Thursday, October 9, 2014

Workforce size thresholds: a hard to find compromise between … – Le Figaro

Workforce size thresholds: a hard to find compromise between … – Le Figaro

VIDEOS – Trade unions and employers begin energized trading on the modernization of social dialogue in business

Rarely negotiation. have seemed so bad start. Thursday, unions (CGT, CFDT, FO, CFTC and CFE-CGC) and employers (MEDEF, CGPME for SMEs and UPA for artisans) meet for their first negotiating session on reform of social dialogue in business . The field is vast as it is to talk about the role of staff representatives (DP), works councils (EC), union delegates. And confrontational. . The social partners have already discussed from 2009 to 2012 without reaching a consensus

Worse, the government Valls asked them to resume the negotiations by tackling the most controversial point: the thresholds from which companies are imposing obligations (staff representatives from 11 employees, participation, council, HSC, etc., from 50). The executive does not hide his desire to ease these terminals, Francois Hollande even talking about raising “locks”. This will delight the employers – to whom the head of state has borrowed vocabulary – which has long denounced their adverse effects on employment, but also shine the unions. “It is unacceptable to approach the bargaining thresholds” says Marylise Leon, the CFDT negotiator, while his counterpart from the CGT, Agnes Le Bot, denounced a government that “has widely reported the arguments of employers.”

Cautious and aware that the unions were struck by the words of Manuel Valls on unemployment benefits, employers will open a general statement that does not evoke the thresholds. “We need to

establish their place in the social dialogue, without the straitjacket,” told the MEDEF. Not sure that’s enough to restore confidence. For the recent statements of the organization of Pierre Gattaz destabilized to the reformist unions. “Will there be in front of us MEDEF which engages the social agenda, or one that presents its project 1 million jobs with the removal of 35 hours and holidays?” Says Joseph Thouvenel negotiator CFTC.

On the merits, the sticking points abound. CGT and CFDT, for once united, want companies under 11 employees finally have staff representation, through representatives elected from territorial commission. But if the UPA is open on this – craft has such instances – the MEDEF and is reluctant CGPME totally against. “An outsider should not interfere in the life of the company,” said his negotiator Genevieve Roy. But without such a breakthrough, the reformist unions will not go very far in simplifying existing requirements, an area where they are willing to discuss.

Ministry of Labour, is to remain confident about the outcome negotiations, scheduled for the end of the year. Nevertheless, the give and seems fragile. And it’s hard to imagine other pathways. As on other matters, such as the merger of representative bodies, trade union opposition is strong. Failing agreement, the government promised to take responsibility

VIDEO -. “Social thresholds are not a barrier to employment,” said Jean-Claude Mailly, head of FO .


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