Monday, August 29, 2016

Pierre Gattaz “You can create 2 million jobs in France” – Les Echos

“To believe and act! “Such is the theme of the 18th Summer University of MEDEF, which opens Tuesday – two days – on the campus of HEC in Jouy-en-Josas, in Yvelines. Eight months before the presidential election, the political jostling: right especially with Alain Juppé, Nicolas Sarkozy, François Fillon and Bruno Le Maire, but Rama Yade and Jean Lassalle centrist side, Jean-Marie Le Guen, Olivier Faure and Marie Noëlle Lienemann to the PS. Pierre Gattaz called to refocus on “essential”: “Find high growth and full employment. “

The summer school will be very political this year. What do you expect the presidential candidates?

This is indeed a crucial year, eight months before a major election. The summer school will be less focused on recent events, reforms that are or are not doing, to focus on the pedagogy of the major issues that we wish to see addressed during the presidential campaign: how take advantage of economic and technological change, climate revolution; how to take advantage of digitization and globalization, etc.

he left the debate on the right foot? mostly we hear about the Burkini …

It is imperative that the debate is focusing on the essentials. While France is in the process of being overtaken by other nations, presidential candidates should have a goal and one: being strong growth and full employment. When I say strong, this is a sustainable growth beyond 2%, ideally at 3% and an unemployment rate reduced to 6%. There is no reason that France does less well than Germany or the UK. But this growth, we must go seek it, not wait as rain. I expect strong commitments of the presidential candidates.

Right, candidates bring to the table of radical economic and social measures. Are you seduced?

They converge toward pragmatism and breaking down a series of taboos, as with the abolition of wealth tax for which I was a little lonely to fight Four years ago. massive reduction in charges, restoration of corporate margins, reduction in public spending, unlocking the job market: these starting assumptions are borne by all and it reassures me

But after. the fundamental issue is implementation. We must give meaning and perspective to reforms to lead the whole country, having a vision to 10 years. If instead of undergoing the changes we anticipate, then France has a lot of strengths. Take the example of El Khomri law: the reform was the right way to start, but it was not well explained and the French have withheld, wrongly, that the redundancies would multiply. And all went wrong …

Emmanuel Macron holds this type of speech on the economy. Can he be the one with the great reforms that you promote in 2017?

He comes to the summer school as economy minister and I expect him, who knows the business, it takes a discourse of truth. But to this day, I do not know if there will be a presidential candidate, I know even less its program … and I observed that he could go further in reforms for two years.

is this a five-year term for anything that ends?

no, it has not been a five-year term for nothing. It will have revealed the fundamental role of the company, to assume the importance of supply-side policy. This is a major ideological moved to the left and, again, totems fell. I think it all seems now understood. The responsibility pact, the beginning of the reversal of the hierarchy of norms with the primacy given to business negotiation, the desire for simplification … it all went in the right direction.

Unfortunately, the government has not been the end of his intentions and these reforms have been overtaken by political patrol! They have mostly been “contaminated” by absurd decisions, such as on the hardship. There was too much zig and zag, unfortunately. We must now move forward. And much further and faster!

Is unemployment Curve permanently reversed?

What is sure is that loads declines responsibility pact start paying. Corporate margins are ironed by 28% on average in 2013 to nearly 32% today, against 39% in Europe. There is no miracle: a company needs margins to invest, hire, export and take risks

always said that the responsibility pact would take time. to bear fruit. In 2015, 150,000 jobs were created, even if this is not enough to reduce unemployment. In Germany, the reversal of the unemployment curve has occurred three years after the Schröder-Hartz measures. What is very important is to go after the pact. And that’s

why we were very disappointed by the non-removal of the C3S.

Francois Hollande has not kept its promises?

On the final stage of the agreement, it is clear that it has not fulfilled its commitments.

companies ont- they kept their promises? You had mentioned the creation of 1 million jobs …

Those who say that I am committed to this figure are liars! It was a collective goal that could be directed by implementing appropriate reforms. And it is still the case. I would go even further: to go from 10% to 6% unemployment, they are 2 million jobs must be created. It is possible, aligning the level of expenses of our businesses on that of Germany, by unlocking the job market, passing a readable and engaging taxation, etc.

And stopping uneconomic measures like drudgery. This will remain as the black point of this mandate, the “35 hours of François Hollande”! The law has been simplified a bit, thankfully, but it has imposed hardship factors that we still do not measure.

Candidates promise right to repeal this law …

I hope so!

Expect something more about the end mandate of François Hollande?

I would especially like that avoids large fiscal stupidities of end of term, in the last budget. See the “Richert tax” invented by the regions and the government: we will still be levied on companies to finance aid to companies …! This makes no sense.

We are also very vigilant about the law Sapin 2, which introduces dangerous obligations for businesses. Each time you charge or that are complex, it is more unemployment. We also hope that the Government will be more ambitious on the decline in corporate tax. The recent decline in ad is commendable, but it is a scoop that is proposed, far from the necessary European fiscal convergence. And then, when we proposed three corporate tax rates for SMEs, I say stop to technocracy!

The reform of tax at source should be passed, and candidates for the primary right, this time, did not speak for a repeal …

I regret. If we put in place such a reform hussar, one for disaster. Philosophy is good, but it takes more preparation with the actors, experiments.

Let’s stop pretending that the withholding tax will be easy to implement. The French tax system is incredibly complicated, full of niches and exemptions … Entrepreneurs will be victims of this complexity. I propose a B plan to the government: it places individuals on the basis of income in the current year, but with the current monthly levy, without this happening by the company


the government is expected to resume contact in September with the social partners on the Unédic convention. Are you ready to renegotiate or you definitely put you in the state?

I have not heard from Myriam El Khomri. We are ready to get back around the table, but with two red lines: there is no question of increasing expenses, including the CSD, and we refuse any additional complexity

<. h4 class = "question"> It may no longer be interprofessional negotiations by the end of your mandate Medef …

I’m not going to me complain! Interprofessional negotiations, there will in anyway less and less in the future, because the heart of the negotiations will be at the company level. This is the meaning of the gradual reversal of the hierarchy of norms. He will remain interprofessional meetings based on specific issues – unemployment insurance, training, supplementary pensions – and sectoral agreements to secure some intangible rules, but for the rest, it will favor direct talks in companies <- nbrPV: 0 -> <- status: non-registered -> <- tpl_article / bloc_servitiel_nl ->


Newsletter 18h: the news of the turn in 2 minutes

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