the cost of The canal project Seine-Nord Europe between the Oise and the Scheldt, is strongly revised downwards, to around 4.5 billion euros, and this great site bearer of growth could start as early as 2015, according to a report released Wednesday, the department of Transport. – Pascal Rossignol, POOL

They have put the time, but there it is : the State, the regions of the Hauts-de-France and Ile-de-France and the departments concerned are managed on Monday to “an agreement on a draft financial protocol” for the realisation of the canal Seine-North Europe, a project of 4.5 billion euros to date constantly pushed back, announced the secretary of State for Transport Alain Vidalies.

This book will connect the basins of the Seine and the Oise to the european network of the north of Europe, becoming a pathway to wide-gauge and, in part, an alternative to road traffic on an axis leading business.

” Alain Vidalies, and the communities welcome the outcome of this negotiation phase, which has just marked the willingness and the commitment of all partners for the realisation of this major project, supported by Europe, at the service of the territories and of the national economy, ” according to a press release from the secretariat of Transportation.

End of work in 2024

there’s just a week, the Prime minister Manuel Valls has reaffirmed the commitment of the State to see ” begin the first work as early as next year “. They must be completed in 2024. The estimated cost of $ 4.5 billion (bn) euros are net of tax.