The site, Go Voyages was accused of having posted rates to be misleading, as a score of other online booking sites.
Le site selling airline tickets Go Voyages has been given a fine of 15 000 euros for deceptive practices in regard to display of prices, announced on Tuesday that the Directorate of Competition that makes twenty sites for similar practices. “Go Voyages has chosen to appeal against this decision before the administrative tribunal of Paris,” said the company in a press release assuring its intention to operate “in perfect agreement with the French legislation”.
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This decision was taken following the non-performance of an extent of 23 October 2015 requiring Go Travel to change the display tariff of flight tickets in the different stages of the order, indicates the general Directorate of Competition, Consumption and Repression of fraud (DGCCRF) on its website.
prices… or nearly
A survey carried out in 2016 by the DGCCRF has revealed “a widespread practice of bringing forward price reductions which are, in reality, inaccessible to most consumers,” said for its part, the secretariat of State in charge of the Trade in a press release.
These favourable prices are finally reserved “to only users from certain payment cards that are, very marginal and unsuitable to this type of purchase”, he says. “Sometimes lower than 50% on the real prize is supported by almost all of the customers, these advertised prices mislead consumers and distort the results of the comparators and hence the competition”, he says. In some cases, the price to pay was automatically increased to “at the time of the payment, while the payment card number entered by the consumer and without that it is alerted”, he adds.
twenty sites
The other
practices of this nature, in degrees more or less important, have been identified for a score of sites, distributed between online travel agencies and airlines. “In the case of two companies, Odigeo, regarding its website,, and Travelgenio, in its two sites and, the suites have been brought for breaches of the duty of loyalty in regard to display of prices”, said the secretariat of State.
clients “informed of the terms and conditions of tariff”
On Travelgenio, the DGCCRF has ordered the company to stop the misleading commercial practices, related to the display tariff of airline tickets, the consumer information on the refund of fees in case of absence of boarding, the presentations of the optional benefits, the omission of the weight of the baggage allowance included.
In its press release, Go Voyages, explains that “partnerships with payment card issuers” to “offer discounts” on its costs of service and thus to “allow French consumers access to the best deals”.
The site says that its clients are “informed (of) pricing conditions from the beginning of the command and throughout the purchase procedure in compliance with the national and european rules” and have received “2 years ago a favorable opinion” of the DGCCRF “regarding our current display”.