If the increase in price Navigo might stifle most subscribers, the new reference rents and lower electricity rates could allow some tenants to save money.
• the Navigo pass the rate increase
To the metro regularly in the capital, it will now pay the sum of 73 euros per month against 70 previously. The price of a metro ticket to the unit increases by 10 cents, from 1.90 euros. A book of ten tickets cost 14.50 euros (against 14.10 euros). Good news for students and students: Imagine R package remains unchanged
• Tariffs for electricity down for individuals and businesses
. As of August 1, regulated electricity tariffs – known as “blue tariffs” – fell by 0.5% for households and 1.5% for professionals. “This decline is explained by the impact of lower market prices observed for several months,” said in a statement the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), which adopted the measure. “This is the first decline in prices for 10 years,” has for its part welcomed Ségolène Royal.
• The new benchmark rents take effect
ALUR law came into force on 1 August 2015 provides widespread rent controls for tense areas. Currently, only the region Île-de-France is concerned. August 1, 2016, the new reference rents take effect. With this device, the rent per square meter set in the residential lease can not exceed the amount of the increased rent fixed reference, except for location or comfort justifying additional rent. To know the amount, landlords and tenants may contact the Departmental Information Agency on housing in Paris (ADIL75), or consult the map available on the website of the Regional Directorate and Interdepartmental accommodation and housing (DRIHL ).
• Renewal of rent freeze
the text, which prevents the rent the new tenant to exceed that of the previous few exceptions, applies to all empty and furnished rentals located in tense zones (28 cities), as of August 1 for one year.
Since August 2012, rents for relocation are framed in the areas of “more than 50,000 inhabitants, where there is a marked imbalance between supply and demand for housing.” So, if a tenant leaves, the owner can not freely determine the amount of the rent.
When working or “rent clearly undervalued”, the text provides that framed increase rents to be applied. “If no rent revision occurred during the twelve months preceding the conclusion of new rental contract,” the rent applied to the new tenant may be “revised to reflect the change in benchmark rents” ( IRL), says the text.
the decree also sets the maximum amount of change in rents in case of lease renewal.
• the ELP rate rises to 1%
the rate of housing savings from 1.5% to 1%, but the mortgage will borrow at 2.2% against 2.7% with former ELP. In four years, the rate of borrowing may therefore be very attractive. For its part, the Livret A rate of return is still maintained at 0.75%, despite low inflation rate (+ 0.2% yoy). The maximum limit that can be paid on Livret A remains of 22 950 euros.
• Regulated tariffs gas sales up 2%
as of 1 August 2016, the regulated tariffs Engie out of taxes increase on average by 2% compared to the scale in force in July 2016. the increase was 0.7% for those who use gas for cooking, 1.2% for those with a dual use cooking and hot water, and 2.1% for households who heat with gas. Since 1 January 2015, the rate regulated gas sales have, in fact, on average decreased by 17.1%.
• New industrial tribunal referral rules
Until now, it was possible to enter the labor court via a simple form. From August 1, it will send a request with the reasons for the request and a copy of the parts listed on a statement or appear before the Conciliation Board
Another change. Permanent Delegates and non-permanent labor organizations will be replaced by union advocates who may make representations on appeal missions. The list of supporters can be found at DIRECCTE, which is responsible for establishing and renewing the same list every four years, and in each labor courts and courts of appeal in the region.
• A large area for lawyers
Macron said law of August 6, 2015 now allows lawyers to plead before all the spring instance courts a court of appeal in which they established their professional residence. A measure that takes effect this August 1, 2016 and extends the territoriality of postulation lawyers. According to the law firm and Gautier Lhermitte “Brest a lawyer can therefore apply only -without corresponding local- and represent his client before the High Court of Quimper, Rennes etc.”.
What does not change: the parking fee remains in Paris in August
Since 2015, the park in Paris is paying during the month of August, Monday Saturday from 9h to 20h, while Sundays and public holidays are free. The objective of this reform is to boost the economy of the city, encouraging drivers not to stop long a place called “rotary”, that could serve merchants and professionals during short trips. For one hour of parking, it will therefore be between 2.40 and 4 euros depending on the districts.

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