Wednesday, October 8, 2014

UI: Valls legitimate to hold a “debate” – Les Echos

UI: Valls legitimate to hold a "debate" – Les Echos

For the Prime Minister, the question of “efficiency and equity” of unemployment insurance in France is a “legitimate debate” and should be rested at the next renegotiation of the rules “no later than 2016″

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For a month, the government walks on eggshells but advance, step by step on the subject. On Wednesday afternoon, Manuel Valls said that the question of “efficiency and equity” of unemployment insurance in France is a “legitimate debate.”

During the question session at the National Assembly, the Prime Minister added that the social partners “have to ask again” issues “duties associated with the unemployed their rights (de) accompanying these unemployed by faster job center (of the) question of incitement to returning to work “at the next renegotiation of the unemployment insurance under” no later than 2016 “at the end of the current convention of . ‘Unédic

During his visit to London on Monday, Manuel Valls reportedly said – according to comments reported by the press – that the question of the duration and the amount of compensation should “being asked” and “the need to encourage more people back to work.”

Soon after, two ministers have added a layer – this time in official statements. Jean-Marie Le Guen (Relations with Parliament) said that maintaining the allocations unconditional raised “a number of issues.” For its part, Stéphane Le Foll, spokesman for the government returned the ball in the “social partners”.

End of inadmissibility

Social partners who were quick to oppose a

plea in the government. The side of the CFDT, the secretary general, Laurent Berger, it is estimated that “there is no question in this time of rising unemployment, lower tolls unemployed, let alone renegotiate the agreement.”

Same story for the CGT where the number of the center of Montreuil denounced a “provocation.” “The responsibility of government is not to stigmatize people” but “to find lasting solutions,” he said.

early September, the Minister of Labour, François Rebsamen, had sparked outrage among social partners by asking employment center to “strengthen its controls” to “make sure people look good a job.” Discussions announce agitated and tense between the government and the social partners.

Holland kicked into touch

Asked during his visit to Milan on whether a reform of the unemployment insurance, the president responded that there was “enough issues that we should be busy and that we show that we are making meaningful reforms to employment.”
“We do not reform for reform, we make reforms so that there is more growth and more jobs, especially for young people (…) There is a future discussion ensued between social partners for the modernization of social dialogue, to promote the representation of employees … “Has he also argued.

Read also:

Manuel Valls boasts its “pro-business” policy in London

Social dialogue: a real deal or nothing

Justice refuses to suspend the new Convention UI

Les Echos

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