Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tax shelter: the state will have to pay € 366 million to … – Le Parisien

Tax shelter: the state will have to pay € 366 million to … – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.021346092224121 sec -> This is a decision that will be costly to the state. French media group Vivendi won a lawsuit against the IRS was sentenced to reassign him almost € 366 million, said Thursday the tribunal de Montreuil (Seine Saint-Denis).
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A judgment dated Monday granted “partial satisfaction” Vivendi on a dispute concerning a tax shelter and ordered the IRS to “a return of nearly EUR 366 million, “said a source told AFP the court, confirming information BFM Business.

Vivendi did not wish to comment at this stage, while Bercy declined to comment immediately on whether to use

The legislature abolished in 2011 a tax shelter -. Consolidated Global Profit (BMC) – which allowed a few very large groups

to minimize their taxes by incorporating in the tax base losses of foreign subsidiaries. The system dates back to 1965 addition Vivendi, Total, NRJ and Euro Media used the BMC.

The removal of this provision came into force on 6 September 2011 at the time arousing the wrath of Vivendi indignant at the tax rules change during the year.

The administrative court ruled that Vivendi could legitimately hope to benefit from this niche for fiscal 2011 and ordered restitution.

“An amount of EUR 365 937 641 is returned to the Vivendi SA in terms of corporation tax, for family tax credits and tax credits for learning for the year ended December 31, 2011″ says the text of the judgment.

DOCUMENT. The text of favorable Vivendi



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