Friday, October 10, 2014

Environmental tax: the umpteenth government climbdown Highlights -

Environmental tax: the umpteenth government climbdown Highlights -

“It takes a bit to calm down anyway.” Tuesday on France Info, Ségolène Royal was still defending the “toll transit heavyweights.” Minister of Ecology recovering sharply in their place and their threat to road blockage. Two days and a meeting with transport unions later she announced the “indefinite” postponement of the device.

Or how to give up overnight to about million euros expected in 2015 expected to participate in the financing of transport infrastructure revenue 500. And all this at a time when France is pinned by Brussels for failing to meet its commitments to reduce the deficit …

One step forward, two steps back

Not a retreat near the government removed with a stroke of a pen device delivering in pain, just when done by its majority vote in July, as part of the budget correction. Show complete improvisation, a new experiment had just been put in place since 1 st October for the final commissioning of the new system, scheduled for 1 st January 2015 but already rejected the “first few months of the year.” The website of the Ministry of Ecology also showed again Friday, the manual of the device, there is published a little over two weeks.

READ our chronology “From the environmental levy toll trucks, story of a renunciation”

What to anger environmental groups, who accuse the government of caving in to lobbying by motor carriers. “Since 2009, several giveaways were distributed to anticipate the eco-tax (tax reduction on the axle, 44 tonnes of generalization …) for a total of nearly 800 million euros,” France attack Nature Environment.

Tip vocabulary

Communicating outstanding, Minister of Ecology immediately spoke of “the suspension of the device eco-tax” during a press conference, how to maintain cleverly confusion between the device officially recorded under the five year term of Nicolas Sarkozy after the Grenelle environment and alternative output cap government to address the “suspension” ecological tax, announced in October 2013 by former Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, under pressure from the Red Hats.

The toll transit trucks and the environmental tax. With an onboard GPS and famous porticoes, the “pay-transit trucks” should charge for lorries over 3.5t flowing a network of nearly 4,000 miles of national and local roads, closer to their actual route. The system for financing transport infrastructure should bring 500 million euros. Similar in nature, “the eco-tax,” she was to cover 15,000 kilometers of roads and bring almost double, again to finance transport infrastructure.

Ségolène Royal had nevertheless carefully employed to separate the two solutions in the French imagination when the government pulled out of his hat in June its “toll transit heavyweights” after several months of uncertainty, punctuated by a fact finding mission and a Senate investigation committee for burial in a proper environmental tax that was adopted by Parliament in 2009, almost unanimous “It started all his communication arriving at the ministry, saying the environmental tax, is crap, I’m against

the punitive ecology. She then converted, calling transit toll to better accepted. It is clear the intention of the time to move on and we do mean pay the transit, that is to say only foreign trucks. As if French vehicles would no longer be taxed! Then suddenly comes to environmental taxes to bury “fumed a source familiar with the matter.

The Royal crusade against “punitive ecology”

On the merits, however, we can hardly blame her inconstancy Segolene Royal. Since returning to government in April the team of Manuel Valls, the Minister of Ecology continues to try to oppose any levy on trucks that look like, near or far, to environmental tax . In May, she even openly publicly displayed his dispute with his colleague in the finance on it. “Michel Sapin has an institutional position that sticks, coincidentally, that of the parliamentary committee headed by MP Jean-Paul Chanteguet which he is the alternate. This he had hidden me, it was not until I discovered by chance, “had she attacked Paris Match , defending the idea of ​​an alternative levy on the profits made by motorway companies. But faced with budgetary constraints, the Minister of Ecology had ended up losing in arbitration with Bercy.

The time for revenge has come for Royal. But the pill was visibly struggling to pass the Department of Finance, where one does not believe in the idea of ​​a tax on the motorway companies. “The motorway companies have benefited [...] contracts extremely advantageous [...] extremely well made, they expect that if there is an increase in taxation [...] there must be compensation , said Michel Sapin from Washington. And compensation is the higher tolls. Is this is a good solution, including trucks? I’m not absolutely sure, “a- he chained quoted him by Agence France-Presse. Before adding “if the compensation is even extend the concession, then we find that this concession is already extremely advantageous, I’m not sure this is a good solution.”

to a punishment of the taxpayer?

If the former president of the Poitou-Charentes region won a victory, it is done so at the cost of new challenges for the government. “If there is more eco-tax income, you must either reduce spending [the fund for financing infrastructure powered by the environmental tax] or find a recipe substitution,” he warned the Minister of Finance. Risky at a time when local governments already carve their capital spending to offset the decline in state grant of more than € 3 billion Project Finance Act 2015

If the contract with the company responsible for collecting the tax, Ecomouv ‘, is still formally revoked – officially, it is only a new report-The new government denial may cost more much more expensive to the taxpayer. The State will indeed have to compensate the consortium that owns Ecomouv ‘, 70% owned by the Italian Autostrade and 30% by the French group SFR, Thales, SNCF and Steria. If the amount goes around, 850 million euros, can still vary, the bill would still add up to hundreds of millions of euros. What if France could afford.


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