“Europe needs a New Deal” , he said in the interview published Sunday, October 12 after criticism of the president of the Eurogroup, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, which estimates that Paris should not be given a new deadline to reach the EU limit of 3% deficit.
M. Considers this macron New Deal would allow France to get 10 billion additional investment each year: “Everybody wins, but today, everyone is loser – the slowdown in the German economy is further proof. “ ” We have six months to create a new situation in France and Europe, “, has he added.
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According to him, movement to be launched in France and critics should not be focused on an ‘Brussels, Berlin or abroad “. “The solution is in our ability to move, to modernize the country, unlock, free the economy, provide an opportunity for those who want to work, create, produce, to do much more simply” Has he summarized.
M. Macron announcement, also a law for the activity to be presented to the Cabinet ‘before the end of the year “, which will be ” passed as soon as possible in 2015 ” and he will detail the content in the “coming weeks” . Among the sectors concerned, he mentions the license, simplification of procedures in the housing “and the modernization of working conditions on the basis of negotiations and in accordance with the free will of everyone” .
relation to regulated professions, he said that the excess of standards “created situations artificial protection flange and development activity” . They have “hit CICE [tax credit for competitiveness and employment], so we will ask them to update and participate in the collective effort, in consultation. Same thing for supermarkets or motorway concession “, he has warned
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