Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The site of Go Voyages sentenced to 15 000 euros for deceptive practices – The Parisian

The site, Go Voyages was accused of having posted rates to be misleading, as a score of other online booking sites.

Le site selling airline tickets Go Voyages has been given a fine of 15 000 euros for deceptive practices in regard to display of prices, announced on Tuesday that the Directorate of Competition that makes twenty sites for similar practices. “Go Voyages has chosen to appeal against this decision before the administrative tribunal of Paris,” said the company in a press release assuring its intention to operate “in perfect agreement with the French legislation”.

READ ALSO : Booking airline tickets online : beware of traps !

This decision was taken following the non-performance of an extent of 23 October 2015 requiring Go Travel to change the display tariff of flight tickets in the different stages of the order, indicates the general Directorate of Competition, Consumption and Repression of fraud (DGCCRF) on its website.

prices… or nearly

A survey carried out in 2016 by the DGCCRF has revealed “a widespread practice of bringing forward price reductions which are, in reality, inaccessible to most consumers,” said for its part, the secretariat of State in charge of the Trade in a press release.

These favourable prices are finally reserved “to only users from certain payment cards that are, very marginal and unsuitable to this type of purchase”, he says. “Sometimes lower than 50% on the real prize is supported by almost all of the customers, these advertised prices mislead consumers and distort the results of the comparators and hence the competition”, he says. In some cases, the price to pay was automatically increased to “at the time of the payment, while the payment card number entered by the consumer and without that it is alerted”, he adds.

twenty sites

The other

offences identified in the framework of this survey include ads price not including all the costs, and misleading information on the rights which the consumer may claim reimbursement of the airport taxes.

practices of this nature, in degrees more or less important, have been identified for a score of sites, distributed between online travel agencies and airlines. “In the case of two companies, Odigeo, regarding its website, www.govoyages.fr, and Travelgenio, in its two sites www.travelgenio.fr and www.travel2be.fr, the suites have been brought for breaches of the duty of loyalty in regard to display of prices”, said the secretariat of State.

clients “informed of the terms and conditions of tariff”

On Travelgenio, the DGCCRF has ordered the company to stop the misleading commercial practices, related to the display tariff of airline tickets, the consumer information on the refund of fees in case of absence of boarding, the presentations of the optional benefits, the omission of the weight of the baggage allowance included.

In its press release, Go Voyages, explains that “partnerships with payment card issuers” to “offer discounts” on its costs of service and thus to “allow French consumers access to the best deals”.

The site says that its clients are “informed (of) pricing conditions from the beginning of the command and throughout the purchase procedure in compliance with the national and european rules” and have received “2 years ago a favorable opinion” of the DGCCRF “regarding our current display”.


Paris, jan 31, 2017 – The growth has skated in 2016, despite a year-end dynamics – The Express

On the only fourth quarter, economic activity has, however, accelerated. The growth has thus risen to 0.4%, against 0.2% between July and September and a decline of 0.1% in the spring, according to figures released Tuesday by the national Institute of statistics and economic studies (Insee).

The year 2016 ends on a positive note, with activity accelerating significantly in the fourth quarter. This is the sign of a recovery, which installs sustainable and, most importantly, who grows“, welcomed the minister of Economy and Finance, Michel Sapin.

On the whole of the year, the revenue growth is, however, 0.3 percentage points below the forecast of the government, which had readjusted its forecast from 1.5% to 1.4% in the fall. In addition, it is slightly down compared to 2015 (1.2%), and significantly below the figure for the euro area, where growth reached 1.7% in 2016.

A development that has not prevented Michel Sapin to acknowledge the ‘ dynamic” economic of France. “For the second year in a row“, activity “has helped to reduce unemployment, while reducing the public deficit“, assured the minister in a press release.

The reversal of the unemployment curve, as promised by François Hollande, has finally come to a conclusion in 2016, Pôle emploi, recording its first annual decline since 2007. Still, unemployment is massive in France, with 3.47 million people without activity (category A) in metropolis.

On France Inter, Mr Sapin called for them not to dwell on the single-digit growth. “The quest of 2% or 3% growth, it has not more meaning today“. And “if this were to happen, it would be under conditions not necessarily create jobs, nor very respectful of the planet“, he estimated.

- risk Factors

For Stéphane Colliac economist at Euler Hermes, “the poor performance of the agricultural sector is a major determinant” to the slowdown, the bad weather has caused output to fall, which cost 0.2 point of growth in France.

The activity has patina, due in part to poor results in foreign trade“, has underlined his side, Denis Ferrand, director of the institute Coe-Rexecode, insisting on the “lack

of competitiveness” persistent French companies.

According to the Insee, the exports have only increased by 0.9% after an increase of 6% in 2015, while imports have remained strong (+3.4 per cent). The trade deficit and reduced growth of 0.9-point in the last year, up from 0.3 percentage point in 2016.

The economy has, however, benefited from the good performance of household consumption, which rose 1.8% on the year as a whole, a figure to increase compared to 2015 (+1.5 per cent).

business investment, another engine which is indispensable to a sustainable recovery of the activity, for its part, has increased by 4.3%, which is twice more than the previous year (+2%), according to Insee.

It has especially accelerated in the fourth quarter after two quarters the most gloomy, the business leaders who anticipated the end of the device of suramortissement tax on productive investment, due in April.

The question is” if the momentum from the end of 2016, “will be sustainable or not,” says Denis Ferrand, who recalls that France has taken advantage to the fullest, the past two years, falling interest rates and oil prices, now over.

For the Xerfi consultancy, the consumer, in particular, “will wedge it in 2017“. “This is the consequence of rising inflation on the purchasing power in a context of growth under strong constraints of wages“, a-t-he estimated in a press release.

According to the Insee, the growth is expected to increase by 0.4% in the first and second quarter of 2017. The unemployment rate – according to the calculation method Insee which differs from that of unemployed – should decline slightly, to reach out to mid-2017 9.5% of the active population in france and 9.8% with the overseas departments.


Airline tickets online : Go Voyages sentenced to 15 000 euros for deceptive practices – The Parisian

The site, Go Voyages was accused of having posted rates to be misleading, as a score of other online booking sites.

Le site selling airline tickets Go Voyages has been given a fine of 15 000 euros for deceptive practices in regard to display of prices, announced on Tuesday that the Directorate of Competition that makes twenty sites for similar practices. “Go Voyages has chosen to appeal against this decision before the administrative tribunal of Paris,” said the company in a press release assuring its intention to operate “in perfect agreement with the French legislation”.

READ ALSO : Booking airline tickets online : beware of traps !

This decision was taken following the non-performance of an extent of 23 October 2015 requiring Go Travel to change the display tariff of flight tickets in the different stages of the order, indicates the general Directorate of Competition, Consumption and Repression of fraud (DGCCRF) on its website.

prices… or nearly

A survey carried out in 2016 by the DGCCRF has revealed “a widespread practice of bringing forward price reductions which are, in reality, inaccessible to most consumers,” said for its part, the secretariat of State in charge of the Trade in a press release.

These favourable prices are finally reserved “to only users from certain payment cards that are, very marginal and unsuitable to this type of purchase”, he says. “Sometimes lower than 50% on the real prize is supported by almost all of the customers, these advertised prices mislead consumers and distort the results of the comparators and hence the competition”, he says. In some cases, the price to pay was automatically increased to “at the time of the payment, while the payment card number entered by the consumer and without that it is alerted”, he adds.

twenty sites

The other offences

identified in the framework of this survey include ads price not including all the costs, and misleading information on the rights which the consumer may claim reimbursement of the airport taxes.

practices of this nature, in degrees more or less important, have been identified for a score of sites, distributed between online travel agencies and airlines. “In the case of two companies, Odigeo, regarding its website, www.govoyages.fr, and Travelgenio, in its two sites www.travelgenio.fr and www.travel2be.fr, the suites have been brought for breaches of the duty of loyalty in regard to display of prices”, said the secretariat of State.

clients “informed of the terms and conditions of tariff”

On Travelgenio, the DGCCRF has ordered the company to stop the misleading commercial practices, related to the display tariff of airline tickets, the consumer information on the refund of fees in case of absence of boarding, the presentations of the optional benefits, the omission of the weight of the baggage allowance included.

In its press release, Go Voyages, explains that “partnerships with payment card issuers” to “offer discounts” on its costs of service and thus to “allow French consumers access to the best deals”.

The site says that its clients are “informed (of) pricing conditions from the beginning of the command and throughout the purchase procedure in compliance with the national and european rules” and have received “2 years ago a favorable opinion” of the DGCCRF “regarding our current display”.


Plane tickets : pinned sites for deceptive practices – The Figaro

The DGCCRF denounced some of the practices of travel agencies and comparison sites online. In question, in particular, the reduced prices are inaccessible to most consumers.

twenty sites for online sales of airline tickets have been pinned by the directorate-general of competition for deceptive practices in respect of price displays, announced Tuesday the secretary of State responsible for Trade.

practices of this nature, in degrees more or less important, have been identified for a score of sites, distributed between online travel agents and airlines, according to the release. “In the case of two companies, Odigeo, for relation to its web site www.govoyages.fr and Travelgenio, in its two sites www.travelgenio.fr and www.travel2be.fr suites, have been brought for breaches of the duty of loyalty in regard to display of prices”, says the secretary of State.

A survey carried out in 2016 by the Directorate-general for Competition, Consumption and Repression of fraud (DGCCRF) has revealed, in particular, “a common practice of getting discounted prices that are, in reality, inaccessible to most consumers,” said the release from the secretary of State Martine Pinville. These favourable prices are finally reserved “to only users from certain payment cards that are, very marginal and unsuitable to this type of purchase”, she says.

price advantages only apply to certain cards of payment (Screenshot of the site www.govoyages.fr)

great rates only apply to certain cards of payment (Screenshot of the site www.govoyages.fr)

An increase in price automatic

“Sometimes lower than 50%

the real prize is supported by almost all of the customers, these advertised prices mislead consumers and distort the results of the comparators and hence the competition,” she continues. In some cases, the price to pay was automatically increased to “at the time of the payment, while the payment card number entered by the consumer and without that it is alerted”, she adds.

The other offences identified in the framework of this survey include ads price not including all the costs, and misleading information on the rights which the consumer may claim reimbursement of the airport taxes.

Several forums, consumer association, among which UFC-que choisir, have reported these crimes since 2012. Consumers decry the price differences between the display and the amount is charged without being notified.

penalties for some internet sites

The deceptive practices constitute offences punishable by a maximum sentence of imprisonment of 2 years and a fine of up to € 1.5 million according to the Code of the consumption and confirmed by the DGCCRF. These companies are exposed and that the Repression of the frauds deliver to the Justice of the proceedings.

Martine Pinville regretted that “unlike the injunction which has been made, these companies have not yet modified their sites or have done so in a manner which does not rise to non-conformities”. The Secretary of State has asked the DGCCRF to keep the sector under close surveillance by 2017 to ensure that consumers can benefit from a “tariff-loyal”.


Cigarettes Vogue, Fine, Look, the Corset will have to change their name – The Express

She decided to go to war against “the brands of cigarettes that give the feeling that smoking, it’s chic”. The minister of Health, Marisol Touraine said on Tuesday morning on RTL that “the fags particles that have a name of fashion magazine” and that “are presented as attractive, chic” would soon be banned in France.

The department of Health has stated in the aftermath that the cigarettes Vogue, Fine, Look, the Corset will have to be sold under a different name. The industry will now have to choose a different name if they want to continue to sell their product.

Are also prohibited, according to the ministry, the marks of cigars and cigarillos Café crème, Paradiso and Punch.

The minister did not say how many brands are affected. “A little”, she replied to the journalist which referred to the number of three. Vogue, Marlboro Gold or cigarillos Café crème would be in the list, according to Europe 1. The order of registration, fixing prices and authorizations of sale of the tobacco will be “published tomorrow (Wednesday)”.

tobacco Price stable

As to the prices, “the price of rolling tobacco will increase. It is variable, around 1.50 euros”, as provided for in the plan of financing of social Security, she said. “For cigarettes, the tax increases had been passed, but enterprises have not passed, therefore the prices will remain almost stable”, she regretted.

“On the other hand, the increases will come later, as the manufacturers have circumvented the rules which were to result in an increase in price. I can’t release it any no because increasing the price of tobacco, it is important in terms of public health,” she said.


Lower than expected economic growth in france amounted to 1.1 % in 2016 – The World

The government forecast an increase of 1.4% of GDP over the whole of the year. In 2015, the growth was determined to be 1.2 %.

World | • updated | By

This figure is significantly below the government's forecast, which called for an increase of 1.4% of GDP over the whole of the year. In 2015, the growth was determined to be 1.2 %.

Until the end, the headwinds of the economy have stifled the quinquennium of Francois Hollande. While the president was walled up in a silence derived from his renunciation to run for a second term, and that presidential candidates are trying to impose in contrast to its balance-sheet, the latest growth figures tricolor paint a picture dull of our economy.

Read also : Why the French growth will make pschitt in 2016

In 2016, the gross domestic product of France (GDP) grew only 1.1 %, announced by the Insee, Tuesday, January 31. Less than the 1.2 per cent that the institute was still waiting in October last year. And away from the forecast of 1.4 % which clung to the government, which will be to the end wanted to believe in an acceleration compared to + 1.2% in 2015.

of Course, it is only a first estimate : ” The final accounts will not be known until the end of three years, when we will have the whole set of data to business tax “, stresses Vladimir Passeron, head of the department of economic Insee. The offset reached while commonly 0.2 to 0.3 percentage point of GDP. It does not prevent. the ” It is a disappointment : the growth does not ultimately proven to be higher in 2016 than in 2015 “ grants Mr. Passeron.

foreign trade, the main cause of this braking

” The acceleration does not occur in 2016, which raises the question about the capacity of the French economy to rebound after the crisis “, abounds Mathieu Plane, economist at the French economic Observatory (OFCE).

The main reason of this brake is the foreign trade : it weighed at height of 0.9 percentage points on the growth. The fault, on the one hand, the sharp slowdown of world trade, in the emerging countries – led by China – and by extension in the advanced economies : the growth of trade has been divided by two in the last year. But the disappointment French was also related to difficulties encountered by several of our major export sectors : aeronautics, where Airbus suffered severe delays in delivery by its suppliers, and agriculture, whose production has even more sharply than expected due to bad weather conditions. What affect annual performance, even if the growth of GDP in the last quarter (+ 0,4 %) was in line with forecasts.

drop in household consumption in December

These elements have not been able to be offset by the good performance of the other engines of French growth. They are, however, significant. The consumption of households has restarted in the last quarter after a hole of air in the middle of the year. It proved to be more dynamic in 2015, despite a decline of 0.8% in December 2016.

The household investment in housing seems to finally undo the years of crisis : it is rising for the first time since 2008. As to business investment, which had registered several hits due to the uncertainty surrounding the extension of the government of suramortissement tax, it has finally experienced a strong rebound last year (+ 4.3 per cent). Result : without the under-performance of exports, the growth hex would have amounted to nearly 2 % in 2016 !

In this landscape for less contrast, than to wait for 2017 ? the ” The difficulties of the aviation sector may be followed by a catch-up effect in the beginning of the year “, said Mr. Passeron. the ” It is a phenomenon in part of the economic cycle. But given the evolution of the economy habs in the last fifteen to twenty years, it only served to confirm the structural weaknesses of the French trade “, says Olivier Chemla, chief economic of the French Association of private enterprises. With regard to agricultural crops, simply a return to normal weather conditions would bring back 0.2 of a percentage point of additional growth. Insee forecasts that growth continues on its current course, with a GDP growth of respectively 0.3 and 0.4 % in the first and second quarter 2017.

The business climate is at the highest since the summer of 2011

But the” acquired growth ” – that is to say, the performance that would expect the French economy in 2017 from the level only reached by the end of 2016 – is reduced like skin of sorrow : it is not more than 0.4 %, as against 1 per cent estimated there are still three months. Be as much as there are twelve months.

” We do not share with more momentum than last year, while the increase in oil prices will have an upward impact on inflation, and that interest rates are expected to continue to tighten “, emphasizes Axelle Lacan, economist at Coe-Rexecode. In January, inflation reached 1.4% on a year, a clear acceleration compared to December (+ 0,6 %).

However, several positive indicators have marked the beginning of the year : the business climate, a reflection of the morale of business leaders, is at the highest since the summer of 2011 in the industry for the month of January, while that of households has recovered to its level of 2007, before the financial crisis. the ” But all we did was catch up the lost ground “, pointe Hélène Baudchon, economist at BNP Paribas.

Read also : bankruptcies at lowest level since 2008

Bercy, we prefer to retain the glass half full. the ” For the second consecutive year, economic activity has been dynamic, to finally reduce unemployment while continuing to reduce its public deficit. Since the summer of 2015, the situation has led to a resumption of job creation in the private sector (240 000 jobs created in a year and a half) as well as by a decrease in the number of people registered at Pole emploi in 2016 “, welcomed the minister of economy, Michel Sapin. Defend its balance sheet, costs…

also Read : The narrow path of the French growth in 2017


The failures of companies in sharp decline by 2016 – Challenges.fr

The number of business failures has fallen from 8.3% in 2016 after a very good fourth quarter, the improved economic environment, taking advantage particularly in the building sector, trade and commerce, according to a study by the firm Altares published Tuesday, January 31.

On the whole of the year, 57.844 companies have been placed in backup procedure, recovery or judicial liquidation, against 63.008 a year earlier, says the study. The only last quarter of 2016, compared to the same period of 2015, is an improvement of 12%, just under the threshold of the 14,000-procedures (13.971) that had not been approached since the end of 2007 (13.662).

“Since 2009, the hope of return under the threshold of 15.000 business failures over the last quarter, and 60,000 on the year seemed just out of reach. 2016 has yet made!”, highlights Thierry Millon, director of research at Altares, quoted in a press release.

“the end of The year at least 58,000 failures, a volume comparable to that observed in January 2009. Of course, it is still 8,000 too, compared to 2007″, but this “will return the number of jobs threatened by these collective procedures to 200,000 against 260.000 in 2009,” he adds.


According to Altares, all categories of businesses have taken advantage of this positive momentum. Starting with the smallest businesses, those employing less than three employees, who account for

three-quarters of the failures.

By sector, the decline was particularly marked in the building, which focuses on traditionally one-quarter of business failures: the number of judgments of openings has declined from 12.7% in construction, with 12.5% and in the structural work and -12,3% in public works.

The trade has offered a favourable trend (with-9.5%), despite “tensions in the retail activities, such as maintenance and repair of motor vehicles (+5%)”, but also “the general power supply (+11%),” details Altarès.

The failures have also declined from 8.3% in industry and 7% in the road transport of goods sector, pulled by the freight of proximity (-10%), unlike that of passengers (+31%). This last increase, according to Altarès, is mainly explained by the increase in desdéfaillances in the taxi sector: the latter have accounted for 230 defaults in 2016, up from 175 in 2015 and 118 in 2014.

agriculture continues to be in addition to the variance of the overall dynamic, with a number of failures increased by 4% and 8% on only the activities of livestock.

(With AFP)


The French growth reached 1.1 % in 2016, significantly lower than the government’s forecast – The World

The government forecast an increase of 1.4% of GDP over the whole of the year. In 2015, the growth was determined to be 1.2 %.

This figure is significantly below the government's forecast, which called for an increase of 1.4% of GDP over the whole of the year. In 2015, the growth was determined to be 1.2 %.

This figure is significantly below the government’s forecast, which called for an increase of 1.4% of GDP over the whole of the year. In 2015, the growth was determined to be 1.2 %.

The minister of economy and finance Michel Sapin has, nevertheless, estimated on Tuesday that the economic growth showed an activity ” dynamic “ and ” has helped to reduce unemployment, while reducing the public deficit “. the ” This is the sign of a recovery, which installs sustainable and, most importantly, which takes the magnitude “, said Mr. Sapin, insisting on the good results of the fourth quarter.

On the last three months of the year, the GDP growth has amounted to 0.4 %, which is twice more than in the previous quarter, supported by an upturn in consumption (+0.6 %) and business investment (+1.3 per cent). the ” The confidence of households, such as

heads of business is located at high levels, and promises a start to the year 2017 to be very dynamic, both in terms of activity and employment creation “, adds the minister, in a reaction sent to AFP.

In detail, the consumption expenditure of households, which contribute traditionally to the strength of the activity, increased 1.8 % last year, after 1.4% in 2015. Business investment, another engine which is indispensable to a sustainable recovery of the activity, for its part, has increased by 4.3 %, which is twice more than the previous year (+2 %).

According to the Insee, this dynamic is expected to continue into 2017. The public body expects a growth of 0.3 % and then 0.4% in the first and second quarter of 2017, thanks in particular to the good performance of exports.

The unemployment rate should decline slightly, to reach out to mid-2017, 9.5% of the active population in france and 9.8 % with the overseas, thanks to a number of jobs created sufficient to absorb the increase of the active population.

Read also : bankruptcies at lowest level since 2008


The French growth well below the forecasts of Bercy in 2016, Le Figaro

VIDEO – According to the Insee, the GDP increased by 1.1% over the whole of last year while the government was counting on an increase of 1.4%. The economy, however, has regained momentum in the fourth quarter, that welcomes Michel Sapin, minister of Economy.

The year 2016 ends on a very mixed picture for the French economy. According to a first estimate published by the Insee on Tuesday, the GDP growth accelerated in the fourth quarter to 0.4% after an increase of 0.2% in the third and a decline of 0.1% in the spring. This level does not allow the economy to reach the goal, yet already downgraded, Bercy, for the entire year. In 2016, the GDP grew by 1.1% according to the Insee, compared with 1.4% retained by the government. This is still less than the year 2015 that had ended with a growth of 1.2%.

in The fourth quarter, the growth has been driven by domestic demand. Household consumption, sluggish the previous two quarters, to rise again (+0.6 per cent) to display a progression of 1.8% on the year as a whole. Business investment has also rebounded in the fourth quarter (+1.3 percent) after two quarters the most gloomy, and shows a growth of 4.3% for the whole of 2016.

The investment of the households was at the same time accelerated in the fourth quarter (+0.9 percent), an increase that reflects the rebound in the real estate market. On the whole of the year, it climbed 1.5%. “(The housing market), driven in particular by the impact of the measures taken by the government to promote rental investment or home ownership, contributes again to the growth after having constituted a major impediment to the activity at the beginning of the quinquennium,” says Michel Sapin, minister of Economy and Finance, in a statement issued in the wake of the figures of the Insee.

The contribution of foreign trade was also positive in the fourth quarter, with an increase of imports less sustained (+0.8 per cent) that of exports (+1.1 per cent). But on the whole the year 2016, the foreign trade, of which the deficit is

distributed much higher in the past year, shows a decline of 0.9%.

“all The indicators are again decidedly positive”

on The side of Bercy, one retains especially the progression of the different components of the growth in the end of the year. “Activity has clearly accelerated in the fourth quarter of 2016. All of the indicators are again decidedly positive,” says Bercy. “The year 2016 will have confirmed the upturn that began in 2015, which is now well established after three years of sluggish growth. For the second consecutive year, economic activity has been dynamic, to finally reduce unemployment while continuing to reduce its public deficit”, he adds.

“We have a surge of growth that is spectacular. With 1.1%, we have created jobs in France. With growth in household consumption, the morale of households, which is very, very high, we are on a good growth”, stated the minister at the microphone of France Inter this morning. “The quest of 2.5%-3% growth, it no longer makes sense”, he says.

In its note de conjoncture published by the end of 2016, the Insee estimated that a rebound strong growth should not be expected for early 2017. According to the institute, the growth could grow by 0.3% in the first quarter, and by 0.4% in the second. The government has set out in its texts budget that GDP would rise by 1.5% in 2017. A figure to be overvalued according to the opinion of the High council of public finance (HCFP). With the rise of the euro, the price of a barrel of oil and interest rates on the horizon, growth is expected to be “weaker than anticipated, the government, or even lower than in previous years,” confirms Christopher Dembik, head of economic research at Saxo Bank.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Poor housing : the Fondation Abbé Pierre has been spending a great oral to the candidates – The Figaro

computer GRAPHICS – Nearly 15 million people are affected by the poor housing in France, recalls the Foundation in its report made public on Tuesday. The organization of the fight against exclusion intends to weigh into the political debate in view of the presidential election.

a few weeks of the presidential election, the Fondation Abbé Pierre (FAP) engages the candidates on the state of poor housing in France, the theme is relatively absent in the debate since the beginning of the campaign. “We want to show that solutions exist to address the problem of housing in this election period and at a time when some tend to drop the arms,” writes its president, Raymond Etienne, in the preface to a long report on the subject. “We want to see what the candidates have in the belly,” says Christophe Robert, general delegate of the Fondation Abbé Pierre.

Because year after year, the organization of the fight against exclusion made the same observation: “the France has more poor people, homeless, evicted, or who suffer from energy poverty”. The Foundation recalls the figures that it had already unveiled in the past year : there are 4 million inadequately housed in France, and more than 12 million who are in a fragile state, likely to switch in poor housing. All in all, so nearly 15 million people affected by the housing crisis (one million of them fall into the two categories, see graphic at end of article). “And yet, these figures are probably below the reality, because we rely on the latest data from the Insee, which date back to 2013,” said Manuel Domergue, who has led the drafting of the report.

Marine Le Pen, not invited

To weigh in the electoral campaign, the Foundation has listed fifteen ideas to resolve this crisis. “We need to change our strategy,” says Christophe Robert. “If we put in place a great plan of national action, we can solve the problem of the homeless in five or ten years”, he thinks. In his report of some 400 pages, the Foundation recommends, in particular, to mobilize the private park, to make more transparent the responsibilities of social housing or go further in the rent. These measures will be presented to five candidates this Tuesday at the espace Grande Arche de la Defense in Puteaux (92). Apart from the minister of housing Emmanuel Cosse, will be invited Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate of “the France insubordinate”, the winner of the primary to the left, Benoît Hamon, the other candidate running! Emmanuel Macron, the ecologist Yannick Jadot and the candidate LR François Fillon. In turn, each will have to decide this afternoon on the su bject for half an hour.

On the other hand, Marine Le Pen is not on the guest list. “National preference, access to schooling

for foreign children…We have too many deep disagreements with the party. This is the reason why we have not invited,” says its deputy delegate general for Christophe Robert, while stating that the Foundation “does not despise the electorate of the FN,” and that it remains open to discussion with the right-wing party “in the media”.

Some proposals in the candidates

This initiative is in line with its campaign launched in September last. Entitled “We wait “what”, it aimed to develop effective solutions for lifting people out of precarious situations, through an online platform. Unlike 2012, the Foundation will not sign the “social contract” for the candidates this year. At the time, François Hollande, François Bayrou, Eva Joly and Jean-Luc Mélenchon were committed to produce up to 500,000 units per year, of which 150,000 are social. Five years later, the contract has not been filled by the outgoing president. The number of housing starts each year has never exceeded the 400,000, and the goal of 150,000 public housing in the year is far from being achieved, the Foundation.

Difficult to compare measurements of candidates in the action plan proposed by the Fondation Abbé Pierre, because the programs are still, for some, in the course of development. Nevertheless, all of them have already advanced some ideas to resolve the housing crisis. For example, Emmanuel Macron offers a “lease mobility” shorter but less protective to facilitate the access of the most fragile to the rental. To fight against energy poverty, the candidate of Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) Yannick Jadot offers to renovate 750.000 units per year, compared to some 500,000 currently.

The socialist candidate, freshly appointed Benoît Hamon wants to strengthen sanctions against municipalities that do not comply with the law concerning the provision of social housing when Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants to increase the number of places in emergency accommodation. On the right, François Fillon list several measures in its program, including the implementation of a”fast track” process to reduce the period of expulsion. Not sure that this proposal enchants the Fondation Abbé Pierre. The body calls for more prevention, support and accommodation rather than expulsion. To recall, the security forces had proceeded to 14.400 evictions in 2015, 24% in 2016.


The ceiling of payment by contactless card raised to 30 € the fall – 20minutes.fr

Payment by credit card without contact (Illustration) – P. Magnien / 20 Minutes

power CONSUMPTION new contactless payment cards will be issued from October…

The amounts of transactions up to 50% higher. Contactless payment, which is currently limited to 20 euros, will pay a card purchase to a maximum amount of 30 euros from the fall, said on Monday the groupement des cartes bancaires CB.

>> contactless Payment: How Apple has adapted the iPhone 7 to the japanese market

This enhancement will take place in several steps. First, from march to September, the payment terminals merchants will be set up to accept the new ceiling. Then, from October onwards, will be issued the new contactless payment cards to settle with the new limit.

On the other hand, the cards in circulation at this time will not be able to use this ceiling of € 30 and will

remain limited to a maximum amount of 20 euros.

>> also read : Farewell cheque and credit card, the future of the payment plays on mobile and selfie

The groupement des cartes bancaires CB is estimated that 40% of card holders will be able to pay in non-contact with the new ceiling of 30 euros by the end of 2018, based on the rate of renewal of cards.

key Words :


Purchase by credit card : the ceiling of the contactless payment soon raised to 30 euros – LCI

CONSUMPTION – from the autumn of next year, the contactless payment is possible for amounts up to € 30. The threshold current, 20 euros, will be raised.

Now, it will be even easier… pay. The groupement des cartes bancaires CB said on Monday that the threshold of contactless payment, which allows you to set a purchase card without typing its code, would be raised to 30 euros maximum, against 20 currently.

This enhancement will be in place from next fall, but will take place in several steps. From march to September, the payment terminals of the traders will first be configured to accept the new limit.

payment is on in the fall

Then, from October, will be issued the new contactless payment cards to settle with the new ceiling. On the other hand, the cards in circulation at this time will not be able to use this ceiling of € 30 and will remain limited to a maximum amount of 20 euros.

The groupement des cartes bancaires CB is estimated that 40% of card holders will be able to pay without any contact with the new ceiling of 30 euros by the end of 2018, based on the rate of renewal of cards.

Advantages and disadvantages

widespread in the anglo-saxon countries, in France, the first experiments of contactless payment began in 2010. The feature is intended for small purchases of everyday life. According to the groupement des cartes bancaires, in December 2016, more than 40 million cards are equipped with a non-contact, or 63, 5% of the stock of the bank cards. In front, 494.000 traders are occupied terminals for allowing this payment.

The benefits cited are many : no more card to insert, to gain time, no more problems of forgotten code, possible scam limited to, the payment providing an adequate level of security and the amount to pay is very limited.

But the contactless payment presents significant risks of piracy, often cleared by it security professionals. In case of loss or theft of bank card for example, if the consumer does not make the opposition very quickly, this allows anyone to use ; it is also possible to use your card without contact from a phone. The card, the same row in the pocket, can be fraudée at a distance. Personal information (last name, first name, postal address and telephone number) can also be exploited by hackers due to the payment without contact. It is possible to remove this option without contact, by calling its customer adviser.


JT 20H – The Swedish kings of the credit card : pros and cons of life without cash

Why Donald Trump is starting to worry Wall Street – Le Figaro

Between a monetary policy meeting of the federal Reserve, the monthly employment figures and a new round of corporate results, analysts have already been busy this week. But their attention is still focused on the politics of the new american president, and the surprises that it may still reserve. A sign of these concerns, the dollar had risen sharply against the euro gave up a little ground in the last few days.

Donald Trump could indeed have a stronger influence than Janet Yellen, the chairwoman of the powerful Fed that the economic indicators or even as corporate profits on Wall Street. The market “has already incorporated the fact that the economic recovery was installed, and that the Fed would begin to become more restrictive. It has not yet been identified, it is the personality Donald Trump,” explain the analysts of Per Stirling Capital Management.

If the equity markets have benefited greatly from the 8 November, the hopes of tax breaks and fiscal stimulus promised by Donald Trump, investors now seem to doubt it. Some wonder about the impact of the protectionist measures put in place with respect to Mexico . The white House says it wants to impose a tax on products imported from Mexico to finance the construction of a wall. But such a tax would disrupt entirely the relations with the neighbouring countries of the United States, and would necessarily lead to inflation, which could lead the Fed to give a shot of brake faster than expected in its monetary policy. Another source of nervousness: relations more tense with China. The investors would prefer that the president enter into negotiations with Beijing to try to gain concessions, rather than increasing the loudness in what is stated.

In Europe, the anxiety grew stronger and stronger also. Donald Trump has become a threat for the stability of the european Union, has

estimated this Monday, Guy Verhofstadt, commissioned by the european Parliament to negotiate the “Brexit” with the british authorities. “I have just returned from Usa and I have the feeling that a new front is opened in order to destabilise the EU… and this is Donald Trump,” said the former belgian Prime minister.

The Fed raises fewer concerns

The Fed also raises fewer concerns: in their vast majority (96% consensus) analysts believe that the institution should keep its interest rates unchanged after its monthly meeting. But as usual, the market will sift through the press release of the central bank. If the language used suggests rate increases faster than anticipated, “the rally on the shares could mark a pause,” according to Wells Fargo Investment Institute. But like many of us, the Fed waits, probably to see what will come out of all new policies and changes that we can expect from the new administration,” says a manager for U.S. Bank.

The robustness of results has largely contributed to the market rebound. However, several heavyweights of the rating must disclose their accounts in the days to come, such as Apple, Exxon Mobil, General Motors or Facebook. Financial analysts are forecasting currently on an increase of 6.8 per cent of the profits of the S&P in the fourth quarter compared to the same period of 2015, compared with 6.1% on the 1st of January, according to data from Reuters.

The editorial recommends that you :


The ceiling of payment of the contactless cards soon raised to 30 euros – Franceinfo

The goal : generalize the use of the bank card. Contactless payment will be adjusted by a purchasing card to a maximum amount of 30 euros from the fall, compared to 20 euros maximum currently indicated by the groupement des cartes bancaires, Monday, January 30.

This enhancement will take place in several steps. First, from march to September, the payment terminals merchants will be set up to accept the new ceiling. Then, from October onwards, will be issued the new contactless payment cards to settle with the new limit.

On the other hand, the cards in circulation at this time will not be able to use this ceiling of € 30 and will remain limited to a maximum amount of 20

euros. The groupement des cartes bancaires CB is estimated that 40% of card holders will be able to pay in non-contact with the new ceiling of 30 euros by the end of 2018, based on the rate of renewal of cards.

see also related Topics


Contactless payment : the maximum level of 30 € the fall – Europe1

The contactless payment is gaining ground. As soon as this fall, the owners of credit cards that are compatible will be able to pay for purchases up to 30€, instead of 20 euros so far, said Monday the groupement des cartes bancaires CB.

Enhancement in several phases. This upgrade will take place in several steps. First, from march to September, the payment terminals merchants will be set up to accept the new ceiling. Then, from October onwards, will be issued the new contactless payment cards to settle with the new ceiling.

A new ceiling is inaccessible to the current charts. On the other

hand, the cards in circulation at this time will not be able to use this ceiling of € 30 and will remain limited to a maximum amount of 20 euros. The groupement des cartes bancaires CB is estimated that 40% of card holders will be able to pay in non-contact with the new ceiling of 30 euros by the end of 2018, based on the rate of renewal of cards.


Cigarettes: the brands Vogue and Marlboro Gold soon to be banned? – The Express

The sale of cigarettes will soon undergo a double stroke of the brake. On one side, the price of cigarettes will increase for the first time in three years. On the other, some brands of which the image conveyed is too positive – should be prohibited.

READ more >> cigarette Packets: it is bat to remove a photo of her deceased father

If no such date has not yet been released, a decree should be published in the week in the Official Journal, according to Europe 1, to indicate an increase of the tobacco, a few months after the onset of the packets neutral. Co-authored by Bercy and the ministry of Health should enact”an increase of 20 cents in average per-packet” and up to “1.60 per packet of rolling tobacco”.

However, the signature of the minister of Health is required to validate the registration of the price of cigarettes – and thus their presence in the rays. This time, Marisol Touraine, therefore, could prohibit the sale of certain brands. A measure that it wants for a long time.

The application of a european directive

Vogue, Marlboro Gold or cigarillos Café crème would be affected, according to Europe 1… The name of these cigarettes is in fact judged to be too attractive so that they can still be sold in France, and this, in spite of the packets neutral.

To motivate the prohibition, the ministry of Health is based on the eu directive 2014 on tobacco products. It provides, inter alia, that we

should not encourage the consumption of tobacco in using tobacco products or their packaging” which could suggest “mildness”.

READ more >> neutral Package: inside, the cigarettes have changed?

The text specifies that: “some packaging and tobacco products could also mislead consumers by suggesting a beneficial effect in terms of weight loss, sex appeal, social status, social life or qualities such as femininity, masculinity or elegance. In the same way, the length and the presentation of cigarettes could mislead consumers by creating the impression that they are less harmful”.

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The “slim” Vogue, especially attractive women can quite match up to this description. As to “Coffee with cream”, nothing that the brand name would trivialize the fact of smoking. Cigarettes Lucky Strike ["Stroke of luck"] would have, themselves, escaped the ban.

The marks should have a year to respond, according to Le Figaro: changing name or removing the marketing of the range.


Mediawan purchased by the group of TV AB, to become a leader of content in Europe – The Express

This is an operation to 270 million euros. This Monday, the fund Mediawan, created by Matthieu Pigasse, Xavier Niel and Pierre-Antoine Capton, announced that it would buy the group of French tv AB. Its goal is to become a european leader in content. Mediawan dispute this ambition to Patrick Drahi (the owner of the group SFR, and The Express) and Vincent Bolloré (Vivendi).

“We will use AB as a platform for starting to create the first independent group of content in Europe. We are going to make a number of acquisitions in a few weeks or a few months, the cumulative value will be easily at more than 1 billion euros”, announced one of the creators of Mediawan, Matthieu Pigasse. The AB Group, currently owned by its founder Claude Berda (53%), TF1 (33.5%) and its leaders (13,5%), is one of the last groups audio-visual French independent. It will be the basis for a new project of Mediawan.

Helen and the Boys or Gears

This group is both a producer and a broadcaster currently employs 370 people. It has 19 channels, including RTL9 in France, AB3 in Belgium, chains of highly specialized (AB Engines, Hunting & Fishing, Golf Channel, etc.) and a catalogue of 12 000 hours of programming, including such series as Helen and the Boysor Gears, which sell regularly on French-language channels. AB Group also has an offer SVOD (“Subscription video on demand”, a service of videos on demand with subscription).

READ>> audiovisual Production: the key data of a sector in the midst of a revolution

In 2016, the group recorded a turnover of 158 million euros, for an operating result (EBITDA) of $ 36 million. Matthieu Pigasse sees in this acquisition “a tremendous opportunity”. “We bought in a multiple purchase much lower than all the acquisitions of recent years,” he adds. The purchase price of 270 million corresponds to 7.5 times the operating income, which is much less than for the redemption of NextRadioTV by Altice, for example.

Cinema, fiction and animation

The financial transaction continues the consolidation of the

sector of the French production of audio-visual programs: in 2015, Vivendi acquired 26.2% for the production group Banijay-Zodiak, with an option to go up to 49.9%, and TF1 has taken the group Newen. AB product also series for TF1 such as research, aired since 2006, and Alice Nevers, started in 1993.

The last series of AB, White Box, was produced by its subsidiary, Ego Production, and was selected at the Berlin film festival. Proof, according to leaders of Mediawan, AB has a production capacity of top of the range. For Pierre-Antoine Capton, president of the management board of Mediawan and boss of the production company 3rd Eye, “it is an ideal platform to develop the production in Europe. We will be in all areas of content: film, fiction and animation.” “The demand for premium content has never been stronger, the value of the catalogs rising in the past five or six years,” he added.

A validation on the 13th of march

“Claude Berda has agreed to leave with us, rather than with actors, who offered more, because he wanted to that he created thrives in an environment independent, with its teams,” commented his side Xavier Niel. It ensures that Mediawan discusses “with five other actors in Europe to consolidate this platform”.

According to the boss of the Free, “we are able to produce in France and in Europe content, which will be sold in the world. And we have more customers: the telecom operators want the content as well as the internet platforms”. Matthieu Pigasse concluded: “What interests us is the production, the strings, the increasingly non-linear nature, the products around the SVOD services, apps…”. The general Assembly of Mediawan must approve the redemption of the AB group on march 13.


Spain : growth of 3.2% in 2016 – The Tribune.fr

The growth of Spanish remains strong. According to the national Institute of Statistics (INE) of the Kingdom, the Spanish GDP rose 0.7 % in the last quarter of 2016. On the whole the year 2016, the growth in Spain increased by 3.2 %, the same pace as in 2015. This is a growth the highest in the euro zone.

The detail of these figures will not be known as the 2 next march, but economists believe that growth is mainly based on domestic demand, and particularly household consumption, which was sustained by the gains in purchasing power associated with inflation still low and the drop in unemployment. Fiscal policy should also support growth, as is the case for the past three years (and this is one of the reasons for the disappointing results of the ratios of budget of the country). The investment should also be strengthened. Finally, despite the export growth, the growth in Spanish remains very greedy of imports : the contribution of external trade is expected to remain low.

The last quarter is experiencing a rate of growth equal to that of the third quarter. However, it should be remembered that this rate of 0.7% is the lowest since the last quarter of 2014. Year-on-year growth of Spanish in the fourth quarter amounted to 3 %, which is less than the third quarter (3.2 %) and this is the lowest level since the first quarter of 2015. Despite all this, Spain has a rate of recovery supported and, Ireland excepted, which is unique among the countries that have experienced the visit of the troika and have found themselves at the centre of the european debt crisis of 2010-2013.

growth with less employment than before

The Uk has now surpassed its level of GDP from before his “second recession” that began in the last quarter of 2010 of almost 3 %. This second recession that lasted until the third quarter of 2013. On the other hand, the wealth of Spanish remains still 0.4% below its high point in the second quarter of 2008, but we can say that, now, Spain has erased the bulk of its years of crisis. With however a difference : the unemployment, although declining, remains very high at 18.9 % of the active population in December 2017, compared with 14.8 % at the high point of the growth, in December 2008.

In addition, it can be

seen on the long-term growth of the Spanish remains, in fine, moderate. In ten years, between the third quarter of 2006 and 2016, the Spanish GDP increased by 3.1 %. It is certainly better than Italy, Greece and Portugal which have not found their level of wealth ten years ago, but it is vastly lower than the growth in French (7.4 %) and German (12.2 per cent). In the end, beyond the impressive figures of current economic growth in Spain, it is important to keep in mind a few items : the country has experienced a true “lost decade” in and out of the crisis socially fragile : it is one of the countries where the risk of poverty is the highest in the euro zone and where inequalities are the most important.

Two negative elements to 2017

The challenge will therefore be to maintain in 2017 that growth. Observers tend, however, to expect a slowdown in the pace. If Spain should benefit from an improvement in the european context, several elements to play against the force of the growth. First, the resumption of inflation. Spain is a country where prices are more sensitive to the price of oil. Inflation is thus accelerated markedly by the end of the year after years of decline. The problem is that the growth of the purchasing power of the Spaniards was mainly a function of this low inflation. Wages follow prices ? So far, they have remained without dynamics. Without wage growth, real incomes and hence household consumption should slow down.

Another negative : the fiscal policy which, in reality, has been one of the key elements of the recovery. The european Commission has forced Madrid to engage in a fiscal consolidation, fast, with, in particular, tax increases of 5 billion euros. This will be a support to the growth of the Spanish, who may not now what to expect in a strong increase in the external growth and a further recovery of the investment. Nevertheless, the country could remain in the leading pack of european growth, with GDP growth expected to near 2.5 %.


Auto : Volkswagen chipe to Toyota the unofficial title of world number one – The Echoes

there will be no fifth world crown in a row for Toyota. After having been the largest seller of vehicles in the planet these past four years, the japanese group unveiled Monday sales figures 2016 that place behind Volkswagen on the podium of the main global manufacturers. Toyota has elapsed 10,18 million vehicles in 2016 (a slightly increase of 0.2 %), while its rival German has sold 10.3 million (+3,8 %).

Ironically, Volkswagen has finally achieved his goal – to exceed the cape of 10 million, and delight in the “title” unofficial world number one – a year after having been shaken by the ” Dieselgate “, the biggest scandal in its history, and have officially retired from aggressive racing to the volume that is pushed to the fault.

GM and Renault-Nissan follow

Although slightly up overall, Toyota sales have slowed in the United States, its traditional strong point. And this while the us market is in an olympic shape, inspired by the enthusiasm for the SUV (4X4 urban). On the other side of the globe, the group enjoys little of the growth of the chinese market, where it is not present – there where Volkswagen, conversely, points brand, with sales up 12.2 % over the last year. But it is reinforced in its stronghold of japan in increasing its sales by 5.5% in the Archipelago.

in The end, Toyota sees so VW is the exceed at the global level. The third place of the podium played out between General Motors and Renault-Nissan. GM, the third in 2015, with 9.8 million vehicles, is expected to show a good performance thanks to the booming of the american market. Nissan has announced that Monday, having sold 5.6 million vehicles in 2016 (+2,5 %), when Renault has published a figure of 3.18 million. But their alliance should approach the milestone of 10 million thanks to the addition of the sales of Mitsubishi, Nissan became the main shareholder last year, and the Russian Avtovaz.

A classification symbolic

In reality, this “world ranking” is more of a

symbol than a real marker for the automotive industry. On the one hand, because the gap between Volkswagen and Toyota are relatively small on the scale of their respective production (a hundred thousands of vehicles of difference). And if VW is in front in terms of volume, Toyota displayed a much better health than the group of Wolfsburg, weakened by the “Dieselgate” and the difficulties of its Volkswagen brand. The two groups have very different patterns : Volkswagen is a grouping of 12 names, with, in addition to Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, Seat, Skoda… – when Toyota, which also includes Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino, is based mainly on its flagship brand.

on the other hand, car manufacturers are income of the race to the size. Toyota, the “world champion” from 2008 to 2015 (except in 2011, the year of the tsunami), never has been a stated objective ; General Motors, the former number one, has hampered its growth at any price, in order to focus on her recovery after flirting with disaster in 2008 ; the scandal of the engine-fixing has forced the new leadership of Volkswagen to put an end to the expansionism advocated by the former boss, Martin Winterkorn ; and if Carlos Ghosn built with the Renault-Nissan Alliance is a heavy-weight planetary, he defends himself to make the volume a priority – even if he admits that the place of number one in the world is ” completely achievable “. “The race to the volume is a dimension of another age “, confirms Carlos Tavares, the boss of PSA, last week.

The builders, small or large, have today as the first challenges to follow the technological race, with the development of the electric power and the advent of autonomous cars, and the revolutions of the mobility (car-sharing, rental, etc.).


MEDIAWAN launches the big moves with the acquisition of AB Group – Le Figaro

(AOF) – Nine months after its ipo – the 22 last April, the group rose to 250 million euros – Mediawan launched this morning the big moves to achieve its initial acquisition. Investment company based in the form of a SPAC (investment vehicle side and dedicated to a specific sector) by Xavier Niel, Matthieu Pigasse and Pierre-Antoine Capton, Mediawan going to spend 270 million euros to put the hand on Group AB. The latter, held at the height of 33.5% by TF1, is a production and distribution company for audio and video.

the Owner of the channels RTL9, or AB3, AB Group has also catalogued a series of French research Section, Alice Nevers, Friends or even Gears. These productions are, or have been the lovely days of TF1, but also on the canal+Channel.

The operation would be financed, up to a maximum amount of 130 million euros, by bank loan. The balance of the acquisition price of the shares of AB Group will be funded by a levy on the funds raised at the time of the ipo of Mediawan and transferred since then on account of secure deposit. At the end of the acquisition, Pierre-Antoine Capton will continue to occupy the post of director general and chairman of the management board of Mediawan and will be appointed president of AB Group. Orla Noonan will continue to exercise the functions of director-general of AB Group and join also the strategic committee of Mediawan.

Mediawan wants to create a european group of content, such as Vivendi

With Group AB, Mediawan nourishes the proposal to

create a european group of contents, which is present on the entire value chain of the audiovisual sector, the realization-production and distribution. With this first transaction, the SPAC set his sights on a group that is very present in French-speaking Europe (Benelux in particular) and Africa.

The ambition of Mediawan reminds one of another group of French media, Vivendi, which also seeks to create a platform for aggregating content and control the distribution on all channels (television, telecom networks). It is this project that underlies the recent rise of Vivendi in the capital of Mediaset. In geographical terms, Vivendi focuses rather on the Southern Europe (Italy and Spain) but also Africa.

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Hamon winner, threats of desertion is increasing in PS – Le Figaro

the victory of The candidate marked on the left within the PS is blowing a wind of panic on the side of the “reformers”. Several are considering openly to rally Emmanuel Macron.

The hard part is there to do for Benoit Hamon ? Despite his resounding victory in the face of Manuel Valls on Sunday 29 January, the candidate nominated by the primary to the left is not at all guaranteed to find neither his family, nor even its allies of the beautiful people’s alliance gathered behind him to tackle the final stretch of the presidential campaign. On the side of supporters of Manuel Valls, on Sunday evening, many executives and elected officials discuss their doubts and ask for wages, when other directly evoke their interest in the movement of Emmanuel Macron.

“Benoit Hamon is now the candidate of our political family”, was responsible for Sunday evening, Manuel Valls. Not what, obviously, to convince all of his faithful. Interviewed on RTL, the deputy of gironde, Gilles Savary did not go by four paths: he will not pretend to support Benoît Hamon in the months to come. “Me personally, I am one of those who think that the mock unit, the raising of false friends, who have made the electoral success of the socialist party, undeniably, are very worn. And that, one of the merits of the election of Benoît Hamon, it is a line clear enough. It is a line which has vocation to gather the left of the left, but leaves aside the line of social-democrat”.

elected officials PS of the right wing are Tuesday

Rather than respect the speech made by his champion, the mp prefers to avoid a “future ” sling” to the victor: “It should not be that this part of this left to do to Benoît Hamon that Benoît Hamon, has made to successive governments of this period onwards”. “Me, I wait, in the coming days, we expect to know what will be proposed to the social democrats. Or, as a synthesis, I mean, acceptable, or by organization within the socialist party, perhaps, by rallying to a candidate outside that embodies”,

Tuesday morning, “the reformers” of the PS, supporters of Manuel Valls will meet to discuss the aftermath of the events. The same day, the candidate of the Beautiful people’s Alliance will meet with the parliamentarians of his party to try to reassure them. But a number did not expected that it will present its pledges to take the wide. “In view of the results of the primary, and according to my beliefs, I am committed behind Emmanuel Macron”, quickly announced the deputy of the Cantal Alain Calmette. The same to the member of the North Dominique Baert ,who has informed the Voice of The North Dominique Baert

that he prefers his “cousin” Macron “false brother” Hamon.

whilst a number of frames of the first plan have already deserted from Solferino to join In the Walk!, the bleeding could continue. According to le Parisien this Monday morning, the observers internal to the PS expect a few tens of defections, then yes the more optimistic among Macron focus on the start of a quarantine of members of parliament. In the meantime, the closest supporters of Manuel Valls to take the lead and announce to consider the creation of a structure intended to maintain the flame vallsiste in the margins of the PS, on the model of a “house of reform”. At the level of activists, many seem to have taken the lead: according to the confidence of a framework of’power! a journliste of LCI, the movement would have counted 5,000 members additional since Sunday evening.

The PRG expects a clarification

Out of the PS too, the doubts take over the gathering around of Benoît Hamon. Thus the Party of the Radical Left Sylvia Pinel, who argued Manuel Valls for the second round, had taken the commitment of a support without having to call the winner of the election. Yet the statement released by the party on Sunday evening is very much a warning to the candidate, as he did not support: “the project led by Benoit Hamon, if it prevailed, cannot find in the state the membership of left-wing radicals tied to the company, to a development economic growth employment and distribution of wealth in metropolitan france and in overseas, a secularism clearly assumed, and the european recovery is necessary to protect the French threats of terrorism and the abuses of globalization. the and It comes back to Benoit Hamon now, if it wants to win the left in may, to find the terms for the gathering. The PRG intends to conduct quickly with him the discussion necessary for the clarification . In waiting, the PRG invites all the reformists of the left to meet in the coming days to bring together a word of the left to be credible in the presidential debate“.

doubts shared even by the side of the supporters of the reformist left from the civil society: the businessman Pierre Bergé, he quickly made his choice on social networks. “I bring my support without any restriction to Emmanuel Macron to be the president who will lead us to a social-democracy.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Order of migration : Starbucks will hire 10,000 refugees around the world – Europe1

The coffee chain american Starbucks will hire 10,000 refugees around the world in the next five years, in response to the decree of the anti-immigration controversial taken by the president, Donald Trump.

“The promise of the american dream is called into question”. “I write to you today with great concern, with a heavy heart and a promise,” wrote in a letter posted online Sunday, the CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz. “We live in an unprecedented era, a time in which (…) the promise of the american dream is called into question,” he continued.

refugees from 75 countries at war. Howard Schultz, close to the democratic Party, indicates that Starbucks is in contact with the employees affected by the presidential decree that had put in place severe restrictions in access to the u.s. territory and “checks extreme” to the detriment of citizens of seven muslim countries (Syria, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Somalia and Yemen). The group is committed to hiring people who have fled wars, persecution and discrimination in the 75 countries where it is present in the next five years.

Starbucks will start by recruiting the interpreters of the army. in The United States, Starbucks is going to start by recruiting the refugees who worked for the u.s. army, as interpreters, for example. The chain also undertakes to reimburse the fees paid by the employees as part of the program, DACA, implemented in 2012 by Barack Obama. This program has helped more than 750,000 illegal immigrants arrived in the u.s. when they were minors to

obtain permits of residence and work.

“We need to ensure that our elected officials hear us individually and collectively. Starbucks is doing its part,” said the officer, adding that the coffee chain wants to serve its customers wherever they are, “in a christian country or a muslim country”.

“Build bridges and not walls with Mexico”. Howard Schultz, one of the few CEO americans to interfere in political debates, such as the issue of race relations two years ago, has also flown Sunday to the rescue of another privileged target of Donald Trump : Mexico. “Build bridges and not walls with Mexico,” he says, in reference to the wall that the new american president wants to erect at the border between the United States and Mexico to prevent illegal immigration.

support Hillary Clinton. Starbucks will continue to invest in Mexico, where he is the owner of 600 cafes, and employs 7,000 people. Howard Schultz supported Hillary Clinton, the opponent of Donald Trump, during the election campaign, but rejected any idea of running for a political office, despite persistent rumours. It is in particular the intention to run in the next presidential election.
