Monday, October 13, 2014

The Nobel Prize in Economics in French Jean Tirole, researcher at … – Le Parisien

The Nobel Prize in Economics in French Jean Tirole, researcher at … – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.025760173797607 sec -> Delivery of famous Nobel vintage 2014, was completed on Monday with the coveted saving price. After physics, chemistry, literature or the Nobel Peace Prize, the Swedish Academy awarded the French economist Jean Tirole, 61, (University Toulouse I) for his work on the industrial economy.
<- hard dé e: 0.11731791496277 sec -> It is an award for his “analysis of market power and regulation,” announced the jury in a statement

This is the polytechnic. third French economist to receive the prestigious award. He succeeds Maurice Allais (1988) and Gerard Debreu (1983). This is the 50th French Nobel prize in all categories.

Presented by the Nobel Committee as “one of the most influential economists of our time”, he has “cleared the way for understanding and

regulate industries with some important business. “

It passed by the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Researcher remained loyal to the University of Toulouse for 1990, after returning from the American University MIT, Jean Tirole was listed among the favorites Nobel recent years. Receive the award, and the award of 8 million Swedish kronor (about 878,000 euros) Dec. 10 in Stockholm.

The response to this award have blended on social networks.

The Nobel Prize in economics, officially called the “price of the Bank of Sweden in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel” is the only one not mentioned in the will of Swedish inventor of dynamite. It was established in 1968 by the Swedish central bank, and awarded for the first time in 1969.


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