Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Vivendi gets EUR 366 million at the expense of the French tax authorities – the

Vivendi gets EUR 366 million at the expense of the French tax authorities – the

Change the tax rules during the year may be double-edged. French media group Vivendi won a lawsuit against the IRS was sentenced to reassign him almost € 366 million, said Wednesday the tribunal de Montreuil.

“An amount of EUR 365 937 641 is returned to the Vivendi SA in terms of corporate tax, tax credits and family tax credits learning for the year ended 31 December 2011 “, is written in the text of the judgment, dated Monday, October 6.

The legislature abolished in 2011 -the tax shelter Consolidated Global Profit ( BMC) – which allowed a

few very large groups to minimize their tax by including in the assessment of the tax losses of foreign subsidiaries. Effective from September 6, the change angered Vivendi, indignant at the tax rules change during the year

. | Read Vivendi seeks to benefit another three years of his regime for

The administrative court ruled that Vivendi could legitimately hope to benefit from this niche for fiscal 2011 and ordered restitution.


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