There is anger among Western Milk Producers: determined to get a “fair price”, they show from Monday night and for at least a week near the Lactalis plant in Laval, to compel the world’s leading dairy, accused of being “the worst payer” to “return to the negotiating table”.
Monday early evening, a dozen farmers were preparing blocking the roundabout close to Lactalis. A dozen riot police trucks and a dozen other gendarmes were stationed near the plant, while two police cars were stationed at the roundabout.
Organized at the initiative of departmental federations of farmers’ unions (FDSEA, the majority union) and Young farmers (JA), the event was to start to 8:30 p.m. / 9:00 p.m. with mayennais breeders that will block, using tractors and agricultural equipment, roundabout. Those of Brittany, Normandy and Pays de la Loire will take over all week
No way to paralyze the activity of Lactalis. “That would give us the means to eject them,” said Pascal Clement , President of the dairy section of the regional Federation of agricultural unions (FRSEA) the great West. He said the action “terribly embarrassment Lactalis, which considers that it is a hard trade unions (agricultural) and farmers detrimental to its image and its business.”
Lactalis, which highlights a “crisis of overproduction”, said he was ready for producer organizations to discuss with them in milk prices, assured on France Inter Nalet Michel, spokesman of the group.
“The problem with Lactalis is that the wage share is not in his DNA,” says Mr. Clement, who advanced as “the results increasingly important industrial dairy “while” dairy farmers are in a dramatic situation. ”
This month, the price charged by Lactalis is 256 euros per tonne. It was 363 euros in July 2014.
– ‘key under the door’ –
“In my department, by December 31, it was nearly 14% farms that will put the key under the door. usually we have 2 or 3% per year who retire but now 15% is
the western farmers,” determined “to find” worthy economic conditions “, hope their movement will echo in to other areas, which was the case Monday noon in the Aveyron.
“We do not want to beg. We, as farmers, we want to live in our business but in any case no one asks aid to the state. what we want is that the mediator trade relations (…) to intervene and put around the table interlocutors to found an agreement that allows by the end of the year to have a reasonable price for our farmers, “he told AFP Philippe Jehan, president of the FDSEA Mayenne.
“The Ombudsman is available to the parties to engage this mediation engage this discussion, find ways of dialogue”, had indicated in the day the Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll.
the dairy farmers much hope on the Tree II law, examined from 26 September. It aims to achieve a better balance of power between farmers and industry to better distribute value within the food chain.
It will also require the publication of financial results of companies that until now it steal. This is the case of Lactalis, which achieved a turnover of 17 billion euros
Pessimistic about the future of the French dairy industry, Mr. Clement warns. ” If our French farms disappear, we will end up with large milk factories as the US and Germany. This is not the model of dairy France makes the richness of France, preserve it. consumers are fully aware that’s what we want to say Emmanuel Besnier “(Lactalis CEO, Ed)
08/22/2016 8:17:55 p.m. -.. Laval (AFP) – © 2016 AFP

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