Sunday, October 12, 2014

Macron: “We must neither taboo nor posture” on the UI – Release

Macron: "We must neither taboo nor posture" on the UI – Release

The Economy Minister, Emmanuel Macron, said Sunday that he should “not be a taboo or posture” Insurance -Unemployment, open debate left on the opportunity to discuss the amount and duration of benefits. “Unemployment insurance is a deficit of 4 billion euros; What politician can be satisfied? There was reform, it is insufficient. We can not stop here. It is up to the social partners to get things done, “ said the minister Journal du Dimanche. “But as the state guarantees the financial system, it can also take control if the blocks are too heavy. The subject will return in due course “.

The first secretary of the PS Jean-Christophe Cambadélis immediately took the opposite view of the Minister of Economy, Emmanuel Macron, in favor of a reform of the unemployment insurance, reminding him that the ministers had to comply with the presidential speech. “The left has no taboo, but it has some totems, especially the fact that when the president speaks, the ministers use” said MP on arrival the Socialist Party national council in Paris. Is it a plea in this site? “Absolutely,” ruled Cambadélis.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls had launched the debate on Monday in London, arguing that the question of the amount and duration of the Unemployment compensation was “to be asked,” according to comments reported in the press. “The question of the effectiveness, fairness of rules of this system (…) is a legitimate debate,” he

added Wednesday to the Assembly.

Before the outcry left by those skilled About “provocation” by the unions, Hollande had been more evasive Thursday, referring to negotiations between the social partners: “On unemployment compensation there is an agreement that has been signed in 2014 and another in 2016 and there is a meeting that is held between the social partners and employment center. “

Currently, the amount of benefits received by a job applicant is constant throughout the period of compensation and the duration is calculated based on the principle “one day = one day worked compensated,” in the two-year limit for assets under 50 years, three years for those 50 years and older. The new unemployment Convention, which entered into force on 1 st July following an agreement between the three unions (CFDT, FO and CFTC) and employers must allow Unédic save 1.9 billion euros by the end of 2016, while its accounts are in the red. 3.8 billion deficit in 2014 provided for a debt of 21.4 billion

This new agreement in effect until the end of 2016, the regime hardens some recipients, including executives across a large severance package and the entertainment.



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