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A statement that does not please the leader of the Socialist Party (PS), Jean-Christophe Cambadelis, who took the opposite view of Minister Sunday. “The left has no taboo, but it has some totems, especially the fact that when the president speaks, the ministers use” , said MP on arrival the Socialist Party national council in Paris. Is it an end of inadmissibility to this site? “Absolutely,” , ruled Mr Cambadélis
Read our decryption. La France does compensate the unemployed better than its neighbors
This exchange illustrates the current debate left on the opportunity to get back on the amount and
“The UI is a deficit of 4 billion euros; What politician can be satisfied? There was reform, it is insufficient. We can not stop here. It is up to the social partners to get things done. (…) But as the state guarantees the financial system, it can also take control if the blocks are too heavy. The subject will come back in time. “
The Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, launched the debate on Monday in London, arguing that the question of the amount and duration of unemployment benefits was ” be put “
Read our article. question of unemployment insurance “should be rested,” according Valls
Before the outcry on the left by these skilled About “provocation” by the unions, Hollande had been more elusive on Thursday, referring to negotiations between the social partners:
“On the unemployment compensation there is an agreement that has been signed in 2014 and another in 2016, and there is a meeting that is held between the social partners and employment center. “

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