Dublin – The Irish government on Tuesday presented a budget austerity output four years after being saved from bankruptcy by an international bailout, in the European debate on the virtues and dangers of rigor .
The country’s finance minister, Michael Noonan, also announced in Parliament tougher tax rules for companies that are the subject of European critical for their alleged laxity. The European Commission has recently announced the opening of an investigation into agreements between Dublin and the American giant Apple.
‘s budget provided for increases in spending and tax cuts for the first time for seven years, when the international financial crisis has hit hard the country is booming, then dubbed the Celtic Tiger.
Ireland crossed for severe austerity measures, combining cuts in spending and tax increases, and was forced to accept a bailout from the EU and IMF on € 85 billion to save its threatened with bankruptcy by the explosion of the banking system housing bubble.
The road was very rough to get that far, said Mr. Noonan, for which the 2015 budget is intended to ensure economic recovery, strong enough in 2014 with growth could exceed 3%.
Another country in the European Union recently released a plan of international aid, Portugal, must also submit a budget this week in which he could let go a little ballast in terms of austerity.
The debate rages in Europe on whether to maintain inflexible rigor or whiling away more spending to boost economic engine that is experiencing some
M. Noonan also announced the end of a flaw in his pejoratively nicknamed the Double Irish (Irish double) tax system -. A method used by American multinationals to register their profits in tax havens via Ireland
I abolish the ability of companies to use the Irish twice, changing our residence rules. All businesses in Ireland will be tax resident in Ireland, he said.
The European critical redoubled against Irish tax policy since the initiation of the Commission on agreements between Apple and the Irish Revenue Commissioners in 1991 and amended in 2007, which allowed the Apple brand pay only a effective tax rate of 2% in the country in which he has its European headquarters.
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