Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Jean Tirole, the Nobel laureate in economics who wants to revolutionize college – Challenges.fr

Jean Tirole, the Nobel laureate in economics who wants to revolutionize college – Challenges.fr

When we asked him the question about the chances of getting the Nobel Economics, Jean Tirole always had the same answer: “Be very patient, I’m much too young” . At 61, the president of the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) received top honors ahead of schedule.

The panel met at the Academy of Sciences in Stockholm him awarded the Nobel for his research on industrial economics firms in a dominant position: “Jean Tirole is one of the most influential economists of our époqu e, said the committee. It has advanced research in many areas, but it has especially helped to understand how to regulate the industries with a few powerful companies. “

Stars World

consecration. Jean Tirole is the third French after Gerard Debreu in 1983 and Maurice Allais in 1988 to obtain the Holy Grail of Nobel. -acclaimed distinction, for example by Emmanuel Macron, the Minister of Economy : “A huge congratulations to Jean Tirole, the pride of our country and of school French economy, “ he posted on his Twitter account. and French joined in this honor roll, world stars like Paul Krugman (2008) and Joseph Stiglitz (2001).

And it breaks the American ultradomination: Since 1999, this is the first time that no American is among the selected. In an interview with Challenges , last week complained that domination Tirole: It reflects a situation in which the United States have invested a lot to attract the best economists. I am very sorry, but at the same time, I can not cry foul, he confided . In our country the challenge, to keep its best and to bring in talented foreigners “.

Publish to influence

For several years, Jean Tirole, polytechnicien who did his PhD in economics at MIT in Boston, had a high rating in the middle of the international search . The Repec

(Research Papers in Economics), an authority in the profession, the class 9 th in the world for the quality of its publications, before another French, Olivier Blanchard, chief economist of the IMF .

While Tirole was some distance with this type of record: “These productivity measures have limitations. For example Gerard Debreu, price American Nobel French origin, was not very “productive”, but the article he produced every 3 to 5 years had a lot of influence “, we confided Jean Tirole, in July 2012, but he added: “ However, I am also a strong advocate for their use. Unlike its competitors, France does not have the culture of scientific evaluation. “.

Academic Revolution

In fact, Tirole is not only a brilliant researcher economy. It is also the bearer of a revolution for our university system. In Toulouse, he managed to hoist the School of Economics in the best world, by embarking without qualms in the war of the major global facs to recruit the best researchers and students. We are trying to stem the brain drain, particularly in America. In Toulouse, we bring back young or confirmed US researchers. And 12 lecturers, 11 are foreigners “, he points out

But our star of the economy still is struggling to break the cultural barriers of French facs.: “The return from abroad is complex, involving a significant reduction in salary, and he also faces a host of sometimes unfavorable French institutions preferring to promote from within rather than appointing a foreign yet more deserving” , criticizes the university, part Strategic Research Council, chaired by Manuel Valls. After his coronation by the Nobel Prize, Jean Tirole will have a free hand to move our system.


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