Monday, August 29, 2016

Presidential: the owners present their program – Le Figaro

Juppe Sarkozy, Le Maire and Fillon are guests of the 18th Summer School of the employers’ organization, who take the opportunity to outline its priorities for 2017.

for nine months of the presidential election, it could not be otherwise: the 18th summer University of MEDEF, held this Tuesday and Wednesday under tight security on campus HEC Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines), will be a very political coloring. Actually, it’s been a few years since the appointment became unavoidable. In 2014, this is where Manuel Valls had launched his famous “I like the company.” In 2015, it is Emmanuel Macron, which made headlines by criticizing so thinly veiled, 35 hours. . He too had then been entitled to his standing ovation

This year, the organization chaired by Pierre Gattaz decided to hit harder by inviting the four main candidates for the primary right – Nicolas Sarkozy Alain Juppe Francois Fillon and Bruno Le Maire – as well as representatives of the current PS – Jean-Marie Le Guen for reformers, Olivier Faure to the historic PS and Marie-Noëlle Lienemann, candidate primary for the slingers – and two candidates from the center for president, the former minister Rama Yade and MP Jean Lassalle. Each will have 20 minutes to present its program on the dot and answer questions from a trio of entrepreneurs.

“I’m afraid that we speak identity for months and that this is the tree that hides the forest “

Do not miss the call that the Greens, the FN and the extreme left, whose absence for the last two is wanted by Pierre Gattaz who “chose the reasonable,” in his words. Invited too, Arnaud Montebourg refused to come, according to Medef. As for Benoît Hamon, said it would be too late to be incorporated in planning. Ironically, Emmanuel Macron will be present also in Jouy-en-Josas, but only as Minister of Economy …

If the Medef that much energy, it is because he wants at all costs as the economic and social issues back at the heart of the campaign after a summer where burkini and the place of Islam have monopolized the attention of policy. “I’m afraid that we speak identity for months and that this is the tree that hides the forest”, warns Pierre Gattaz. The boss of bosses still believes the company because it creates jobs, is the solution to many of the country’s problems. Finally only if the policies put in place a “breeding ground” that little to the right and left have done in recent years. “The ability to succeed in France,” swears close to President of MEDEF.

Pierre Gattaz, the priority of electoral programs must be to

“boost growth” so that France finds full employment. That is to say, an unemployment rate below 6%, against 9.9% currently. “The 2017 election is crucial for the future, so do not miss it,” insists the president of Medef.

As it will not be, either, miss the implementation of election promises. On this point, the employers’ organization concerned if we feel, at least very vigilant. Down 90 billion euros of costs and tax burden on businesses, establishment of tax incentives, including the abolition of wealth tax, cuts in public spending, unlocking the job market, simplification of social dialogue business: the main demands of Medef generally stick to the programs of the major candidates for the primary right

in December, Medef out the roadmap for reform that. she considers necessary

But the failure of the El Khomri law has left traces. Now, the employers’ organization more concerned that all the ill-prepared reforms, which are rejected by public opinion. In his inaugural speech on Tuesday, Pierre Gattaz should emphasize the need to give meaning and coherence to reforms. This implies having a vision for France. All political attending the summer school will be expected at this point. And on the issue of credibility. “They will have to explain how they will implement their program with what courage, and how they will fund,” insists the boss of bosses, which calls for a rapid implementation within six months after the election, the main measures

Moreover, while continuing to pedagogy upheavals in the economy. – globalization, digital revolution, climate challenge – the Medef has analyzed in detail the programs of the various candidates in the coming months. Then in December, the organization released the roadmap for reforms it deems necessary.

In short, Medef wants “to believe and act”, as summarized in the university slogan of was 2016, and hopes that the presidential candidates and their teams have the same mindset. It remains to convince the heads of business terrain, often discouraged by politics. For if they have benefited since 2014 declines samples responsibility pact, they also have in mind the measures against the five-year-productive Holland as the arduousness account or Hamon law on business occasions. And also the weakness of reforms under the previous administration by the right …


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