Sunday, October 5, 2014

The local government deficit nearly tripled in a year – BFMTV.COM

The local government deficit nearly tripled in a year – BFMTV.COM

in a context of declining state grants.

“We see that these agencies have seen their costs Operating rise over recent years, while the state, he made efforts to control its operation, “said Sunday the Minister of Finance, Michel Sapin , without confirming the existence of this report.

“I am convinced that without an austerity to these local authorities, it is possible to make operational savings,” Has -there added when the show Le Grand Rendez-Vous Europe 1-i & gt; Tele-Le Monde.

A drop in EUR 3.7 billion state grants is scheduled in 2015, of the 21 billion euros of planned economies next year for all public spending. This could cause a 20% cut in the resources of communal block where the report predicts the biggest savings margins, according to the JDD.

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