Thursday, October 9, 2014

Taxes: the wealthiest pay the bill – Liberation

Taxes: the wealthiest pay the bill – Liberation

When analyzed by income, it is a first novel assessment of the effects of tax increases occurred in 2013 and 2014 Revealed by the World that has obtained a document distributed by the general rapporteur of the budget, Valerie Rabault (PS), colleagues of the Committee on Finance of the National Assembly, he shows how the additional 8 billion euros expected from these measures are more or less affected taxpayers based on income decile in which they are located. And according to these calculations (made from 500,000 statements), fewer households have borne a large share of increases.

If the bottom of the scale, 1350000 tax households became taxable in 2013 and 2014, nearly 6 of the 8 billion in new revenue expected from households located in 9 th and 10 th deciles. In other words, the upper middle class and high income (20% of tax units) finalized three-quarters of the bill.

The document details measure by measure the effects of these increases. Established in 2012, the scale of the taxation of capital income (to align their tax systems on the one at work) – partially offset as a result of the revolt of “pigeons” entrepreneurs – has added to the tax of 85,000 homes an

amount of € 3.25 billion (an average of € 38 470 per taxpayer). An invoice for 90% of the lowest decile (over 52,448 euros annual revenues), which derive a large part of its income from its assets. Lowering the ceiling of the family quotient was also concerned mainly high incomes, while about 80% of households affected by refiscalisation overtime have incomes between 4 th (12,686 euros) and 7 th (29 euros 290) decile.

“This is proof that the income tax is hyperconcentrated on high incomes, reacted the UMP president of the finance committee, Gilles Carrez, who was aware of the document. This also explains why it is so vulnerable, and this study should therefore be correlated with the observed losses from the forecast revenue of $ 5.3 billion in 2013 and at least 5.5 this year. By zooming in a little more, I think that would be observed that 50% of the increase is supported by 2% of households. “

Christophe AliX


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