The president of the PS group in the Assembly, Bruno Le Roux, said Sunday that the withholding tax on income would have “begun” to be put in place “before the end of five years.”
The spokesman of the government, Stéphane Le Foll, announced Wednesday that the executive intended gradually go to the “withholding” tax on income but with no fixed maturity. “There was a period of three or four years that needs to spread this levy reform to the source. But yes, before the end of five years, it has been started,” said Le Roux to Grand Go iTELE-Europe 1-The World .
He said “we must go even further on the progressive tax.” The prospect of a merger between the income tax and the CSG, Francois Hollande promised in 2012 but set aside since, is “something on which we must work,”
Led by the first secretary of the PS Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, the majority party in motion as part of its congress of Poitiers, from 5 to 7 June defends restarting the “construction of the citizen tax” from “the draft budget for 2016″, with “a withholding tax on income and CSG discount on the first income bracket.”

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