Monday, October 20, 2014

In Berlin, Emmanuel Macron wants to “clear up some misunderstandings” – Le Monde

In Berlin, Emmanuel Macron wants to "clear up some misunderstandings" – Le Monde

The World | • Updated | By

Emmanuel Macron present his bill, October 15 at Bercy.

Ministers of Finance, Michel Sapin, and the economy, Emmanuel Macron are in Berlin, Monday, Oct. 20, to meet with their counterparts in Germany, Wolfgang Schäuble and Sigmar Gabriel. On the menu of trade, the economic situation in the euro zone and the implementation of European investment program carried by

the future President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and that France is trying to push.

Before flying, Mr. Macron has encrypted the request of France the first time. “50 billion euros in savings at home, 50 billion investment in them, it would be a good balance,” , has he said Monday in a joint interview with Mr. Sapin German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

At a time when the eurozone is going through severe turbulence that do not spare Germany, the revival of activity Europe remains heavily dependent on the quality of the Franco-German dialogue. French side, we do not deny that “there to dispel preconceptions and misconceptions” . However, says the World Mr. Macron, “things are beginning to return . The Franco-German relationship remains strong, but insufficient reforms on our side we have been suffering for twenty years .


Meanwhile, Mr. Schäuble does not dispute that his country had need of investment. “But we do not want growth on credit” is he hammered Sunday in an interview with Welt am Sonntag . S …


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