The executive faces new troubles this Sunday, October 12: Emmanuel Macron has caused amazement at PS requesting a reform of unemployment insurance, while the last ally of the majority, the Radical Party left, is threatening
The new bomb signed Macron
The statements by the Minister of Economy, for which he should” not be a taboo or posture “Insurance -Unemployment, have been a bombshell with Socialist leaders gathered in the National Council, while Hollande seemed to have himself ended this difficult chapter.
First Secretary, Jean-Christophe Cambadelis, reacted sharply even before the opening session of the National Council, the “parliament” PS:
The left has no taboos, but has some totems, especially the fact that when the president speaks, ministers apply. “
Is it a late non- receive in this project? “Absolutely,” Jean-Christophe ruled Cambadélis.
Francois Hollande stressed midweek there were “enough issues that we should be very busy and we show that we are useful employment reforms, “reframing the kind of comments attributed to Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, in which the question of the amount and duration of unemployment benefits in France should be” rested ” .
PS first secretary lamented that the words “awkward” the Minister of Economy to the “Journal du Dimanche” have overshadowed the rest of his statements on a raise economy. “It was interesting, that’s the right topic. Again, you have to go there, we have concrete proposals and there, Emmanuel Macron is in his role,” he said.
About minister, a socialist leader confided that during construction, standing in camera, “everybody was beating on him.” In fact, many celebrities have slammed the PS Emmanuel Macron, already the author of an output noticed 35 hours there over a month.
The new threat of Radical Left Party
Other emergency news, which
While begins Tuesday examining the budget in Parliament in 2015, the PRG sets out its requirements in a “pact of government” to be submitted Monday François Hollande and his Prime Minister.
The party led by former senator, Jean-Michel Baylet, calls in particular Manuel Valls renounces s uppression the first installment of income tax and removes four new measures of family policy ( drop aids child care, reducing baby bonus for the 2nd child, shift the home premium toddler and sharing of parental leave.)
Jean-Michel Baylet which Deplores the failure to comply with electoral agreement with the PS, “the debate is lively and dense among radicals because they ask a lot about the need to stay in the government majority,” he wrote in a letter to Prime Minister .
Jean-Christophe Cambadélis used a language of appeasement deal with this threat of PRG, the last ally of the government majority in PS . “I am ready to discuss, share and find ways to a top out of this situation,” said the socialist leader.
I would advocate a constructive approach rather than impeachment, “he has said.
This is not the first time the e PRG casts doubt on his remaining in government. early August , l e head of the Radical Left Party had announced to the “Obs” that three ministers resign if the land reform was not changed. More than a month after government formation Valls II Sylvia Pinel (Housing) , Annick Girardin (Francophonie) and Thierry Braillard (Sports) are always ministers.
(With AFP)

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