Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, October 11, 2014 in Blois (AFP / William Souvant)
A fixed budget for transport, and tools for the construction of housing. Manuel Valls wished Monday to get the vast project of Greater Paris time “engagements” to that of “realization”
The prime minister also assigned to the metropolis great unifying project, announcing the state support to a candidate of the Grand Paris to host the World Expo 2025.
“The projects are now out of the ground,” said M . Valls, during a trip to the site of Créteil-The Echat, which will be built one of the stations on the line 15 of the New Grand Paris.
The Prime Minister, who unveiled in July its roadmap for the “capital region”, was first held to reassure the financing of transport projects of Greater Paris.
“The state has decided to mobilize unprecedented funding . I have heard, dear Jean-Paul Huchon, your comments, your expectations, even demands. I confirm that the state will provide 1.4 billion euros in the implementation of the mobilization plan for the period 2015 to 2020, “said Mr. Valls before an audience of elected officials, including the president of the PS Ile-de-France.
The region will also “affect, as part of the Finance Act 2015, € 140 million of new revenue for the realization of the mobilization plan . “If Mr. Valls did not say more, two tracks are Huchon says study: an overhaul of the tax on the premises for office, and an increase in special development fees.
This was particularly expected this summer after abandoning the idea of a regional tax of two euros per night to replenish the budget of the region.
The Prime Minister also confirmed the accelerated implementation schedule of routes to the airports, and the connection between Orly and Saclay, with an expected completion in 2024 instead of 2027.
second round of government announcements: housing. The Prime Minister announced the creation of a National Interest Operation (ISO) “multi-site” which will allow the state to invest directly in the development of twenty sites.
Five have already been chosen, totaling a potential of 18,500 dwellings according to a document sent by the region. Fifteen others will be announced by the end of the year.
This will be driven by ISO technical Land Agency in the Paris region,
-. Additional Echelon –
Highly anticipated on the institutional side, following the adoption last week by the Paris elected a text proposing a partial rewrite of the legislative framework of the metropolis of Greater Paris, Manuel Valls did not hesitate to ruffle some sensibilities.
If it took “act of voting” elected, and admitted both the need for a “greater degree of progressivity in the implementation skills of the Metropolis” that some fiscal autonomy of the territories the make up, he called not to lose “sight of the principles of territorial reform.”
“The French and the inhabitants of the Grand Paris would not include the creation of an additional level, while This reform aims to simplify and do not understand any more than the goal of tax harmonization and solidarity to be set aside. The creation of the Metropolis should eventually transfer the entire economic taxation, “said he firmly told.
M. Valls concluded this chapter by pointing out the” evidence “of ‘disappearance, already raised by its predecessor, Jean-Marc Ayrault, general guidance for 2020, “here probably more than anywhere else.”
In a more consensual register, Mr. Valls stated its ambition to build a “dynamic, but also solidarity” metropolis “innovative and inclusive.” “Le Grand Paris will not be built in + clusters + (business centers) specialist,” said the minister, standing out of sight range by Christian Blanc chaired by Mr. Sarkozy.
A new interdepartmental committee on the Grand Paris will be reunited for the first half 2015 to treat social, cultural, sports and energy transition.
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