Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Martinez takes the fight against labor law and speaks again for 32 hours – Le Figaro

The head of the CGT calls with six other unions, in a day of action on 15 September.

while the bosses did their return to the University of MEDEF, Philippe Martinez was hers at the headquarters of the CGT. Tanned and relaxed, but more determined than ever to resume the fight against the labor law, that fight from the start. “A bad law in the spring always is in the autumn,” he insisted, asking simply its “abrogation”.

While Manuel Valls said the decrees Application would rather taken “as soon as possible”, the boss of the CGT took the opportunity to denounce once again the forced passage of the government. “The law was enacted in the middle of summer, without ever having been passed,” said he reminded

As announced before the summer, the CGT therefore calls -. With six other organizations (FO , FSU, Solidaires, UNEF, UNL, LDIFs) – to a day of mobilization from September 15th. The Inter will meet Wednesday night to decide how to share, but the goal is to launch a call to strike and demonstrate.

Legal Actions

mobilization in the streets and businesses will double action in the legal field, where the CGT intend to increase the priority issues of constitutionality (QPC), while the constitutional Council has not ruled on the bottom of the labor law.

the appeal will be made by the CGT union representatives present within large companies rather than by the central office. “We’re going from the base. Some companies, such as metallurgy and chemistry, are ready to enforce the law. Our representatives will oppose it, “said Catherine Perret, a member of the confederal office.

Carcan 35 hours

In addition to this fight that will occupy the coming months, Philippe Martinez

pounded his classic anthems, including the decline in working hours and large bosses. “For the CGT, 32 hours remain the best solution to fight against unemployment,” he insisted, announcing the launch of an educational campaign on the subject of communication internally and externally.

Emmanuel Macron? “He has never held French except for insulting”

While the primary candidates for the right multiply the proposals to come out of the shackles 35 hours, Philippe Martinez warned that it was not about “to increase working hours without increasing pay, because some employees come to work below the minimum wage.” And Catherine Perret castigate an agreement this summer at Bouygues Telecom where workers have given up to 23 days off against a salary increase of 2%. “23 days, it is 2000 euros, while 2% it averaged 450 euros, she said. The company has gained flexibility but mostly makes good financial operation. “

The head of the CGT has also distributed the claws to each other. Emmanuel Macron? “He has never held French except to insult,” he said. In crisis milk between farmers and Lactalis, he found that the group’s CEO, Emmanuel Besnier, was “the symbol of those bosses who earn a lot of money and leave the other die.” Finally, Pierre Gattaz saying it is possible to create 2 million jobs after having promised 1 million, Philippe Martinez joked … he would “have to change the pin”


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