Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Paris Motor Show opens its doors in Paris – TF1

The Paris Motor Show opens its doors in Paris – TF1

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<- blk = 166952 "PasseVariableUniversel" -> <- / blk = 166,952.4, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- blk = 172823 "InscriptionV4TeaserVisiteurCompte" ->
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Submitted Claire Chazal

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<- blk = 167395 "HomeNavigationV2" -> <- [if lte IE 7]> – <- / blk = 167,395.6 <[endif]!>! , R, prdfriweb008 -> <- / Zon = 1000 ->

<- / Zon = 1050 ->

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<- / blk = 167,213.7, R, prdfriweb006 -> <- blk = 172340 "GeneralChapo" -> <- / blk = 172,340.24, R, prdfriweb002 - > <- blk = 167296, "news / NewsPopupVideo" -> <- / blk = 167,296.19, R, prdfriweb008 -> <- blk = 171916 "AfficheContenuUniversel" -> <- blk = 167407 "GeneralChapo" ->

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The Paris Motor Show opens its doors this Saturday, and until 19 October at the exhibition center at Porte de Versailles. “This time, the climate is quietly confident that two years ago,” said Pascal Boulanger, automotive journalist TF1. Among the major trends in this area, the crossover and urban, but also cars with very low consumption. Over one million visitors are expected

. <- / Blk = 167,407.14, R, prdfriweb003 -> <- blk = 129530 "lci / LCIBlocPapier2006 "-> <- / blk = 129,530.15, R, prdfriweb008 -> <- blk = 167536," video / VideoPlayerJT "-> <- Time g é n é; ration SSI / ESI: 0139 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave; your! : 0063 seconds (29 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 167,536.62, R, prdfriweb006 -> <- blk = 167535, "video / VideoPlayerJT" -> <- Block! ESI 300 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb005 - Sat October 4, 2014 2:15:14 p.m. ->

All subjects

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Securities of Saturday, October 4, 2014

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An act of unspeakable barbarity. Thus the international community has denounced the beheading of Alan Henning, 4th hostage beheaded. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the execution. The Briton, a taxi driver, had volunteered to carry an aid convoy.

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Scope disappeared after party walk in the woods Thursday, a 51 year old hiker was found near Rochefort. His lifeless body was discovered Echillais Friday. An investigation for murder has been opened.

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born without a uterus, a Swedish 36 year old gave birth to a baby boy nine weeks of advance. The uterus of a woman of 61, already menopausal, had been transplanted last year. It is the culmination of 10 years of research to achieve this major achievement in the fight against infertility.

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The Paris Motor Show opens its doors this Saturday, and until 19 October at the Park Exhibition Porte de Versailles. “This time, the climate is quietly confident that two years ago,” said Pascal Boulanger, automotive journalist TF1. Among the major trends in this area, the crossover and urban, but also cars with very low consumption. Over one million visitors are expected.

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Orleans in September hosted a gathering of some passenger cars, amphibious cars. A small half of them went up the sometimes tumultuous course of the Loire. Vehicles where there is only thirty copies in France.

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While a synod held in Rome on Sunday the theme of family, church s opens more and more to the issue of homosexuality. Among the topics that are an ear increasingly attentive, questions homosexuals, but also parents of homosexual children. Discussion groups begin to multiply in the dioceses of France to listen to the parents.

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Nearly 80,000 French regularly engage in spearfishing. And to do that requires a certain dexterity and most importantly, a healthy lifestyle to go hunting up to 30m under water. Interview with Fabrice champion France this extremely physical discipline.

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Making music requires intensive daily training that is sometimes not without some physical setbacks. In Paris, clinic specializes in diseases related to musical practice. And awareness of music teachers is also on the menu.

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A new exhibition has opened at the Cité des Sciences in Paris around the brain. Its anatomy, its operation or its complex mechanisms are scrutinized in a fun and educational way.

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Agatha Christie disappeared, the family of the novelist passed the torch to Sophie Hannah to resurrect the most famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. The man with the mustache, whose adventures have sold over two billion books worldwide, is back in bookstores, but in a new pen.

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Played over 3000 times,” Tartuffe “is the most played piece of French comedy. And Molière’s work is back on the Parisian boards in a modern, colorful and playful. The famous usurper takes this time features the actor Michel Vuillermoz

<- Time g dé! N dé ration ISS / ESI: 0166 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave: your: 0046 seconds (29 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 167,535.18, R, prdfriweb001 -> <-! - Blc = 173695 "PasseVariableUniversel" -> <- / blk = 173,695.6, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- blk = 167460 "ListeAvisInternautes" -> <- / blk = 167460 21, R, prdfriweb001 -> <- / Zon = 2000 ->

<- / Zon = 2100 ->
<- No word cl é!; for that content -> <- Block ESI 600 -> <- Freedom Engine prdfriweb006 - Sat October 4, 2014 2:15:14 p.m. -> <- No word cl é!!; for that content -> <- Time g é n é; ration SSI / ESI: 0042 seconds -> <- Total time in requ & egrave, thy: 0 seconds (0 requ & egrave, thy) -> <- / blk = 167,298.20, R, prdfriweb007 -> <- blk = 173953 "GeneralPub" -> <- / blk = 173,953.8, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- / blk = 172,863.4, R, prdfriweb005 -> <- blk = 170875 "ConducteurMiroir" ->

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