Wednesday, October 8, 2014

PS advocates the end of child benefit for all – Le Figaro

PS advocates the end of child benefit for all – Le Figaro

VIDEOS – While the Social Security budget is presented to the Cabinet on Wednesday, Bruno le Roux reopens debate on modulation of family benefits based on income. Marisol Touraine is willing to “trade” even if the proposal is “not that of the government.”

The crisis and budget cuts grow the government to rethink family policy of France. But the draft budget for Social Security which aims to save 700 million euros by reforming the parental leave and the baby bonus is far from unanimous. While the proposed budget is presented this morning by the Cabinet, Bruno Le Roux says not to exclude an amendment establishing a group of PS modulation of family allowances, according to Les Echos . “There is a very controlling position in the group to study the modulation of family allowances again,” the newspaper reported.

Even standpoint of first secretary of the PS, Jean-Christophe Cambadelis, found “normal” Wednesday such modulation on Sud Radio, but the government is more cautious.

The Minister of Social Affairs said on France Info that this idea was “a strong logic.” “We’ll discuss it,” but added Marisol Touraine, according to which “benefits paid to families today will not decline. Yes, the future developments will intervene. But for families who now receive family allowances after the budget of Social Security, these benefits will not move, “Has she said. For the government spokesman, Stéphane Le Foll, “of course, everything can change, the discussion is open.” The National Assembly is still there to discuss, “said he said on Europe 1

But the president of the National Assembly, the Socialist Claude Bartolone said on France Inter.” I do not want people to make a decision without knowing exactly what is called the effort to some and to others. “

Nearly 50% of benefits paid by the family branch

The proposal was carried by one of the Vice-President of the National Assembly, Laurence Dumont. It represents a modulation of family allowances based on household income, while today these benefits are based on the principle of universality and therefore does not depend on family resources. In other words, the wealthy families no longer would

receive the same amounts as low-income households.

First introduced in the 1930s, the “child benefit” have been designed to support the French birth rate, then at half mast. Since then, the principle has not changed and therefore all families in France receive the same amount of child benefit, regardless of income level. A modest family receives 290 euros per month of “child benefit” if she raises three children, so a couple of wealthy executives with the same number of children. But this principle of family policy “universalist” has a cost. In 2011, non-means tested benefits represented 47.9% of total benefits paid by the family branch.

The “alloc” fair compensation of a load

The idea of ​​reducing child benefit wealthy families attracted so part of the left. “I am a member, I have a child, I would find abnormal to receive family allowances,” said Malek Boutih, MP PS Essonne. “I’m not shocked by this idea,” says his side Christian Paul, MP PS Nièvre. “But I think today we need to support household consumption. And family allowances, these are also the amounts that help raise children in decent conditions. “

This challenge is so far from unanimous. Fondard Francis, who chairs the National Union of Family Associations (UNAF), believes that “the benefits are not additional income, but fair compensation of a load.” Same line of defense of some members of the opposition. Thus, Philippe Gosselin, UMP Channel, speaks of “formal disagree.” “Family benefits are not distributed because you have a particular income, but because you have kids,” he says. “The idea is to be a sort of compensation to the cost of a child. Of course, a child is out of love and family project. But beyond that, there is a cost. Allowances were created for it. Benefits means-tested is a mistake because they fall into the welfare system, which is the role of the tax, not the family system. ” The debate is not new. For now, the government has decided to maintain the principle of the universality of family policy

VIDEO -. “Divide by three premium birth to third child not votable “said Christian Paul, MP PS.


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