Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Employment: French gesticulation – The Point

Employment: French gesticulation – The Point

They were desperate, Francois Hollande and Matteo Renzi, the third European Employment Summit. They, this Wednesday, October 8. What for? That’s the question facing most other heads of state and government gathered for the event in Milan. Some participants definitely want to ask more questions, more treacherous, the French president.

Questions, first of all, this still abysmal 2015 public deficit 4.3% of GDP, 87 billion euros planned, and probably more, in the opinion of many economists. It could reach 100 billion euros in the light of weak growth prospects, permanently lowered.

… The reduction of the increased spending

But the deficit for the French officers, it is always and yet the fault of others, the rest of the world, Europe, economic conditions, not the government, for which 21 billion projected savings, it’s a feat, an epic, an unprecedented effort. Insufficient effort, however, to reduce public expenditure, which just goes to “reduce the rate of progression,” to use the language in the draft budget law.

It is feared that the European Commission and other member countries of the eurozone, tastes less and less these tricks of language. Requests for postponement promises barker, France keeps pushing the deadline. The countries that have them, making adjustments really do not see why Paris is draperait in any exception to

evade the rule.

Especially since France is now among the poor, among the countries of the Union. An example? Brussels plans to help areas where youth unemployment is over 25%. France now has 11 out of 22 eligible regions is not surprising since the rate of jobseekers under 25 years of age with an average of nearly 23% over the territory.

The immutable Labour Code

Italy, it is true, is much worse. With an unemployment rate of over 44%, it’s the country that can benefit from targeted regions European aid. But at least Matteo Renzi began there some structural reforms. It reviews thoroughly the Labour Code, this will cause a general strike. It provides, among other things, to create a flexible three-year contract and end the ability of courts to reinstate the dismissed employees: for just over 2,000 cases in 40 years, this provision discourages firms to conduct to hiring.

France, it does nothing. Except at the highest level, the comic trooper. When François Fillon, this summer, said that the Labour Code is monstrous, Michel Sapin and replies: “Just write it smaller so that it is so big …” Very funny! But he is not sure of the happy arrogance do laugh out loud long time member countries of the European Union.


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