Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mobilization in Laval during the negotiations on the price of milk – Europe1

The blockade of the dairy giant Lactalis has intensified Thursday in Laval, while a meeting between representatives of the group and the milk producers demanding better pay was still underway in the evening in Paris. Between 200 and 300 tractors and several hundred protesters took part in the action.

A situation “very tense” . “The situation is very tense in Laval pending the outcome of negotiations,” said Philippe Jehan, President of the Departmental Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FDSEA) Mayenne. Breeders are willing to continue the blockade of the headquarters of Lactalis committed Monday if no concrete result is obtained at the end of the meeting that began early in the afternoon at home milk in Paris, did -he said.

what require milk producers . Milk producers are asking an average price over the year of 290 euros for 1,000 liters, against 265 now, said the president of an organization of Lactalis milk

producers. This price would be lower than production costs, estimated between 330 and 380 euros depending on the farms, he said. The unions also demanded a “better distribution of the margins” to the Lactalis Group, who is accused of being the “worst payer” of milk processors in France. Lactalis has justified its rates by the fall in world milk prices due to overproduction and competition from other European countries.

Several actions took place in recent days in the great west hypermarkets Lactalis taking as target, including gluing stickers “Lactalis ruin farmers’ product of the dairy group.


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