The new rate of medical consultation, which shall be adjusted at 25 euros, is about to be validated after the announcement Sunday by the FMF union that he would sign the negotiated text for five months with the health insurance .
“We will sign the text. 52.95% of the members of the FMF (Federation of physicians of France) voted for the signing of the new agreement,” said Sunday his AFP President Jean-Paul Hamon, following a general meeting of the union.
The new agreement governing relations of 115,000 private practitioners with the Health insurance and fixed their fees for five years, will therefore be validated.
In fact, July 27 a Memorandum of understanding was established with only MG France, the first union in general and the Bloc (specialists). A third signature was essential to enable a validation since late text negotiated in February with the five unions representing the profession.
“We do not jump for joy. This agreement is far from satisfying us, it does is not structuring, but by signing we expect to be able to carry more weight in discussions “on its implementation, explained Jean-Paul Hamon.
in terms of health insurance, however, it does not hide his relief: “it is great news that the negotiations can reach an agreement, the result of a collective effort between the health insurance and all the unions”, welcomed the Director General of the . Cnamts, Nicolas Revel, contacted by AFP
– Decision expected first union –
the issue now is whether the text will get the support of the CSMF first union of the profession, generalists and specialists alike, who decided to make his decision in the hands of its members convened a general meeting on 25 August. Adherents of SML will vote the same day, and it is also August 25 will take place the signing of the agreement, advanced one day for legal reasons.
If the President of SML, Eric Henry, asked Thursday in its
“Whatever the decision of the FMF, if the new agreement is not signed by the CSMF it will be very difficult to live on the ground, “he argued a few days ago, the President of the CSMF John Paul Ortiz, told AFP.
” I wish the maximum unions sign because beyond the negotiation is by participating in its implementation than conventional partners can fully bring to life this new framework, “agrees Nicolas Revel.
“Do not sign that is outside the treaty bodies and do not take the fruit of a collective effort,” he stressed, saying that the text “will mean significant tariff revaluations and legitimate for doctors, but also the necessary progress and expected by patients. “
Revaluation of two euros consultation with a general increasing to 25 euros to 1 May 2017, prioritizing consultations as complexity with acts 25, 30, 46 and 60 euros or aid of 50,000 euros for installation in medical deserts are some of the measures included in the new agreement.
The investment was valued at € 960 million for the full year insurance disease. A figure that counting the additional health, approaching the 1.3 billion euros, which is double of the previous agreement, stressed the CNAMTS.
“We supplements by one par- there, but almost nothing for sector 2 doctors (fee free), “laments John Paul Ortiz,” which shows a very ideological reading “of medicine, he said.

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