Monday, October 20, 2014

In Berlin, Emmanuel Macron wants to “clear up some misunderstandings” – Le Monde

In Berlin, Emmanuel Macron wants to "clear up some misunderstandings" – Le Monde

The World | • Updated | By

Emmanuel Macron present his bill, October 15 at Bercy.

Ministers of Finance, Michel Sapin, and the economy, Emmanuel Macron are in Berlin, Monday, Oct. 20, to meet with their counterparts in Germany, Wolfgang Schäuble and Sigmar Gabriel. On the menu of trade, the economic situation in the euro zone and the implementation of European investment program carried by

the future President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and that France is trying to push.

Before flying, Mr. Macron has encrypted the request of France the first time. “50 billion euros in savings at home, 50 billion investment in them, it would be a good balance,” , has he said Monday in a joint interview with Mr. Sapin German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

At a time when the eurozone is going through severe turbulence that do not spare Germany, the revival of activity Europe remains heavily dependent on the quality of the Franco-German dialogue. French side, we do not deny that “there to dispel preconceptions and misconceptions” . However, says the World Mr. Macron, “things are beginning to return . The Franco-German relationship remains strong, but insufficient reforms on our side we have been suffering for twenty years .


Meanwhile, Mr. Schäuble does not dispute that his country had need of investment. “But we do not want growth on credit” is he hammered Sunday in an interview with Welt am Sonntag . S …


Germany: new strike by Lufthansa pilots – Boursorama

Germany: new strike by Lufthansa pilots – Boursorama

The pilots union of German Lufthansa airline group announced Monday 20 October 1 new strike for Tuesday on the long haul, just after the one scheduled for Monday afternoon on domestic routes and medium-haul. Duration: 0:20

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Areva boss resigns for “health reasons” – The World

Areva boss resigns for "health reasons" – The World

The World | • Updated | By


” In very difficult personal circumstances, despite my strong attachment to Areva, I had to bring myself to do not continue my duties as head of the company and put me off work for medical reasons “, explained Oursel, said in the statement.

“I must now carry a personal fight against the disease, but all my thoughts are with teams Areva . I was proud and happy to engage in a challenging environment, in the turnaround of the company, serving the country, and I am confident that they will succeed. “

The decision to replace Mr Oursel be taken ” in the coming hours “, said the Prime Minister, Manuel Valls.

“I received Mr. Oursel this weekend, who told me the news and his illness is a brave man who was a very professional leader, very committed to the die nuclear. There will be continuity, succession to the leadership of this great company Areva what “

Read his portrait. Luc Oursel , Minesweeper

  • A departure that comes as governance will change

The departure of Mr. Oursel comes as the person to know what fate awaited his alleged by the state, which owns 87% of Areva, live through the Commission for Atomic Energy (CEA). In December indeed must be approved the change of Governance Areva. Company with a Management Board and Supervisory Board, the builder of power plants will become a company with a CEO and a chairman of the board.

This reform had been under consideration since the appointment of . Oursel in June 2011, turn page management deemed too personal – and sometimes uncontrollable – Anne Lauvergeon during his two terms (2001-2011).

The state was and decide whether he Mr. Oursel extended. In this case, it must be the position of CEO. The post of chairman of the board back to Pierre Blayau, Chairman of the Supervisory Board since 2013, with an additional prerogative in relation to its current mandate: the approval of accounts

But nothing does. was played: the name of Philippe Knoche, deputy CEO of Areva and number two, has been circulating for several weeks to replace Mr. Oursel. The polytechnic, mining engineer, knows the house: it was the first team from M me Lauvergeon in 2000 during the creation of Areva by the merger of Cogema, Framatome and CEA Industries .

  • A starting concomitant replacement of the CEO of EDF
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But the departure of Mr. Oursel also comes as the CEO of EDF, Henri Proglio, was thanked by the state. He was replaced by Jean-Bernard Levy, head of Thales.

But the bosses of Areva and EDF will have to agree. After the war without thank you Lauvergeon-Proglio between 2009 and 2011, very damaging to the functioning of the French nuclear industry and its image abroad, EDF and Areva had peaceful dealings with the arrival of Mr. Oursel.

This was evidenced by the boss of Areva, 15 billion of orders the electricity giant has spent the incumbent supplier in the past three years. In the civil nuclear sector, the links between plant operators and equipment manufacturers are tightening more and more. We see it with the new Korean competitors, China and Russia Areva and EDF. They must work closely together to from to conquer markets increasingly difficult to win .

Read the analysis: Proglio: Five years, five dates for rough presidency

  • A departure that comes as the financial situation is heckled

Areva still faces a high debt (4.7 billion euros). Therefore, on October 7, the Supervisory Board decided on a new package for “strengthen the financial structure. “

The group has decided to reduce by € 200 million investments in 2015 and 2016 they will fall below 1 billion (against $ 1.1 billion in 2014). The sale of non-strategic assets and minority interests will continue, with a “minimum of 450 miilion euros” . Finally, Areva will issue bonds “at the earliest” according to the market situation.

After three years of relative calm, the company faces new turmoil since the beginning of the year. In the first half, they showed a net loss of € 694 million, and 2014 will end with a 10% decrease in revenue.

Renewable energy has lost a lot of money Areva and decided to stop its activities in concentrated solar power. Large projects weigh on the accounts, including the modernization of central Sweden, the execution goes wrong. In the United States, net sales declined 12% in the first half (compared to 2013).

  • Heavy issues EPR and wind
The construction of the Olkiluoto 3 EPR in Finland.

Heavy Mortgage weigh on the group. Will put it in 2018 (with the help of EDF) Finnish EPR reactor for which he provisioned EUR 2.8 billion? Will restart when the Japanese reactors? And how many of the 48 slices in working order? Since Fukushima, the turnover in the Japanese archipelago fell from 1 billion to less than 200 million.

The future of activity in offshore wind turbines is also at stake. Must prosecuted, as desired by Mr. Oursel? Or off, as the defending Blayau, whose relations were difficult with Mr. Oursel

& gt;. & Gt; Read also: The Finnish EPR nuclear reactor to enter service in 2018, promises Areva, nine years late (subscribers edition)


Friday, October 17, 2014

Bolloré wants most of Havas – The World

Bolloré wants most of Havas – The World

The main shareholder of Havas, Vincent Bolloré, during a speech in Paris on December 13, 2005

While some saw Mr. Bolloré Havas push into the arms of Vivendi, which owns 5% of the capital, the board of the advertising and the holding company of tycoon Breton had to Friday, October 17 succeed in the day to study this.

In the meantime, the current tenor of advertising chaired by Yannick Bolloré, a son of the industrialist, was suspended mid-afternoon by the AMF (AMF). He also Bolloré group. The capitalization bousière Havas amounted to EUR 2.3


Vincent Bolloré was joined Havas capital in summer 2004, before engaging in a knife fight Alain de Pouzilhac, then head of the group that denied its shareholder of director seats. Le Breton had won after an epic general meeting in mid-2005, which shook the French establishment. He held at the time 10% of Havas capital.

Industrial Breton, who never does anything like the others, eventually gained control first, before strengthening over the years in the capital. It consolidates the advertising in its accounts since September 2012, by consolidation, and holds the majority of seats on the board

See also:. Yannick Bolloré only master at Havas and after

As is the new law on public tenders, the Bolloré group, owned approximately 75% by the family of billionaire pose as a condition of obtaining more than 50% of its subsidiary. One way for industrial Breton regularize a situation of de facto control.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ireland has a budget of austerity output, 4 years later … –

Ireland has a budget of austerity output, 4 years later … –

Dublin – The Irish government on Tuesday presented a budget austerity output four years after being saved from bankruptcy by an international bailout, in the European debate on the virtues and dangers of rigor .

The country’s finance minister, Michael Noonan, also announced in Parliament tougher tax rules for companies that are the subject of European critical for their alleged laxity. The European Commission has recently announced the opening of an investigation into agreements between Dublin and the American giant Apple.

‘s budget provided for increases in spending and tax cuts for the first time for seven years, when the international financial crisis has hit hard the country is booming, then dubbed the Celtic Tiger.

Ireland crossed for severe austerity measures, combining cuts in spending and tax increases, and was forced to accept a bailout from the EU and IMF on € 85 billion to save its threatened with bankruptcy by the explosion of the banking system housing bubble.

The road was very rough to get that far, said Mr. Noonan, for which the 2015 budget is intended to ensure economic recovery, strong enough in 2014 with growth could exceed 3%.

Another country in the European Union recently released a plan of international aid, Portugal, must also submit a budget this week in which he could let go a little ballast in terms of austerity.

The debate rages in Europe on whether to maintain inflexible rigor or whiling away more spending to boost economic engine that is experiencing some

hiccups. France in particular, including President François Hollande calls for a break from the policies of austerity, is opposed on this issue to Germany of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, fierce partisan budget orthodoxy.

M. Noonan also announced the end of a flaw in his pejoratively nicknamed the Double Irish (Irish double) tax system -. A method used by American multinationals to register their profits in tax havens via Ireland

I abolish the ability of companies to use the Irish twice, changing our residence rules. All businesses in Ireland will be tax resident in Ireland, he said.

The European critical redoubled against Irish tax policy since the initiation of the Commission on agreements between Apple and the Irish Revenue Commissioners in 1991 and amended in 2007, which allowed the Apple brand pay only a effective tax rate of 2% in the country in which he has its European headquarters.

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Videos that should interest you


François Hollande should not extend Proglio as head of EDF –

François Hollande should not extend Proglio as head of EDF –

( – Rumors of replacing Henri Proglio as head of EDF are increasing, while the board of directors must enact the change is on Thursday … According to information from ‘Liberation ‘François Hollande has chosen not to renew the current CEO. “A dramatic turn of events last minute is never excluded in this type of case, but according to several sources, the decision of the head of state was arrested there several days now,” the paper writes.

Review solid

Arriving at the top of the group in 2009, Henri Proglio yet a strong balance sheet, which in its favor. It reduced the group’s exposure to risky markets, making it out of Germany and the American nuclear and managed to introduce in key countries such as Italy and the United Kingdom. Another advantage of the current boss: EDF reported net attributable profit of € 3.5 billion (+7.4%) in 2013 and paid nearly $ 2 billion dividend to the

State, its first shareholder with 84.5% stake.

Parisot candidate

According to the information of ‘Liberation’, it is recognized at the top of the state, Henri Proglio shows a “good record”. But “the law of energy transition, a page is turned, it is a new strategy that implements EDF. It is logical that the government needs to embody this change,” he told a source familiar with the everyday. Unable however to know the name of his successor, who has not leaked, as if to congratulate the Elysee. The former boss of MEDEF, Laurence Parisot, is a candidate. The name of Philippe Crouzet, head of Vallourec and EDF director, also runs …

  – © 2014


The state can it bring down the price of motorway tolls? – The World

The state can it bring down the price of motorway tolls? – The World

The toll of Vienna on the A7 motorway.

The State may renegotiate contracts that bind with motorway companies? Ségolène Royal is convinced. Minister calls for a 10% reduction of tariffs and free highways weekend. One immediately denied by Matignon version, which the judge “hard to imagine” . What

Read also: Delivery: how the government wants to puncture motorway companies

In suspending “indefinitely” environmental tax October 9, Segolene Royal has put the government face penalties and a loss of nearly $ 2 billion, which were particularly used to finance a series of road projects. Minister of Ecology is now targeting the highways and toll rates, which it hopes lowered companies. Even go a little fast, as in his speech in the morning of Tuesday, October 14 RTL

What she said.

“Highways have not complied with the contract that was theirs, that is to say, they would have had to reduce prices as the depreciation period infrastructure. (…) The Court of Auditors said that highways did not comply with the contract, to the extent that they would have had to lower tolls and not continue to super-pocketing. “

” Today, trading is going to open is that highways make this money to do the infrastructure work. “

Why it’s not so simple

The Court of Auditors has actually pinned several times, higher toll rates and, more generally, “relations between the state and the motorway concession companies’ . The judges of the Rue Cambon and denounced in their 2008 annual report “ inconsistent tariffs” rate increases systematically “above inflation” , and more generally a ‘pricing policy [which] is substantially removed from the rules which were based. “

New warning shot in July 2013 when the Court of Auditors published a report on the issue and denounced again increases “ above inflation” and a lack of requirement of the state in case of ‘non-compliance with their obligations by dealers’

nonetheless., past contracts with these companies heavily protected, so that the standoff is to engage more complex. Resume.

1. Specific contracts

When France wanted to build highways, she set up concessions the government has made companies responsible for constructing and maintaining these taxiways. These companies received in return for such heavy investment the right to operate, through tolls, motorways created during a certain period.

These companies were allowed to use another principle, that of the backing: rather than funding new sections for new loans, they could use the product highways already built to develop the network. . Principle that caused regular rate increases, but also lease time

In 2002 and again in 2004 and 2005, looking for money, the state has privatized these companies: to First Motorways of southern France (ASF) and those in the north and east (Sanef), and finally those of Paris-Rhin-Rhone (SAPRR.)

14 6000000000 Since these dates, motorway companies are fully privatized, and belong to large groups: Eiffage (APRR, AREA …), Vinci (ASF), Albertis … A total of 18 concession companies, of which only two are still public (those operating the tunnels of Mont Blanc and Frejus), manages over 9,000 miles of highway. An activity that generates significant and most guaranteed profits: by Expansion shareholders motorway companies have recovered 14.6 billion euros in dividends since 2006

Evolution of profitability motorway companies.

2. Bonds followed shortly by the State

motorway companies have been involved in the management of networks becoming larger, the tolls were more or less profitable according sections. To complicate things, the motorway companies could apply a principle called “the expansion”: from an average increase, they could modulate the rise, further increasing the busiest sections and less those who know fewer passes. In 2009, following an initial report from the Court of Auditors, the motorway company promised to stop the practice, which has been gradually.

But these large groups are not entirely free to do what they want on the highways. Specific contracts with the state set their obligations: Pavement Maintenance, quality service equipment … In principle, the non-compliance with these obligations may lead to sanctions. Nonetheless,

the Court of Auditors noted in two reports that the Department of Transport had the greatest difficulty in imposing a balance of power in negotiations with the motorway companies. In 2013, it noted as follows:

“The state does not show very particular case of non-fulfillment of their obligations by dealers, it was called Whether to preserve the heritage, to respect the commitments made in the plan contracts or transmitting the data required by the grantor. He rarely puts out contractual instruments available (possibility of formal notice and penalties) and does not make the contracting plan compliance by dealers of their contractual obligations ‘base’. “

When motorists pay 100 euros, between 20 and 24 euros is the net income for the motorway concession, according to the Competition Authority.

3. Regular rate increases and planned

According to the decree of 1995, which establishes the principle of tolls, the amount defined in the specifications of the concession company based a “average mileage rate that takes into account the structure of the network, operating expenses and financial burdens of society and the modulation capabilities of the average mileage rate ‘. This average price may vary depending on the sections, according to complex rules again

The Order 1995 provides for increases “floor” guarantees dealers. Rates must increase at least up to 70% of inflation. Other factors come into play if the motorway company incurs additional investment, for example, she can pass on price increases. Similarly, a specific tax to finance deficit rail transport is to the tolls (TAT), and thus passed to the user.

In short, the increase in toll rates is expected and . anticipated in contracts with state contracts

In 1999, the State Council said that the practice of backing – and therefore the funding of new highway tolls from those already exploited – was illegal. This would normally lead to lower tolls on sections already depreciated by motorway companies. Yet modestly explained the Court of Auditors in 2008:

“The method of fixing the old highway tolls has not been modified and lower tolls has not occurred. “

In other words, the state has never taken the problem head on.

There are many concession contracts that motorway companies. And each contract sets its own policy rate modulation, as complex and different criteria as appropriate. And noted again the Court of Auditors, it becomes increasingly complex to understand “the relationship between costs and tolls on the motorway” .

The system is based on the principle that all investments must be offset by rate increases.

In addition, these contracts have not actually planned to decrease rates. Thus, the Court noted in its report of 2013, “The assumption of a negative inflation was not taken into account in the drafting of concession contracts and plan contracts. In fact, writing the Decree 95-81 on motorway tolls and planning contracts evokes an increase or a rate increase, which excludes any idea of ​​price cuts. “

As summed up by a parliamentary report of 2013 “The system is based on the principle that all investments must be offset by rate increases; therefore, corporate profits are not intended to be reinvested or allow lower fares. ” The autoutières companies therefore call regularly to the State the possibillity to make new investments, which result in rate increases or extensions of the concession period.

Similarly, contract terms provide for parades where taxation. Thus, the tax on motorway companies that Ségolène Royal would bring the end to compensate for the environmental tax mechanically would increase motorway tariffs.

4. Nationalization as the only solution?

As it stands, it is not possible to obtain rate reductions without engaging in a standoff with the motorway companies, which are protected by contracts already awarded. The only solution would be to renegotiate the concession agreements and modify variables on which they are based.

But this is probably not enough. As noted in the Express, the competition authority and pointed in September “how the legal framework for concessions forced any changes in the regulation of motorway sector, particularly tariff. Thus, it was only between 2027 and 2033, at the end of the concessions that the state, recovering the operation of the highway infrastructure, can deliver flat pricing “.

15 to 20 billion A Socialist deputy, Jean-Paul Chanteguet, estimated in May that the only quick solution was to re-nationalization of the motorway network. The legal structure would again be complex to implement, and costly: between 15 and 20 billion euros to pay for the state.


Free highways weekend: skeptical, Internet … – Le Parisien

Free highways weekend: skeptical, Internet … – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.01664400100708 sec -> Invariably, social networks have responded to such Segolene Royal launched Tuesday morning to ensure that the motorway companies make some of their “rent” A few days after the abandonment of the environmental tax.
<- hard dé e: 0.13733911514282 sec -> So RTL Minister of Ecology she suggested a revision of toll rates, which would pass “for example” free by barriers Saturdays, Sundays and during peak hours.

Immediately before Manuel Valls not judge the idea of ​​”hard to imagine”, the case began to buzzer.

“Free highways on weekends it is anti-green but it is private while free from the train during the weekend it would be green but it would be the state,” an irritated user Twitter that relays some angry reviews. “The Concours Lépine inventions to con ministers free and all

week, open even on weekends,” thus annoys Alexis Braud, deputy mayor of EELV Allonnes.

“A minister of ecology that offers free on WE highway … It does not shock me that! interrogates PL Christmas.

In addition to serious reactions ironic that there is another, more frankly comical. The Twittosphere fun and even created a hashtag on purpose. With “#gratuitleweekend” they want to be offered, among other luxury bags, the shoes overpriced, fruits and vegetables to fight against obesity, drugs, mobile phones, restaurants-especially the Bons but free rental cars and gas stations to offer breaks to lowest price … Saturday and Sunday.

Even Dominique Bussereau, former minister (UMP) of Transportation is set: the free, “we must also be considered during the RTT and paid holidays,” laughs the department chair Charente-Maritime.


Ségolène Royal, the free electron – Echoes

Ségolène Royal, the free electron – Echoes

INQUIRY – End of the environmental tax chargeable against highways, Segolene Royal has signed a comeback to the forefront of the political scene. Apparently it has not changed, pushing his freedom of speech to the limits of government quack. But its iconic status protects

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And if Ségolène Royal had underestimated the difficulties at the end of the eco-tax? She wanted to be free from the “sticky folder inherited from the former majority” not “pollute” communication on its Energy Transition Act passed Tuesday by the Assembly and avoid a road blockade. She has completed her third goal. Environmentalists parliamentarians well passed its law, but on a grumpy mode. Even Daniel Cohn-Bendit came out of retirement to criticize: “Make this law without ecological taxation is disarm. “ On the other hand, the administration is tearing his hair out about the levy on the highways Ecology Minister calls for … And now Segolene Royal challenged on two fronts. The third – his proposal to make free highways weekend – was immediately closed by Manuel Valls. Those who praised his political acumen in the negotiations on the energy transition now refer to the “DIY ” on the tax issue. A peak for the authority which just last week the “echoes”: “I can unite around the theme of ecology not punitive. It is still not going to rock the boat, especially not in the name of the environment! “ With Ségolène Royal, it was actually there two classes of subjects: those she mastered to the point of finding a good balance, and the others … in which she still beliefs. This is what makes it advance and it is also taken from the walls. “I never give up,” she said often.

Research Convergence

When we received on October 7 in the office of minister, he smiled again. And that’s just it sums up his mood of the moment: “No discomfort. I occupy my place. “ From the” discomfort “, she rarely had during his long political career marked by the seal of the cap. The certainty of not seeing his questioning skill is however new to the former candidate for the 2007 presidential Twenty-two years after his first visit to the Department of Ecology, his appointment was applauded by the environmentalists. “I restores the attractiveness ecology” , she glides. At the head of one of the few departments where she can marry “solutions for everyday life” and ‘invention of the future’ , she has the opportunity to give back perspective to a five-year mired in crisis and economic debates: “My subjects pierce the gloom” . Environmentalists parliamentarians are then charmed. They appreciate that she has agreed to set an interim target (30% by 2030) for reducing energy consumption “While Matignon and the Elysée were not hot” . They are grateful to have left sanction “against the advice of his services” , planned obsolescence him. “If all the ministers had the same quality of listening and dialogue, it would go a lot better between the majority parties’ , supports the Green MP Denis Baupin. When around a couscous, he recently expressed his satisfaction with François Hollande, the head of state agreed: “She is very professional. “

In near-Minister, we finally breathe. “Until 2011, Ségolène was the one that cleaved to renovate. In 2014, it is one that brings together “ enthuses the former Minister Guillaume Garot. And not just because it is customary to seek consensus in the department dealing with “the future of the planet” . Something did change in the positioning and how to make the minister. She no longer denounces “notables” , she receives. She no longer declares war resists it, she prefers coax. There are seven, she willingly castigated bank lobbies, oil and nuclear. Today, she says “phones that heat” – it’s always good to note that there is fighting – but says “understand” . “My logic is not to crush the lobbies , she says, is to show them that they had better move because it is the sense of history and it is irreversible “. The search for “convergences” rather than the technique of ram … The associations end up doubting his determination: “you have to know over the wall lobbies” s’ Anne Brigneault concerned, Climate Action Network. The Minister argues, on the contrary, the ‘strategy effective decision “.

A reputation as a “antitechno”

In political veteran, Segolene Royal knows that an executive course, caught between the disenchantment of his constituents and monitoring of Brussels, can not afford to increase the standoff. Passionate opinion research since his advisor at the Elysee under Mitterrand, she realized that most French have become allergic to anything that could get messy. She also paid a stall its popularity its first lurch: the interview to “Paris Match” in which she complained in mid-May, the “macho” politics and stood out among his colleagues Michel Sapin ( on the eco-tax) and Arnaud Montebourg (on Alstom). “I’m too old to conflict,” she said today. Jean-Christophe Cambadelis, the first secretary of the PS, which has long fought, says: “She is careful to inform us, she calls it receives. “

A little more cautious but not chastened, however. Segolene Royal can both support a fellow minister struggling with a bad controversy and repeated his opposition to the tax hike of

diesel, yet arbitrated at the top. Because she believes and because she thinks that is what is expected by the French. The Elysee there is nothing wrong. “Everyone takes it as it is. She has enormous strengths, so if it allows expressions not totally fitting it is not a drama, “ says an adviser to the president.

Minister know we called it because we needed it. In a “star of politics” which, sixty-one, a “kept his ability to speak to the popular classes” , says Emmanuel Riviere. And the director of the strategies of TNS Sofres opinion unit summarize: “In people’s minds, it’s antitechno. “ In an era when elites are readily challenged, it is an asset. Ségolène Royal and knows how to play. When she is sure to be in line with the French, you will not make him budge an idea, regardless of the technical objections. This precipitated the departure of the government of former Secretary of State for Transport Frédéric Cuvillier: “Certain statements put me cantilevered overhang on my records” , he said. It also gives much more weight and autonomy than its predecessors. The minister negotiated virtually conceded only amendments to the Greens on his bill energy transition. Request authorization? “I did not even ask the question, she said in a tone of the obvious. These amendments are good, so it’s good for the government. “

Segolene Royal does not let either bypass without reacting. She immediately informed the EDF CEO Henri Proglio, used to push all the doors of power, that ‘there is only one Department of Energy “:” It is here it happens and it’s up to me to make trade-offs. It was soon understood “, she glides. Suspended the decision of the Executive for its renewal (or not), the person did breathe a word

The Minister does not take orders from advisors of power -. “At first there were attempts of interference. “ It has also been able to ignore one of the men supremely Matignon who discouraged him to accept an invitation radio one morning. Then send him once his performance deemed successful, this SMS: “old who have experience, it can serve”

A touch of hand

When Ségolène Royal laughs at itself, there is often a point of contrast. In public, she can not pronounce his favorite expressions – “policy by the evidence,” “participatory democracy” – without a smile in his voice. Sometimes she adds: “You have seen, even Sarkozy rediscovered meetings participatory democracy …” In private, regret is this: “I have said for two years that there had too much in taxes, now they are down. If we had listened to me earlier … “ By heart, she recites this formula: ” denigrated, ridiculed and then recovered “. Then she continued in a curious mix of immodesty and sincerity: “I never thought I was clivante I thought I was anticipatory. “ Or: ” We had forgotten I could do. “

The head of state is included in the address, even if Ségolène Royal has words with regard to Hollande. Everyone knows she has direct access to the father of her children, no need to add more. The first, she countered a “is anything! “ the devastating formula” without teeth “attributed to the head of state by Valérie Trierweiler. It was political and personal. Emerging from a meeting with her in this period, Jean-Louis Borloo told relatives: “At home, the mother badly. “ Nevertheless, after years of fighting in the service of his own ambition, defeat, separation and even a foreclosure, Segolene Royal has actually put at the service of the president. As if the events had made him drop something. The Elysian ambitions, “is not (sound) timing” , has she assured loudly on France Inter on Sunday.

A form of relief

At the recent UN summit on climate change in New York, photographers have strafed by train conversation with Hollande. “Ban Ki-moon was late and the president left the podium to talk with Ségolène Royal and Laurent Fabius in the front row. The tone was friendly and playful, “ tells a member of the delegation. One way to erase another image, the president turning back for not meeting his ex-girlfriend in the corridors of the UN in 2012 a form of reparation. “But it did not peopolisation, it’s good” says Segolene Royal, laconic. After two years of political purgatory (following its defeat in the parliamentary La Rochelle), it is estimated to owe his return to the forefront but herself. Today the way is to turn the page count, as always, the context and its own resources: “From the time I go, it causes the government …”

This has always been his strength and weakness. His strength because “” is not formatable “, in the words of a close. And its weakness because the stewardship does not always follow. “She is very accessible, but his study is heterogeneous, it was crazy to do evil, we are sometimes taken aback” , complains the president of France Nature Environnement Denez The Hostis. And then, with a reduced budget and without own taxes, the penalty minister to convince when it ensures: “means, they will be there” . Nicolas Hulot does not say anything when he explains diplomatically: “It would make the job even better if supported by Michel Sapin and Manuel Valls. “ In other words: if ecology was brought together



Free highways, “What if we paid our policies 5 days … – The Express

Free highways, "What if we paid our policies 5 days … – The Express

Fill Paper by Matignon, derided by social networks. Tough day on Tuesday to Ségolène Royal, who believed do well by offering to provide free highways on weekends for users. “It is their duty (to motorway companies, ed) ,” said the Minister of Ecology RTL, saying shocked by the profits of the latter. “Highways have not respected the contract that was theirs, that is to say, they would have had to lower the price as of the amortization period highways,” said she insisted.

Immediate reaction Manuel Valls said the proposal “is hardly possible.” “Why not put the free Sunday also pastries?”, Also mocked Christian Jacob, head of UMP deputies to the National Assembly. But it was on Twitter that the minister has come under increasing criticism. With #gratuitleweekend hashtag, users have also made some proposals to make things free. And often, they are far-fetched.

The UMP Dominique Bussereau has thus asked if the measure could also extend the days off and during holidays.

Other users are wondering whether to take full advantage of the measure, it will not also be that the essence is free on weekends. PV and also for that matter.

Always more mocking, some offer to make free things that have nothing to do

with highways, especially in areas where there is also a lot of profit. Bank charges, drugs … and even beer.

And why not luxury items, wonders “Punky Brewster”?

“Da Mourf ‘own view was that there would be savings to be made by not paying the weekend politicians.

Rightly, others wonder if encouraging motorists to drive on the weekends is not an anti-environmental measure. A peak for a Minister for Ecology!

“Sandra” thus observes that it would have been better to make free cleaner forms of transportation, such as buses or trains.

A shared by the magazine Green Terra eco , which calls Ségolène Royal on Twitter by submitting its own list of things to make free criticism. Ideas really in favor of sustainable mobility and have already been tested abroad or in certain cities of France. We thus find some free routes for motorists who carry more passengers or are carpooling. A measure that works pretty well in Minnesota. In addition to the free bus, already set up in the town of Aubagne (Bouches-du-Rhône), the site proposes to offer bikes.


Highways: Royal wants “free weekend” Matignon … – Release

Highways: Royal wants "free weekend" Matignon … – Release

Manuel Valls reframed Tuesday Ecology Minister Segolene Royal, judging his unthinkable proposition a free highways weekend and defending a “fully inclusive” agreement on tolls “in the coming weeks.”

“I think (free on weekends) is an event that should not be considered,” said the prime minister out of a meeting in the Senate in mid-day while Matignon had already decided before the “hard to imagine” idea.

Ms. Royal, who wants to have the highways contribution corporations to finance the shortfall of abandoning the environmental tax heavyweights, proposed Tuesday morning on RTL, “a free, such as the weekend” and that a 10% rate of tolls.

“There’s 20% Rate too, because when a highway charged 100 euros, 20 euros there too that are pocketed, “argued the minister, referring to a report by the Competition Authority published last month described as” pension “net margins (20-24%) of motorway concessions, privatized there eight years.

The representatives of highways (Vinci-Cofiroute, Eiffage-APRR, Sanef and companies the Association of French motorway companies, ASFA) were justly received shortly after speaking at Matignon around the prime minister, whose speech was far less incendiary exit interview an hour and a half.

On the front steps of Matignon, Manuel Valls wanted a “win-win partnership between the state (and) dealers motorway companies,” pointing out that “the word of France obviously be honored, will never surrender concerned “, referring to hard renegotiated contracts for concessions.

” I wish that this debate is taking place in serenity and in the interest of all, and that was the sense of the meeting . So there will be now in the coming weeks working meetings between these companies (highway) and the Ministry of Transport and Bercy to reach an agreement that is beneficial to all, to the state, the users and the French economy, “he said.

The Prime Minister says he wants to reach an” agreement in the coming weeks. ” “I think it can go fast, provided again that favors the general interest,” he pleaded.

Representatives of motorway companies, whose number 2 Vinci and president of ASFA Pierre Coppey but also the President of the Sanef Alain Minc, Matignon

left without comment, while the climate of their relationship with the government was already described in the press as “glacial” .

– ‘Free Pastry on Sunday’ –

Ms. Royal, who was present as well as the Secretaries of State Christian Eckert (Budget) and Alain Vidal (Transport), representatives discussed “open to discussion” and defended “fair system for everyone, and especially that can revive public works.”

Manuel Valls has indeed confirmed Tuesday it had received approval Brussels highway stimulus plan, under discussion between the state and the motorway concession for more than two years companies.

This particular provides more than 3 billion euros of investments (security work, park and ride for road, parking car sharing, put in connection with the secondary highways network … ) in return for extensions of concessions (from four months to six years, depending on the company.)

A drain on corporate profits highway is the main runway to compensate Ms. Royal abandoning environmental tax heavyweights, originally scheduled report 1.15 billion euros a year and 600 million in its reduced version of the “heavy toll transit weight,” pushed sine die last week.

If the Secretary of State for the Budget Christian Eckert was in his direction Sunday calling for a “challenge” profits “unacceptable” motorway companies, several commentators, including the finance minister Michel Sapin, have pointed to the technical difficulty and legal change of concession contracts, an increase in the taxation of motorway companies to be compensated.

These funds were mainly for the Agency to finance transport infrastructure in France (AFITF ), which in turn would make them available to communities for many projects of transport.

The opposition, through the voice of the UMP Christian Jacob, was quick to mock ” machine hiccups “Valls government, already out of contradictory statements on unemployment insurance. “This is nonsense, why not put the free pastries on Sunday as well?” Had fun the president of the UMP group in the Assembly.


Highways: Ségolène Royal advocates free weekend – Le Parisien

Highways: Ségolène Royal advocates free weekend – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.023730993270874 sec -> “It’s the small steps that make big moves.” Ségolène Royal is fond of repeating this refrain, especially since the law for the energy transition has been debated and voted at the Meeting. But the Minister of Ecology, as it advances in this direction, as pebbles sows discord.
<- hard dé e: 0.1289918422699 sec ->

Last week, after the abandonment of the latest draft of the environmental tax, Segolene Royal had called motorway companies to make “a some of their pension ‘to fund a portion of the road infrastructure work. Asked Tuesday morning by a listener of RTL, the minister said, without wanting to tax the motorway companies, which would probably lead to higher tolls, it would lead to «the $ 20 too much” imposed 100 euro against the tolls, the Court of Auditors. “There is no reason that the French pay twice,” said she firmly told.

Therefore, the former president of the Poitou-Charentes region is concerned about the possibility of making these free to motorists on weekends or during rush hour, “for example” axes. A popular idea that should be cringe Motor Carrier: Also they themselves are also likely to rest on Saturday and Sunday, they have traffic restrictions on weekends and eve of public holidays.

On the green taxation. Segolene Royal shows its willingness to assist the French tax retrofitting for energy efficient their homes and offices. She was convinced by the polluter-pays principle against manufacturers. Yet the toll transit trucks, which was to replace the environmental tax has been suspended indefinitely.

“Disheartened,” the committee chairman for green taxation has yet resigned Monday. “For three months I have made proposals to revive the committee. Since I do not have an answer, I am discouraged me, “said AFP economist Christian de Perthuis, named in 2012 to head the advisory body. “In the absence of response to your two departments,” he has written to Michel Sapin and Segolene Royal, “I understand that the work carried out (…) no longer meet the priorities of the government.” As soon as the news was known, the Greens MPs Cécile Duflot, former Secretary of State, and Denis Baupin, reacted on Twitter. In “It’s

discouraging,” the first replied on “red alert signal” of the second. “Already grounded by the abandonment of the eco-tax, ecology cash another blow,” also considered the UDI deputy Bertrand Pancher.

This morning on RTL, Segolene Royal, who s is always expressed opposition to environmental taxation, which, in its view, punitive ecology, refused to disclose the amount of compensation to be paid to the company Ecomouv ‘for abandoning gantries identification weight -lourds. “We’ll know when I have fully recovered the flat file” is simply said the Minister of Ecology, which nevertheless has the file on his desk for months. And estimate that “this contract should have been terminated upon arrival responsibilities because it is excessive and q’uil robs the public money.”

On the closure of the plant Nuclear Fessenheim. It was a campaign pledge of President Francois Hollande, along with its commitment to significantly reduce the weight of energy from nuclear, 75 to 50% by 2025 compared to other energy sources (hydro, wind, solar).

This morning on RTL, as it did in late September on France Inter, Ségolène Royal has refused to announce the 2016 closure of most of the former French central park. When the time comes to close two plants, “we will look at what is the right solution. Very significant investments have been made on Fesseheim, must be taken into account. If EDF said it makes more sense to close two other reactors that require larger investments and if the ASN is in the same sense, I take position “for the closure of these reactors and not the Fessenheim.

The Greens, who have made one of their warhorses, are likely to annoy, even though Article 1 of the Bill provides for the reduction of 75-50% . the nuclear share of electricity generation by 2025 – as promised

The reaction of the Secretary General of EELV has also been swift: “Fessenheim: I do not think it is Madame Royal back on the commitments of the President of the Republic, “she wrote on Twitter.

As for his predecessor in this post Cécile Duflot, it synthesizes proposing “that produced electricity Fessenheim is free on weekends.”

VIDEO. Ségolène Royal is not “certain” to first close the Fessenheim


Jean Tirole, the Nobel laureate in economics who wants to revolutionize college –

Jean Tirole, the Nobel laureate in economics who wants to revolutionize college –

When we asked him the question about the chances of getting the Nobel Economics, Jean Tirole always had the same answer: “Be very patient, I’m much too young” . At 61, the president of the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) received top honors ahead of schedule.

The panel met at the Academy of Sciences in Stockholm him awarded the Nobel for his research on industrial economics firms in a dominant position: “Jean Tirole is one of the most influential economists of our époqu e, said the committee. It has advanced research in many areas, but it has especially helped to understand how to regulate the industries with a few powerful companies. “

Stars World

consecration. Jean Tirole is the third French after Gerard Debreu in 1983 and Maurice Allais in 1988 to obtain the Holy Grail of Nobel. -acclaimed distinction, for example by Emmanuel Macron, the Minister of Economy : “A huge congratulations to Jean Tirole, the pride of our country and of school French economy, “ he posted on his Twitter account. and French joined in this honor roll, world stars like Paul Krugman (2008) and Joseph Stiglitz (2001).

And it breaks the American ultradomination: Since 1999, this is the first time that no American is among the selected. In an interview with Challenges , last week complained that domination Tirole: It reflects a situation in which the United States have invested a lot to attract the best economists. I am very sorry, but at the same time, I can not cry foul, he confided . In our country the challenge, to keep its best and to bring in talented foreigners “.

Publish to influence

For several years, Jean Tirole, polytechnicien who did his PhD in economics at MIT in Boston, had a high rating in the middle of the international search . The Repec

(Research Papers in Economics), an authority in the profession, the class 9 th in the world for the quality of its publications, before another French, Olivier Blanchard, chief economist of the IMF .

While Tirole was some distance with this type of record: “These productivity measures have limitations. For example Gerard Debreu, price American Nobel French origin, was not very “productive”, but the article he produced every 3 to 5 years had a lot of influence “, we confided Jean Tirole, in July 2012, but he added: “ However, I am also a strong advocate for their use. Unlike its competitors, France does not have the culture of scientific evaluation. “.

Academic Revolution

In fact, Tirole is not only a brilliant researcher economy. It is also the bearer of a revolution for our university system. In Toulouse, he managed to hoist the School of Economics in the best world, by embarking without qualms in the war of the major global facs to recruit the best researchers and students. We are trying to stem the brain drain, particularly in America. In Toulouse, we bring back young or confirmed US researchers. And 12 lecturers, 11 are foreigners “, he points out

But our star of the economy still is struggling to break the cultural barriers of French facs.: “The return from abroad is complex, involving a significant reduction in salary, and he also faces a host of sometimes unfavorable French institutions preferring to promote from within rather than appointing a foreign yet more deserving” , criticizes the university, part Strategic Research Council, chaired by Manuel Valls. After his coronation by the Nobel Prize, Jean Tirole will have a free hand to move our system.


Monday, October 13, 2014

The Nobel Prize in Economics in French Jean Tirole, researcher at … – Le Parisien

The Nobel Prize in Economics in French Jean Tirole, researcher at … – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.025760173797607 sec -> Delivery of famous Nobel vintage 2014, was completed on Monday with the coveted saving price. After physics, chemistry, literature or the Nobel Peace Prize, the Swedish Academy awarded the French economist Jean Tirole, 61, (University Toulouse I) for his work on the industrial economy.
<- hard dé e: 0.11731791496277 sec -> It is an award for his “analysis of market power and regulation,” announced the jury in a statement

This is the polytechnic. third French economist to receive the prestigious award. He succeeds Maurice Allais (1988) and Gerard Debreu (1983). This is the 50th French Nobel prize in all categories.

Presented by the Nobel Committee as “one of the most influential economists of our time”, he has “cleared the way for understanding and

regulate industries with some important business. “

It passed by the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Researcher remained loyal to the University of Toulouse for 1990, after returning from the American University MIT, Jean Tirole was listed among the favorites Nobel recent years. Receive the award, and the award of 8 million Swedish kronor (about 878,000 euros) Dec. 10 in Stockholm.

The response to this award have blended on social networks.

The Nobel Prize in economics, officially called the “price of the Bank of Sweden in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel” is the only one not mentioned in the will of Swedish inventor of dynamite. It was established in 1968 by the Swedish central bank, and awarded for the first time in 1969.


A Nobel Prize for economics in a country in crisis: the press highlights … – Boursorama

A Nobel Prize for economics in a country in crisis: the press highlights … – Boursorama

The Nobel economics Jean Tirole, after the literature prize for Patrick Modiano, filled the French press of pride even if the editorialists point out Tuesday “paradox” of consecration occurs in a country in the doldrums.

“Through Patrick Modiano and Jean Tirole, we are clearly rehabilitated: France is not stunted this nation whose culture was extinguished and diluted genius,” boasts La Depeche du Midi from the pen Jean-Claude Souléry. “The Nobel is Toulousain” does not fail also to titrate the daily Pink City.

“This peninsula at the end of Eurasia is not only able to make only neurasthenia in Finland. France knows also create, invent, innovate, “also welcomes Philippe Waucampt in Lorraine’s Republican.

But once expressed satisfaction at seeing France rewarded twice in the same year by the Swedish Academy, the press noted the strange context of this prestigious award.

“This is a proud + + (dixit François Hollande), as much as a paradox. Car Never the internal situation will seem so bad, “says Philippe Marcacci in Eastern Republican.

” There is a certain irony to see France rewarded with a Nobel Prize in economics, even though it may find its retoqué by the European Commission! From the distance between theory and practice … “budget, adds Daniel Muraz in Picardy Mail.

All of which leads to Jean Louis Hervois La Charente free “France knows all about the economy, but it seems too often not understand it.”

“Cynics will

quickly thought that the French know better than to talk economy manage,” said Patrice Chabanet in Le Journal de la Haute-Marne.

Alsace and Raymond Couraud, “in the eyes of the stranger, the Nobel Jean Tirol sounds a bit like the Sakharov Prize for Human Rights, which is awarded annually to a dissident misunderstood and mistreated in his country.”

For, “it is true that with 2.000 billion euros of debt, France is not about to get the Nobel good savings,” concludes Jacques Camus (La Montagne / Centre France.)


Wall Street, beset with anxiety, ends sharply lower – Boursorama

Wall Street, beset with anxiety, ends sharply lower – Boursorama

The New York Stock Exchange ended sharply lower Monday, digging at the very end of the session heavy losses last week in a market worrying about the outlook for global growth: Dow Jones yielded 1.35% and the Nasdaq 1.46%.

According to final results, the Dow fell 223.03 points to 16,321.07 points.

The Nasdaq, dominated by technology, fell by 62.58 points 4,213.66 points. He lost more than 8% since September, when he had reached levels not seen since 2000

The broader S & amp;. P 500 dropped 1.65% or 31.39 points to 1874.74 points closing at its lowest since May

After fluctuating around equilibrium for much of the day, the indices have slipped into negative territory as we approach the end .

In the absence of major new information, this movement is especially “after what happened last week and is directly related to concerns about global growth,” said Art Hogan Wunderlich Securities.

The New York site has indeed gone through a turbulent period last week, the Dow Jones returning Friday under the same level at the beginning of the year.

Investors are also a bit scared when the S & amp; P 500 fell below the average of 200 days, according to David Levy of Kenjol Capital Management. “This is a technical element considered a good indicator for the long-term trend, it is the first time since 2012 that closes below,” said he said.

Especially in an environment where the indices seem caught in a downward spiral, “the market needs positive catalysts to rise again and there was no indicator or result of business (Monday ) on the agenda, “said the specialist. On this day semi-holiday in the United States (Columbus Day), the bond market was also closed.

“It is not yet known whether this falls just a small blip in a simple drop that will not exceed 5%, or if it begins a more difficult period,” commented on his side Mace Blicksilver of Marblehead Asset Management. In this context, “nobody wants to play the hero and take big risks.”

A sign of the nervousness, the VIX, or “fear index”, finished 24.64, its highest level since June 2012

-. Fears related to Ebola –

Investors now expect the rest of the season results in an attempt to find a direction. Tuesday it will be the turn of including major financial institutions JPMorgan (-0.62% to 58.16 dollars), Citigroup (-0.42% to 49.90 dollars) and Wells

Fargo (-0.87% to 50.20 dollars).

In addition, fears of Ebola returned to the front of the stage with the confirmation this weekend by American health officials first acquired infection in the United States.

“It weighs on the airline industry and tourism,” noted Mace Blicksilver.

As for airlines, United Continental has lost 7.29% to 40.59 dollars, Delta Airlines 6.11% at $ 30.90 and Southwest Airlines 5.53% at $ 28.88.

reservation sites Orbitz and Expedia travel by internet lost respectively 4.99 % at $ 7.42 and 5.75% to 76.34 dollars.

The new lower price of oil, to its lowest since 2012 in New York since 2010 and in London, also weighed on shares of energy-related companies. Chevron has lost 1.63% to 112.03 dollars and ConocoPhillips 3.25% to 68.07 dollars.

Among the other values ​​of the day, the railway company CSX Corp., which according to the Wall Street Journal was approached by his Canadian counterpart, Canadian Pacific Railway for a merger, jumped 5.88% to 31.70 dollars.

Chrysler Fiat Automobiles, born from the merger of the Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Fiat ) and its American subsidiary Chrysler, started quietly Monday’s trading on Wall Street. The stock finished at $ 8.92, representing an increase of 0.22% over the closing price Friday of certificates of deposit (American Depositary Share, debt) group.

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value (s) associated (s)


Jean Tirole, Nobel finally – Echoes

Jean Tirole, Nobel finally – Echoes

A sixty one year, the president of the Toulouse School of Economics yesterday received the Nobel Prize in Economics. A consecration for polytechnic which is one of ten researchers in economics most often cited by their peers

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Gentil, curious and shy … Jean Tirole has not changed. That was two weeks ago at Bazacle this strange place where the Garonne in Toulouse seems down a step, which was formerly owned mills, where EDF turned an old turbine over a century. Earlier in the afternoon, who was only a Nobel Prize in power had discussed with Chinese colleagues environmental challenges of growth before Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, in full preparation for the summit to be held in Paris in late 2015 he had explained how he had to make the political economy in the climate negotiations, give money to developing countries in exchange for their efforts. The minister listened attentively. Then the minister went to inaugurate an exhibition of Chinese photos Bazacle Space EDF, in Proglio, the boss of the state-owned company.

In the cocktail below, between country ham and local wine, the economist asks the news reporter of the press. It is given, of course, even if they are not flamboyant. To him, it’s not very complicated to explain the change in “business model” of the trade. He analyzed long products “bifacial” that sell for two clients: the newspaper to readers and advertisers, the credit card to the customer and the merchant. When two clients are becoming scarce, balance becomes less easy … jesuitically, is told by asking him about economics: she manages to sell to policy makers? Jean Tirole is not very optimistic. “90% of our work are not interested …” Yes, but if there is 10%, that’s something, right? “Yes, of course it is also essential! “

This is a little drama to Jean Tirole: he is kind, curious, shy … and theorist. It has all the conceptual, nothing pragmatic. A fairly common among French Minds, like his past Polytechnique (where he discovered economics, twenty-one) and the School of Bridges and Roads after a childhood in Troyes, where his father was doctor and his mother a teacher of literature. The major American universities love these synthetic profiles mathematicians and open to the world, they would gladly come by if large integers charter schools in the Republic did not have this strange Malthusian policy. At twenty-five, he went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the prestigious MIT (“mite” as give the mayor of Toulouse in a reception), which the employee is one of the best teams in the world of economists – Robert Solow Paul Samuelson among the ancients, Olivier Blanchard, who will be a long post. And also French.

A good man surrounded

Young Tirole discover new theories and games information with Eric Maskin (who has the Nobel in 2007). He worked with Jean-Jacques Laffont on an area where the French researchers often shone – the big network industries such as electricity (where there are EDF and its former president, Marcel Boiteux, famous economist). How to better regulate these mammoths, encourage them to become more efficient, the push to give information to the regulators so they can better ensure their tutelage? This is of course very theoretical work with equations and curves everywhere. The book he published in 1993 with Laffont, “A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation” (A theory of incentives in procurement and regulation “) attests. But it is also very very concrete political issues. Both men are viewed around the world by countries that privatize their telecommunications, opening up the electricity to competition …

In this economy both very mathematical and very open to the Council, Jean Tirole shines. He also works on finance, soon on the Internet. A sixty-one years, he has written nearly 200 scholarly articles, many of which were published in the best journals. The researcher is part of the ten most cited economists in the world by their peers in academic articles, alongside Robert Lucas and Joseph Stiglitz. Stiglitz a Nobel award before him, in 2001, for works

that are part of the same lineage – information asymmetries. And he invited academic days top flight organized by the Toulouse School of Economics in June. But Stiglitz, he had shared his prize with two other researchers, Michael Spence and George Akerlof.

This excellent production of both, according to his peers, and plentiful, see the long list of publications, ensures high reputation in the academic world. Upon receiving the gold medal of the CNRS in 2007, Eric Maskin traveled the United States to give a speech. He explains with humor that is not possible that one man could have written all that, and Jean Tirole therefore does not exist. This is true in any case … in public opinion, where Jean Tirole remains a stranger. Shy is much more comfortable in academic circles. And his reserve, his rigor also prevent him from going to a wide audience which must be simplified, perhaps betraying his eyes.

The Toulouse School of Economics

Normally, Jean Tirole should have stayed in the United States, as did Olivier Blanchard. But in 1991, he went to Toulouse to finish his book with Laffont, which is in the region. His friend tells him his plan. He wants to create a global economy pole. In France, in the province, the university … It is a triple challenge. Laffont tells him he needs him. Tirole hesitates. The intellectual ferment of MIT, the schmoozing, the door always open the biggest risk missing him. But one day … Jean-Jacques Laffont, visiting Paris, exults: “That’s it! Jean accepted! “ He knows that his project is there a great accelerator. Tirole landed at the Institute of Industrial Economics, created by Laffont, already with a small team of talented researchers. He lives in a nice house in the area, comes to institute bike. He agreed to become Editor. Unlike Laffont, he is reluctant to take responsibility, which may take him to his time. Shyness, again and again. The will also continue his work.

But Jean-Jacques Laffont’s died of cancer, “blasted on the rise,” as it says in one of his relatives before leaving. The Institute is reorganized. It will be the birthplace of what would become the Toulouse School of Economics, with dozens of researchers in economics. To convince patrons including Tirole agrees to take the presidency of Jean-Jacques Laffont Foundation, which oversees the complicated construction of the university Toulouse School of Economics. End of 2012, we interviewed in “Les Echos”. He criticizes a finance which had become bloated. He questions what at bottom liquidity. He explains that “as the bubbles do not burst, they can have beneficial effects. There is more liquidity in the financial system investments, more … but more nonsense about money easy “. Should we indicate he is president of the foundation? Slice it in writing: no, “President of the Toulouse School of Economics’ . He crossed the line

brilliant theorist, difficult to overcome shyness. Tirole not surprising that is not very comfortable in the policy-making, it needs yet convince. Emmanuel Macron, the Minister of Economy, praised his prestigious award by a simple tweet, more than an hour after the announcement. Tirole is certainly part of the Council of Economic Advisers, under the Prime Minister. He helped notes on Medicare, bankruptcy law, the institutions of the eurozone, reports on intellectual property, employment, Olivier Blanchard. We still remember the meeting with two researchers at the Procope, boulevard du Montparnasse. Blanchard was very comfortable, very learned, upright in his chair. Tirole sat a little sideways on the seat, without a word almost. Maybe he could now emerge in an advanced report proposal, which is still relevant, even to whisper in the ear of Emmanuel Macron: a tax on layoffs, so that companies have a greater awareness of their cost for the community, with “less intrusive judges in dismissal procedures” . The theory of incentives applied to the labor market … Meanwhile, it was “deeply moved” to have the Nobel Prize jury on the phone. And he spoke of “big surprise” AFP. A big surprise for him, not for those who know him. A surprise that will allow it perhaps to break free.


VIDEOS. The Nobel economist Jean Tirole, researcher at … – Le Parisien

VIDEOS. The Nobel economist Jean Tirole, researcher at … – Le Parisien

<- Hard dé e: 0.0276780128479 sec -> Delivery of famous Nobel vintage 2014, was completed on Monday with the coveted saving price. After physics, chemistry, literature or the Nobel Peace Prize, the Swedish Academy awarded the French economist Jean Tirole, 61, for his work on the industrial economy.
<- hard dé e: 0.11145806312561 sec ->

This researcher at the University of Toulouse is honored for his “analysis of market power and regulation,” announced the jury in a statement. Presented by the Nobel Committee as “one of the most influential economists of our time”, he has “cleared the way to understand and regulate industries with some important business.”

This is polytechnicien the third French economist to receive the prestigious award. He succeeds Maurice Allais (1988) and Gerard Debreu (1983). This is the 50th French Nobel prize in all categories.

The Nobel Prize “is going to change anything for me. What I like are the forms of research in which I live and the friends I make rubs and then do my research with my students. I hope I’m not going to change, “said Jean Tirole.

VIDEO. The first words of the Nobel Prize 2014

A global university reference

The son of a doctor and a mother teacher letters, he goes first to mathematics, entered the Ecole Polytechnique, and discovers the economy late in life, at age 21. Engineer Roads and Bridges, he then chooses to do a PhD in economics in the United States, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also taught both in Paris and in most major American universities: Harvard, Princeton, Stanford

This native of Troyes (Aube) did not wait for the announcement from Stockholm to benefit. a global reputation: his resume fills 24 pages of awards, publications and awards of all kinds (prices Claude Levi-Strauss in 2010, prize for the best young European Economist 1993). Jean Tirole is particularly one of only two economists in France to be awarded a gold medal of the CNRS.

His books (including “Theory of Industrial Organization”, “Game Theory.” ..), translated into several languages, are references in universities worldwide.

It is not so far out of touch

with public life. He has made more dramatic proposals to the Council of Economic Analysis (CAE), an advisory body to the Prime Minister on the job market.

Jean Tirole and invited in 2003 to reform thoroughly the job market in France, in a liberal direction, for example by creating a “single employment contract” abolishing the distinction CDI / CDD. Or introducing a tax on layoffs in exchange for relief of charges and regulatory simplification for businesses.

His call for reform the labor market

“The French employment market is pretty catastrophic,” said the new Nobel Prize at a press conference in Toulouse. “I think we have to change things if we want to give a future to our children,” he added, to Jean-Jacques Laffont, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) Foundation, a research center that he directs.

“For 30 years, 40 years, there has unemployment and youth, they are offered in CSD overwhelmingly because companies are too afraid to give CDI. So it was a completely absurd situation is that by protecting employees too, it only protects at all. It is no coincidence that all of southern Europe, which has exactly the same institutions of the labor market, ended up with a lot of unemployment while northern Europe, Scandinavia, for example, which has a different system, are left with little unemployment, “said he believed in a crowded room of journalists.

VIDEO. Portrait of Jean Tirol, Nobel Laureate in Economics 2014

City among the favorites of the Nobel for many years

Researcher remained loyal to the University of Toulouse since 1990, after returning from the American University MIT, Jean Tirole was mentioned among the favorites Nobel recent years. Receive the award, and the award of 8 million Swedish kronor (about 878,000 euros) Dec. 10 in Stockholm.

The Nobel Prize in economics, officially called the “price of the Bank of Sweden in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel “is the only one not mentioned in the will of the Swedish inventor of dynamite. It was established in 1968 by the Swedish central bank, and awarded for the first time in 1969.
