(Boursier.com) – Rumors of replacing Henri Proglio as head of EDF are increasing, while the board of directors must enact the change is on Thursday … According to information from ‘Liberation ‘François Hollande has chosen not to renew the current CEO. “A dramatic turn of events last minute is never excluded in this type of case, but according to several sources, the decision of the head of state was arrested there several days now,” the paper writes.
Review solid
Arriving at the top of the group in 2009, Henri Proglio yet a strong balance sheet, which in its favor. It reduced the group’s exposure to risky markets, making it out of Germany and the American nuclear and managed to introduce in key countries such as Italy and the United Kingdom. Another advantage of the current boss: EDF reported net attributable profit of € 3.5 billion (+7.4%) in 2013 and paid nearly $ 2 billion dividend to the
Parisot candidate
According to the information of ‘Liberation’, it is recognized at the top of the state, Henri Proglio shows a “good record”. But “the law of energy transition, a page is turned, it is a new strategy that implements EDF. It is logical that the government needs to embody this change,” he told a source familiar with the everyday. Unable however to know the name of his successor, who has not leaked, as if to congratulate the Elysee. The former boss of MEDEF, Laurence Parisot, is a candidate. The name of Philippe Crouzet, head of Vallourec and EDF director, also runs …

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