Sunday, October 12, 2014

New troubles for the executive: Macron challenged PS, PRG … – Le Nouvel Observateur

New troubles for the executive: Macron challenged PS, PRG … – Le Nouvel Observateur

PARIS (AFP) – The executive faces new troubles: Emmanuel Macron has caused astonishment by asking the PS Sunday reform unemployment insurance, and his last ally, the Left Radical Party, is threatening.

The statements of the Minister of Economy, for which he should “not be a taboo or posture” on unemployment insurance, have been a bombshell with Socialist leaders gathered in the National Council, while Hollande seemed to have himself ended this difficult chapter.

The first secretary Jean-Christophe Cambadélis reacted sharply before the opening session of the National Council on “parliament” PS: “The left has no taboo, but it has some totems, especially the fact that when the president speaks, the ministers use”

East. -this an estoppel in this project? “Absolutely,” ruled Mr Cambadélis.

Francois Hollande stressed midweek there were “enough issues that we should be busy and that we show that we are making useful reforms employment, “reframing the kind of comments attributed to Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, in which the question of the amount and duration of unemployment benefits in France should” be refreshed. “

The first secretary of the PS lamented that the words “awkward” the Minister of Economy, Journal du Dimanche have overshadowed the rest of his statements about an economic recovery. “It was interesting, that’s the right topic. Again, you have to go there, we have concrete and there, Mr. Macron is in his role proposals,” he said.

About minister, a socialist leader confided that during construction, standing in camera, “everybody was beating on him”

-. Macron roundly criticized –

The official also joked about the fact that “while Jean-Christophe Cambadélis wanted to win the conference, it will be very difficult to do on Macron online and even on line Valls. Especially if there (Benedict) Hamon who took the thickness since leaving government. “

In fact, many personalities of

the PS had slammed Emmanuel Macron in the morning.

end of the day, the defense minister Jean-Yves Le Drian came to the rescue of his colleague Bercy: “He noted that everyone finds: that the system of unemployment insurance is 4 billion deficit euro (…) This must be remedied without taboos or posture. “

” Then I think the problem is one of timing and then also a responsibility of social partners who co manage, “however tempered it close to the head of state

Other emergency news, which has disturbed the order of the National Council. requirements of the Party of Left Radicals (PRG) see more government measures withdrawn.

M. Cambadélis used a language of appeasement deal with this threat of PRG, the last ally of the Socialist Party in the government majority. PRG leaves so guessing about his hold on government.

“I’m ready to discuss, share and find ways to a top out of this situation,” said the socialist leader. “I would advocate a constructive rather than impeachment process,” he has said.

In terms of the internal life of the party, Mr. Cambadélis welcomed abundance personal contributions to the work of activists of the States General, leading to a charter on the PS socialist identity. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been postponed to early November.

He reiterated that the date of the Congress Socialist Party would be known next month when several representatives of the left wing of the party claimed the meeting as soon as possible.

The first secretary also announced the release of 4 million leaflets to “shed light on what is said by our opponents and what we do.”

“A UMP,” said he accused “has committed a chase between the main leaders (…) to the highest bidder liberal offensive against our social model.”


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