit support to the process launched now.
A rallying for Macron which was not without hesitation. For in his entourage, the warnings were made urgent. For several parliamentarians who are among his relatives, the brutality with which Manuel Valls presented the labor reform – suggesting that the government would not hesitate to have recourse to Article 49.3 in case of rebellion from his evil -augurait majority of ‘to come up. Without a doubt, they said to the minister, the project of El Khomri law would turn into political bedlam. Better to stay away Macron discussions or refuse to defend the text in April before the National Assembly if the Matignon committed there. “If he wants to” go after “Valls has to go alone!” vituperates a Socialist deputy, ulcerated ‘Bonapartism’ the growing head of government.
“You can not bully any”
especially as anxious to resume the reformist leadership that the Minister of Economy fight him in the eyes of opinion, the Prime Minister had held Macron well away from ongoing operations. Even integrate in extremis to the bill, careless or prior teaching, several high potential flammable provisions that were originally included in the draft law on the new economic opportunities (NOE) as prepared Macron finally buried mid- January. This is true of the easing of redundancies as the cap prud’homales compensation for dismissal, two strong claims of MEDEF and AFEP, the powerful lobby of large French companies.
Read also
Désintox the “true-false” government on “Labour law”
Now, for Macron, the method is essential if we want to achieve. “We are at a time the five year where we just can not bully because it would take the risk of closing the debate for a long time without having solved the problems, he tells the JDD. this is what happened ten years ago with the CEP [the first employment contract, the Villepin government increased strength in 2006, but that has not been applied because of the large street mobilizations, note] . France has unfortunately accustomed to projects launched on real issues but ill-fitted, end up in the tension and political omerta. “ An implicit criticism of the way to the Prime Minister who resisted the double reading of the Elysée and Matignon … as for the assumption of power by text passage in parliament, Macron prefer to avoid: “I think that’s not the issue when starting a work of conviction. “
Easing the labor code, a necessity
However, the economy minister can stand without betraying. Bill, the Liberal fully shares the spirit and recommendations. Loosen the labor code is for him a necessity if we want to enable young and less qualified to get a job. “Our system is inadequate: it was designed for those working in CDI in a large group, but only 13% of new hires are in CDI, he justifies. The rest is a hyperprécarité [...] To address this situation, our project is that everyone has access to a permanent contract. “ In line with Hollande, he therefore favors in favor of a text, not amputated his controversial provisions but enriched on topics such as personal business account or training for the unemployed. Not sure that’s enough to calm the rumbling.
VIDEO – The stand of the brand group Bigard, a number of slaughter in France, was sprayed with a fire extinguisher and thirty kilos of flour. Charal “regrets acts of vandalism”, for his part said the company.
At the Agricultural Fair, the strokes of brilliance one after the other. Saturday, Hollande was greeted by breeders boos and insults. Later, the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture was dismantled by activists of the FNSEA. This Sunday, cattle breeders sprayed with a fire extinguisher and flour booth Charal, brand group Bigard a number of slaughter in France to denounce its price policy.
“When Bigard takes 100 euros there by 8 for the producer, “explained the public breeders in red tee-shirt marked” Our profession has a price, “while distributing fake 100 euro note. “When you pay the meat between 17 and 20 euros a kilo, we know that we pay to 2.50 to 3 euros,” also commented Pierre Vaugarny megaphone, secretary general of the Federation Nationale Bovine (FNB), which called for the event with the support of the FNSEA, represented by its Secretary General Dominique Barrau. Meanwhile, a group of breeders sprinkled behind the Charal stand with an extinguisher and scattered thirty kilos of flour.
“As a responsible player , Charal has brought and will continue to make its full contribution to defend the French beef industry “
the instruction was to avoid violence after stormy reception the day before President Francois Hollande and the dismantling of the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture. “Charal regret vandalism suffered on its stand at agricultural show,”
responded the company, in a statement, saying “includes (re) difficulties cattle ranchers who fall under the structural and cyclical causes why answers can only be concerted and collective “.
” significant player in the French beef industry, Charal buys always been at the heart of the French breeding ponds. As a responsible, Charal has brought and will continue to make its full contribution to defend the French beef industry, “argued the group, noting that 100% of the chopped pieces of meat and burgers are French. Pierre Vaugarny, the objective of this brief demonstration was to draw public attention to the omnipotence of the Bigard group, which totals half of slaughter capacity in France and refuses any dialogue with the profession. “Even when the minister calls the M. Bigard refuses to come and explain,” he said.
Last summer the group had refused to participate in setting a price minimum purchase meat producers at round tables organized in the department. The union leader also said to show visitors the concept of “ore”, which consists of meat scraps mixed with fat and collagen used in particular for ready meals, which degrades meat and behind it, the animal, a notion purely commercial and industrial raw material. “Talking ore is symbolic of industrial drift behind it,” he insists. “What the consumer buys meat anyway? I dream you came to seek Charolais or Blonde d’Aquitaine “.
The Minister of Ecology and Energy, Segolene Royal, said Sunday, February 28 be “ready to give (the) green light” to the extension of ten years of the life of French nuclear power plants, which would increase from 40 to 50 years. “Yes, I’m ready to give that green light, subject to the advice of the Nuclear Safety Authority” (ASN), said Ségolène Royal on France 3, adding that these plants operated by EDF “are already depreciated, therefore produce a cheaper electricity. “
This decision however would enter” in the context of the decline in the share of nuclear power from 75 to 50% in electricity production to ramp up the renewable “, as provided by the energy transition law passed last year, she recalled.
nuclear Security
the boss of EDF, Jean-Bernard Levy, had said in mid-February that “the state (were) agreed that we modernize the current fleet so that the life that was designed for 40 years, we climbed to 50 and 60 years, provided that nuclear security is guaranteed “.
the energy transition law plans to cut 50% from the atom in electricity production in France in 2025 and capped at its current level of 63.2 gigawatts of nuclear generation in the country. This last provision will force EDF to close two reactors, normally those of the Fessenheim (Haut-Rhin) to compensate for the EPR reactor Flamanville commissioning, postponed to the end of 2018. “There is no other closing expected in the next ten years, “stressed Jean-Bernard Levy.
the government will soon present its multiannual programming energy (EPP), which will detail the evolution of means of production by type of energy (nuclear, gas, renewables, etc.).
cattle farmers sprayed with a fire extinguisher and flour Charal the booth, mark the Bigard group a number of slaughter in France to denounce its pricing policy on Sunday in Agricultural Fair. “When Bigard takes 100 euros, there are 8 for the producer,” explained the public breeders in red tee-shirt marked “Our profession has a price,” while distributing fake 100 euro note.
“When you pay the meat between 17 and 20 euros a kilo, we know that we pay to 2.50 to 3 euros,” also commented Pierre Vaugarny megaphone, secretary general of the Federation Nationale bovine ( ETFs), which called for the event with the support of the FNSEA – represented by its Secretary General Dominique Barrau. Meanwhile, a group of breeders sprinkled behind the Charal stand with an extinguisher and scattered thirty kilos of flour.
The instruction was to avoid violence after the stormy reception monitors President Francois Hollande and the dismantling of the stand of the Ministry of Agriculture. Pierre Vaugarny, the objective of this brief demonstration was to draw public attention to the omnipotence of the Bigard group, which totals half of slaughter capacity in France and refuses any dialogue with the profession. “Even when the minister calls the M. Bigard refuses to come and explain,” said he said.
A stagnant during
The last summer, the group had refused to participate in the fixing of a minimum purchase price for meat producers at round tables organized in the department. The union leader also said visitors to the show the concept of “ore”, which consists of meat scraps mixed with fat and collagen used in particular for ready meals, which degrades the meat and, behind it, the animal has a concept purely commercial and industrial raw materials.
“Talking ore is symbolic of industrial drift that is behind, he insists. What the consumer buys meat, exactly? I dream you came to seek Charolais or Blonde d’Aquitaine. “Since last summer, cattle ranchers, faced with a sluggish course, demanding a revaluation of their products to balance their production costs and designate processors and supermarkets as the main cause of their slump. The Bigard group boasts an annual turnover of EUR 4.3 billion and employs 14 000 employees.
The meeting was open to a charge of violent German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble against stimulus policies. He believed that fiscal stimulus “have lost their effectiveness” and the ultra-accommodative monetary policies “could become counterproductive” in view of their potential adverse effects.
At the end of two days in Shanghai, the central bankers of the G20 finally called Saturday possible to use “all tools” to support the economy, while the global recovery appears “uneven and short of the ambitions “and that particular burden on growth” the shock of a possible exit from the United Kingdom to the European Union “.
The G20 countries have therefore agreed to use monetary and fiscal stimulus policies in order to strengthen a global economy down according to a statement released draft Saturday by Bloomberg News. The text particularly stresses the need for major central banks to continue or even increase their already ultra-accommodative policies.
“Monetary policy will continue to support activity and ensure price stability”, even though they alone can “lead to sustainable growth,” said the statement, whose final will be unveiled Saturday night. Fiscal policy, which is for states to inflate their public expenditure in order to consolidate the business, should be implemented “flexibly”, says the draft statement.
“Do more” to restore growth
“The central bankers said they were ready to do more if necessary” even if monetary policy “can not solve everything,” confirmed Saturday the French Finance Minister Michel Sapin. Certainly “no one asks a concerted
fiscal stimulus globally, contrary to what has been decided in 2009″ in a financial crisis, he added. However, “we request that countries in a better position” take the opportunity to act more vigorously, he insisted.
Washington lobbied for months for States that have surplus use to support demand, thinly veiled reference to Germany. There can be “historic and cultural reluctance” of some countries to pass up public spending, acknowledged Michel Sapin, in a clear evocation of fiscal orthodoxy Berlin. But “we are in a situation that makes it necessary to use all the room for maneuver when they exist,” he insisted.
“potential impact” of Brexit
In fact, the text of the G20 list the warning signs of plummeting commodity prices to market turbulence, while fizzle engines of global growth. The draft communique also lists potentially destabilizing geopolitical risks, pointing the influx of migrants in Europe and “the potential impact of an output of the United Kingdom of the European Union”, which will be settled by the June 23 referendum.
“We must do more to achieve our common goals” of growth “strong and lasting”, the ministers go. “We will use all the tools – monetary, budgetary and structural – individually and collectively” to “safeguard and strengthen the recovery.”
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| Update:
Archive. Christophe Naudin, a criminologist and specialist in aviation security was arrested on February 4 in Egypt. screen Capture / BFM TV
the criminologist and specialist in aviation security had been arrested on February 4 in Cairo because of a warrant of warrant issued by the Dominican Republic. He helped organize the exfiltration late October, pilot Pascal Fauret Odos and Bruno, both sentenced to 20 years in prison by the Dominican justice for drug trafficking in the case known as Air Cocaine.
VIDEO. Christophe Naudin arrested in Egypt
On Saturday, Egyptian prosecutor ordered the extradition of Mr. Naudin, said a senior official of the Interior Ministry who requested the ‘anonymity. “The procedures for his extradition will start Sunday,” said the official. “We have just been informed of the imminent decision of the Attorney General of Cairo extradition of my husband in the Dominican Republic,” said Michèle Naudin.
In late November, the Dominican Republic had issued a warrant international arrest warrant against Mr. Naudin, MEP Aymeric Chauprade and Peter Malinowski, the parliamentary assistant to Strasbourg Jean-Marie Le Pen (former President of the extreme right National Front party) for their involvement in the escape of two french pilots.
20 years in prison for two French pilots
The drivers Bruno and Pascal Fauret Odos were arrested in March 2013 by the Dominican authorities flying a planeload rental suitcases containing 680 kg of cocaine. former military
converted in business aviation, pilots have always maintained their innocence.
VIDEO. Christophe Naudin tells the escape of the two pilots
On October 28, while on parole with ban on leaving the territory pending the examination of their appeal, the two men secretly left the Dominican Republic in incredible conditions and moved to France.
Shortly after their return, they were remanded in early November by the French courts, which investigation of this vast international drug trafficking. On February 11, the Dominican Justice confirmed on appeal the sentence to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking two French pilots.
VIDEO. Christophe Naudin considers that his “work of the State”
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various Facts
Air cocaine: the Egypt will extradite Naudin to the Dominican Republic
Egypt to extradite him to the Dominican Republic the french Christophe Naudin, wanted by Santo Domingo for his involvement in the escape of two french pilots sentenced to terms of imprisonment in a drug trafficking case, …
During his visit to the salon of Agriculture Saturday, February 27, the President of the Republic has expressed his desire to revise the law to modernize the economy or LME, passed in 2008 under President Nicolas Sarkozy and oversees negotiations between retailers and suppliers “There are pressures to be exerted here in France on retail, said Hollande. a law was passed a few years ago. It needs to be reviewed. ”
Adopted in August 2008, at the beginning of the quinquennium of Nicolas Sarkozy, the LME establishes freedom of price negotiation between the central purchasing of supermarkets and their suppliers. The idea underlying the time being to increase the purchasing power of consumers, fostering rate reductions.
The LME, with its liberal orientation, ending the Galland law which governed relations between manufacturers and retailers since 1996, which forbade merchants to sell products below the price at which they had bought. In fact, the time of the Galland law, distributors circumventing the ban by charging back margins, ie required their suppliers of deferred rebates.
price race ever lower
If the LME and the Chatel law in 2008 have severely limited the use of these back margins, farmers complain that the current system of having too deregulated distributors / tariff negotiations and especially not to take into account the interests of producers, who are not part of the negotiations, held mainly between retail chains and food manufacturers.
farmers n ‘ so have repeatedly denounced a “race to ever lower prices” and call the authorities to rebalance the relations in their favor. Especially since farmers face a rise in their costs due to the then high grain prices which increase significantly the cost of feeding their livestock.
They seek to pass on to industrial and mass distribution rising production costs. But they refuse to take into account the increases in the name of preserving the purchasing power of consumers.
Adjustments in 2013/2014
Adjustments to the LME were taken two years to balance the power relations in trade negotiations between the upstream dies and distributors. Are then included in contracts negotiated between producers, processors and retailers, of “renegotiation clauses” that integrate the evolution of production costs, highly dependent on fluctuations in the commodities market.
To promote loyalty and transparency, counterparties related to a price reduction should be formalized in the annual agreement fixing the outcome of commercial negotiations, to be verifiable. But the players in the agricultural sector in crisis repeat that the device is not respected by the retail chains which retain the advantage in this balance of power.
New review planned before summer
While the annual price negotiations between buyers of supermarkets and their suppliers are completed in two days, President Francois Hollande said Saturday at the agricultural Fair that the LME should “be reviewed” and the need to put pressure on the supermarkets to it avoids stress by the price war difficulties of farmers.
the Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll said to share the need to “indicate in these tripartite negotiations that producers should also be involved.”
Make cleaning and prepare the transformation of the sector. It is the ambition of the draft plan presented yesterday to the social partners by Laurent Grandguillaume, socialist deputy of the Côte-d’Or (Photo) and mediator in the conflict between professionals of public transport persons: taxi, VTC and Loti (exclusively shared taxis).
A report that gives pride to taxis, assured to remain “a key player”, but who wants to modernize the sector through digital deals , as proposed Uber type platforms.
massive controls. the report recommends first doing housework “by enforcing the law.” This will require a “massive implementation of controls” on the ground to verify in particular that Loti do not carry individual passengers and the VTC platforms to provide well to the authorities the information required by law. Controls also increased the tax, and for everyone: operators, drivers, platforms and intermediaries. In this context, it is proposed to make irremovable and inviolable signage distinguishes taxis
passenger cars with driver (VTC) and Loti.
End of paid licenses. at the heart of the dispute between taxi newcomers that are the VTC and Loti, the “licenses”, sold at exorbitant prices, should “gradually disappear” according to Laurent Grandguillaume, which provides an “accompaniment” of troubled and drivers a “guarantee fund for termination of service” powered by “a contribution based on the sector.” That is to say, ultimately, the consumer. This fund should help redeem the license at the time of retirement taxis to replace them free and non-transferable licenses.
An observatory and training. The mediator wants a “national observatory of demand and mobility service” and a “common core curriculum” integrating “a charter of good conduct” with regard to clients.
Few reactions. the VTC applications Federation is given the weekend to analyze the plan. Only Didier Hogrel, president of the National Federation of the taxi, reacted. The plan “is going in the right direction,” he said, citing “the purchase of licenses to their original purchase price” and “the fiscal and social control everyone.”
The head of state has spent six hours yesterday, the Agricultural Show. An eventful visit, punctuated by whistles, sometimes even breeders insults and exchanges (the cons) rather muscular.
the names of birds have blended yesterday to the passage of François Hollande in Paris agricultural Show. A stand of the Ministry was vandalized and some clashes between demonstrators and security forces.
Just back from his trip to Polynesia and South America, the head of state came to rub a very public reassembled farmers, not calm at all by the recent government announcements, including lower social contributions.
Invectives, whistles and stand vandalized
A small barely an hour after arriving, Francois Hollande has undergone first invectives and whistles. A group of farmers, all dressed in black t-shirts with “I am breeder, I die,” was booed and shouted “Resign! “. The presidential visit continued while the stewards, very impressive, pressed ranks around the president. The stand of the Ministry of Agriculture has also borne the brunt of the anger of grain who dismantled. Some
clashes were also held outdoors between demonstrators and security forces. Two farmers were subject to an identity check and were released without charges.
“Anger, I hear”
“Anger, I hear, I understand, “said without interrupting his visit, the President who probably lived there the worst openings of the agricultural fair since the beginning of its mandate. But this is not surprising. The breeding world also saw the worst depressions with a general collapse in prices in most of its components: milk, pork, beef. But to hear these breeders at the show there as a misunderstanding, a non-awareness of the seriousness of their situation. “It does not move, there is nothing concrete. We want to live our profession and not survive, “will prevail Vincent, a student of a school of agriculture, not safe at all to take over the family farm. “The measures announced are zero. It’s nothing. We, what we want is the price, additional euros per tonne of milk. That is the concrete, “insists Benedict, dairy farmer near Quimper, met in the beef lobby.
A pessimism that affects young farmers
new and disturbing sign, pessimism reached the young generation . Maxime, in a farm employee is angry: “The situation is critical and employees are the first to jump.” Camille, who just Oise, says she knows ten farmers, farm neighbors of his parents, who will stop the milk in March to make cereal. Young farmers who are also surprised that their purchase of foreign milk dairies because it is cheaper than the French milk to supply their factories, “Then they slow us galore and for any liter too, they penalize us. ” The atmosphere will be heavy this week at the agricultural show.
In video The reaction of a Breton breeder Francois Hollande passage
PARIS (Reuters) – Inflation turned negative again for the first time in a year in February in France under the impact of low energy prices, a development that increases the pressure on the European Central Bank (ECB) when it is preparing new measures to counter deflation risks.
But growth of the economy in the last quarter 2015 was revised upwards to 0.3% and INSEE published at the same time Friday household consumption figures bode well for the first few months of 2016.
the institute reported a first inflation estimate over-year to -0.2% in February, while she was back into positive territory since April 2015 after a winter in the red.
the harmonized price index HICP, which allows comparisons with other countries in the eurozone, fits well down 0.1% year over year while it was expected to rise 0.1% by economists polled by Reuters.
the INSEE relies primarily falling energy prices (-6.8% yoy) linked to oil prices to explain this decline.
But it also mentions the effect of shifting the timing of school holidays in Zone C (the Paris area), which “would weigh on prices of tourism services this year” in February.
the result is a slowdown (+ 0.8%, its lowest level since April 2013) the annual change in prices of services.
“We remain in a zone inflation uncomfortably low, “said Helen Baudchon, economist at BNP Paribas,” these figures are not likely to calm concerns that may have on the dynamics of prices “.
Spain made Friday state morning of a twelve-month inflation down 0.9% in February and several German Lander have also published price indices declined.
These changes complicate the task of the ECB is concerned about the “second round
effects” of depressed oil prices and fueling speculation about a strengthening of its program of asset purchases at its meeting March 10, its target of a return to inflation close to 2% remaining very far.
Meanwhile, INSEE revised upward by 0.1 percentage points to 0.3%, the gross domestic product of France in the last quarter of 2015. the average for the year remains at 1.1%, the highest since 2011, after 0.2% in 2014.
the revision takes mainly to household consumption, slightly less low end of the year as announced initially (-0.2% after -0.4%).
Investment, the main driver of growth in the quarter was little changed (+ 0.7% against + 0.8%). It was confirmed at + 1.3% for companies but revised sharply lower for households (-1.0% against + 0.5%) despite the expected recovery of the housing market.
business inventory variation saw its contribution to the GDP quarter reassessed at +0.7 (+0.5 points in the first estimate), a high level equivalent to that of the third quarter and is likely to be corrected for coming quarters.
the 0.6% increase in purchases of household goods in January after another in December revised up to + 1.0%, however, confirms that the consumer is in the process to regain its leading role in French growth after bottoming in the fall.
the return to near normal temperatures, which drive up energy costs but also higher expenses equipment housing fueling the trend.
At the end of January, over growth of household consumption of goods, which contributes nearly 25% to GDP is 0.8%, which confirms the expectations of a solid start to the year for the French economy (consensus + 0.4% for GDP)