Sunday, October 5, 2014

“Europe must take responsibility” said Michel Sapin –

"Europe must take responsibility" said Michel Sapin –

( – The European Commission is to assess from October 15 proposals and efforts proposed by the French government and Social Security to reduce the public deficit in 2015 and it will rule on the validity of his eyes sheet budgetary road to France for which the rules are the same as for all European countries, namely: reducing the national deficit to 3% of GDP at the end of the Only 2015 years, France has already said it would not comply with European guideline before 2017 Questioned by the press, Michel Sapin to spread the idea that the European project can be ” retoqué “by the European Commission. The Minister for Finance and Public Accounts then held fund reforms and structural reforms to support the French project to last, in 2017, France is in the nails of the European budget guidelines.

“France does not require any exception to any rule”

This morning at the Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1 / Le Monde / i-TV, Michel Sapin did not fail to reject the buck weight debt to his predecessors, including Jacques Chirac in 2003, The former Minister of Labour has argued that France had failed to reform when she was at the time, asked with Germany that European rules he must not be applied. Assuming the clear decision of France not to comply with EU rules in 2015 budget guidelines, Michel Sapin pounds. “France asks no exceptions to any rule it would be unacceptable (…) The rules of. Europe must apply equally to everyone, large and small countries. “

The period” requires economic doctrine at European level “

Once economic fault attributed to earlier governance, Michel Sapin pleaded relaxation of EU rules in a context of general economic weakness in Europe. “Europe and France in Europe are much too weak growth, which may be sustained too low if we do nothing … We are hardly out of the financial crisis. I think we got out of the Eurozone crisis, but we have entered a period which requires economic doctrine in Europe, “argues the head of Bercy.

” Everyone must take responsibility “

In a challenging environment for all European nations, Michel Sapin counting on more openness and evaluation largesse from Brussels. The Minister has attempted to show through ongoing reforms the merits of the approach of France. “Everyone has to take responsibility, and France must take responsibility (…) We take our responsibilities by putting up these 40 MdsE that will give businesses margins (…) We pay their competitiveness (… …) We put in

place for next year a saving of 21 MdsE plane as France would never did. France takes its responsibilities, but Europe must also take responsibility by adapting its policy economic situation of the other, “pleaded the Minister of Finance and Public Accounts.

” Risk of the Japanese situation “

The corollary to lack of adaptation the needs of the moment would be bogged down for long Europe “in a very low growth, low inflation.” Michel Sapin warns: “If we do not adapt our policy to the situation, we may be a long time with low growth and very low inflation.” Referring to the positions of Mario Draghi (ECB President), Michel Sapin provides: “If we do nothing to each other, there is a risk of the Japanese situation where for years and years, there was decreasing. “

” We did our job. Be Yours! “

In the current economic context, Michel Sapin still INSEE table as 0.4% French growth in 2014 of the Minister of Finance and Public Accounts agrees on the need “to adjust fiscal policy to the situation and implement structural reforms.” At the forefront of these radical reforms, the boss of Bercy provides four shifts. “The most important is to give companies the ability to rehire” via the CICE. “We did our job! So do yours,” Michel Sapin calls at businesses. The second structural reform is on local government reform, which have “to make efforts to control their operating expenses without either a dose of austerity.”

Several thresholds reformed before the end of the year

The third structural reform is already underway and is about “the relationship between employees in the Company and its management.” Michel Sapin evokes the law on collective redundancies negotiated in 2013 Finally, Michel Sapin said that it was necessary to initiate the reform “of social thresholds, tax and administrative focusing on businesses 9-10 employees and those of 49-50 employees, with negative. effects These negotiations should be concluded before the end of the year (…) as well as the rules on Sunday working in tourist areas. ” In an interview with the Journal du Dimanche, the Minister said that the government will engage in “a reform of the earned income tax and RSA activity.”

  – © 2014


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