Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Highways: Ségolène Royal advocates free weekend – Le Parisien

Highways: Ségolène Royal advocates free weekend – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.023730993270874 sec -> “It’s the small steps that make big moves.” Ségolène Royal is fond of repeating this refrain, especially since the law for the energy transition has been debated and voted at the Meeting. But the Minister of Ecology, as it advances in this direction, as pebbles sows discord.
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Last week, after the abandonment of the latest draft of the environmental tax, Segolene Royal had called motorway companies to make “a some of their pension ‘to fund a portion of the road infrastructure work. Asked Tuesday morning by a listener of RTL, the minister said, without wanting to tax the motorway companies, which would probably lead to higher tolls, it would lead to «the $ 20 too much” imposed 100 euro against the tolls, the Court of Auditors. “There is no reason that the French pay twice,” said she firmly told.

Therefore, the former president of the Poitou-Charentes region is concerned about the possibility of making these free to motorists on weekends or during rush hour, “for example” axes. A popular idea that should be cringe Motor Carrier: Also they themselves are also likely to rest on Saturday and Sunday, they have traffic restrictions on weekends and eve of public holidays.

On the green taxation. Segolene Royal shows its willingness to assist the French tax retrofitting for energy efficient their homes and offices. She was convinced by the polluter-pays principle against manufacturers. Yet the toll transit trucks, which was to replace the environmental tax has been suspended indefinitely.

“Disheartened,” the committee chairman for green taxation has yet resigned Monday. “For three months I have made proposals to revive the committee. Since I do not have an answer, I am discouraged me, “said AFP economist Christian de Perthuis, named in 2012 to head the advisory body. “In the absence of response to your two departments,” he has written to Michel Sapin and Segolene Royal, “I understand that the work carried out (…) no longer meet the priorities of the government.” As soon as the news was known, the Greens MPs Cécile Duflot, former Secretary of State, and Denis Baupin, reacted on Twitter. In “It’s

discouraging,” the first replied on “red alert signal” of the second. “Already grounded by the abandonment of the eco-tax, ecology cash another blow,” also considered the UDI deputy Bertrand Pancher.

This morning on RTL, Segolene Royal, who s is always expressed opposition to environmental taxation, which, in its view, punitive ecology, refused to disclose the amount of compensation to be paid to the company Ecomouv ‘for abandoning gantries identification weight -lourds. “We’ll know when I have fully recovered the flat file” is simply said the Minister of Ecology, which nevertheless has the file on his desk for months. And estimate that “this contract should have been terminated upon arrival responsibilities because it is excessive and q’uil robs the public money.”

On the closure of the plant Nuclear Fessenheim. It was a campaign pledge of President Francois Hollande, along with its commitment to significantly reduce the weight of energy from nuclear, 75 to 50% by 2025 compared to other energy sources (hydro, wind, solar).

This morning on RTL, as it did in late September on France Inter, Ségolène Royal has refused to announce the 2016 closure of most of the former French central park. When the time comes to close two plants, “we will look at what is the right solution. Very significant investments have been made on Fesseheim, must be taken into account. If EDF said it makes more sense to close two other reactors that require larger investments and if the ASN is in the same sense, I take position “for the closure of these reactors and not the Fessenheim.

The Greens, who have made one of their warhorses, are likely to annoy, even though Article 1 of the Bill provides for the reduction of 75-50% . the nuclear share of electricity generation by 2025 – as promised

The reaction of the Secretary General of EELV has also been swift: “Fessenheim: I do not think it is Madame Royal back on the commitments of the President of the Republic, “she wrote on Twitter.

As for his predecessor in this post Cécile Duflot, it synthesizes proposing “that produced electricity Fessenheim is free on weekends.”

VIDEO. Ségolène Royal is not “certain” to first close the Fessenheim


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