Thursday, October 9, 2014

Suspension of the environmental tax Manuel Valls welcomes a “wise decision” – Le Monde

Suspension of the environmental tax Manuel Valls welcomes a "wise decision" – Le Monde

A portico with tax in Lisieux, November 16th 2013

“It is a wise decision because the device had become incomprehensible. The Minister was right to suspend its application indefinitely. We need to find a sustainable and simple solution. “

See also: Government suspends (yet) the introduction of the environmental tax

The national secretary of Europe Ecologie- Greens (EELV), Emmanuelle Cosse, it was declared on iTV “just shocked” by the suspension:

“I am outraged that in this country the day we discuss the law on energy transition, we will not be able to have strong measures against pollution of the air and to have other practices in traffic (…). Who will pay for the air pollution? For road maintenance? (…) It’ll be even consumers, citizens and motorists. “

For the former Ecology Minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet (UMP), M me Royal ” murderous ecology “:


As for the Socialists, the president of the Commission for Sustainable Development Assembly, Jean-Paul Chanteguet, described the abandonment of “regrettable error” :

“That levy has the advantage of providing the state resources that allow it to finance the road

maintenance but also the development of alternative sustainable transport infrastructure, such as railways and waterways. (…) Without these resources, the State is unable to discharge its responsibility “ in the matter.

The former secretary of State for Transport Frédéric Cuvillier was also held in response to the decision on Twitter:

After these many negative statements, Segolene Royal acknowledged that she understood the reaction of environmentalists, while wanting to reassure its willingness to find solutions “sustainable and fair” . To replace the environmental tax, it says it wants to expand the levy on the profits of motorway companies. “It’s still common sense and it is a polluter pays” , was justified.

EMPLOYEES D ‘Ecomouv “stunned”

A decision that could be critical for employees to Ecomouv’, the company responsible for collecting the eco-tax. Staff representatives from the company have said Lorraine “stunned” . “It’s a shame in light of the commitments government responded Jacques Stirn, CFDT delegate. This is the amazement for all employees. There are only a few days, the introduction of the environmental tax was not even questioned. “

The company Ecomouv ‘, located in Metz, employs two hundred employees and nearly one hundred thirty customs officials, mostly recruited between 2012 and 2013 The maintenance jobs will evoked Ecomouv ‘at a works council could be convened urgently in the coming days

Read synthesis. Delivery: itinerary of renunciation


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