Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Income tax: towards a “withholding tax” progressive – Le Point

The government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said on Wednesday that the executive intended to go to the “withholding “the income tax but without setting a deadline, in his report of the Cabinet. “The idea is to move towards a simplification of the tax collection with gradual implementation through simplifying payroll and digital withholding at the source, without fusion” with the CSG, has he said.

The CSG is deducted at source, “it would be able to coordinate” its collection with that of income tax “if one day there was fusion,” he Does it observed, however, indicating that President Hollande had mentioned this perspective in a speech yesterday in Carcassonne. The president “asked to promote and implement a withholding” and “this is what will be done in technical terms that are clear,” added Stéphane Le Foll, stating that ” Work is about to begin. “

The merger of income tax and the CSG was one of the promises of Francois Hollande during his campaign 2012. Jean-Marc Ayrault had then tried to revive it construction, when it was at Matignon, in the fall of 2013.


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