Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tesla for Mr. All-the-world –

Tesla for Mr. All-the-world –

This is the story of a phenomenon. A California troublemaker who, with only 35,000 sedans produced in 2014, provides a headache for the industry bigwigs. “ The world’s largest automaker” ensures even laugh without star analyst at Morgan Stanley, Adam Jonas. It is not the only financial electrified by Tesla with 0.02% market share worldwide, the champion of the electric car, founded by billionaire Elon Musk, is valued $ 35 billion, the same as Renault, Peugeot Citroen and Fiat together.

secret map posted on a blog

Where then will stop Musk? The tycoon, 43, also originally from PayPal and start-up space SpaceX, has never hidden his goal for Tesla: “ Set the consumer market fascinating electric cars as soon as possible. “ From 2007, he even declined a road map on his blog, in a note ironically titled” The secret plan Tesla “:” , build a sports car two, use that money to make a car affordable Three, use that money to make a more affordable car.. say. Ne person. “

Musk has not deviated one iota of its strategy. After a first sports model, the Roadster, developed in 2008 on a Lotus chassis (2450 exemplair are sold at $ 109,000 each), the start-up in 2012 has developed the Model S sedan, plus “ affordable “ ($ 70,000 anyway), which received a exceptional hospitality of the automotive community. “ Our goal is to move 800 cars produced per week in 2000 to late 2015″ said Simon Sproule, spokesperson of Tesla, debauched Renault-Nissan. The group hopes to build on this success by launching the Model X SUV in autumn 2015, developed on the same platform as the Model S and features falcon-wing doors that spread like wings of a bird.

Optimize the best technologies

But the real revolution is announced for 2017: the launch of the Model 3, a car 35,000 dollars (28,000 euros), which would bring Tesla ground -foot in the consumer market. “ To achieve this award, we

have to halve the cost of batteries and the electronics power” calculates Sebastian Amichi, partner at Roland Berger. More than on leapfrogging, Musk set in mature systems. “ tab Tesla is taking the best technologies available on the market, and optimize” points François Chopard, Partner at Impulse Partners.

On the Model S, the laptop batteries have been installed in large numbers to show a record battery life (up 502 km for the Model S, against 150 for the Renault Zoe). “ The slogan Tesla is scrappy , which can result in system D, explains Philippe Chain, former director of the quality of the group. We have an idea, it implements it immediately. Incredible talent engineers Tesla and strength of conviction Musk form a formidable cocktail. “

“Gigafactory” in Nevada

The California group will also soon be able to count on a new weapon: his battery factory, the “Gigafactory” scheduled for 2017 Following a fierce competition between American states is Nevada, with a fiscal package of $ 1.25 billion, which has just be chosen to host the 6500 future employees. “ The site is expected to reduce the production costs of the batteries by 30%, and equip 500,000 cars in 2020″ , explains Simon Sproule.

Musk will he provided his bet? To convert to electric customers, the owner of Tesla invests in a network of “superchargers” (192 in the world today), that recharge free half of the Model S battery in just twenty minutes. But the passage of the premium the consumer market remains a gamble. “ He must learn to make volume to ramp up on the industrial side, and face the world leaders in a market with low margins” , peak Stéphane Albernhe, partner at Archery Strategy Consulting. The last step of the “secret plan” Elon Musk looks the toughest.


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