Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fessenheim: the State and EDF have reached an agreement – The Point

EDF and the government reached an agreement on the modalities of compensation to be paid to electricians for the closure of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant (Haut-Rhin), Has said Wednesday the Department of Energy. “An agreement was reached with EDF, which provides for compensation in stages, with the first stage of 100 million euros and later stages depending on several parameters, including energy prices” in the years following the closing, told AFP a spokesman for the ministry.

the effective closure of the two reactors of the oldest French plants, campaign promise of President Francois Hollande, was set at 2018, when EDF plans to put into operation the EPR Flamanville (Manche).

the state, which owns 85%

According to Bloomberg, citing sources close the file, EDF could ultimately receive at least 400 million euros. An amount that the Department of Energy has not confirmed. In early May, the state, which owns nearly 85% of EDF had initially proposed a compensation of around 80 to 100

million euros to the electrician in exchange for the early closure of the plant, according to documents viewed by Agence France-Presse.

the agreement between the State and EDF on compensation now opens the way following the closing process. It will be presented to the Central Works Council (CEC) of EDF, scheduled for 14 September and which will give its opinion, and by the end of the year the group’s board of directors to authorize the President of EDF Jean-Bernard Levy to sign it.

the government will then issue a decree endorsing the closure decision. At the last environmental conference in April, François Hollande assured that the decree would be “taken this year.”


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