Monday, August 22, 2016

Images. Milk producers begin the blockade Lactalis – Ouest-France

Around 21 h 30, the milk producers have completely blocked the roundabout on the ring road of Laval, before the plant Lactalis dairy products. circulation of the challenges will grow tomorrow, Tuesday. At the call of the FDSEA and Young Farmers (JA), the producers announce and do want the seat of Lactalis at least until the end of the week.

 At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk  producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire Valley  arrive at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel,  President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by this  blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1000 liters.
At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire arrive at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel, President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by this blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1,000 liters. | Joel Le Gall

Shortly after 23:00, no truck out or never entered the Mayenne plant Lactalis. The roundabout near the plant was completely blocked by a dozen tractors and traffic was interrupted. The action took place peacefully. A dozen riot police trucks and a dozen other gendarmes were stationed nearby.

At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk  producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire arrive  at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel,  President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by this  blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1000 liters  .
At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire arrive at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel, President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by this blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1,000 liters. | Joel Le Gall

 at the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk  producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire arrive  at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel,  President, Lactel, Celia). They intend to get  through the blockade a revaluation to 340 € 1000  liters.
At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire arrive at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel, President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by this blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1,000 liters. | Joel Le Gall

READ ALSO: Milk. Who is the giant Lactalis which angers breeders?

The demonstrators want to meet Emmanuel Besnier

Around the highway, the Young Farmers ( JA) had set up a tent to house throughout the week

farmers who have to relay on the site. Many posters, installed on trucks and tractors, read: “Breeders exhausted. Milk must save “ or ” Our profession has a price “.

At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk  producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire arrive  at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel,  President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by this  blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1000 liters  .
At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire arrive at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel, President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by this blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1,000 liters. | Joel Le Gall

The protesters will not leave the premises if the president of the FNSEA, Xavier Beulin, gets a meeting with Emmanuel Besnier, the Group CEO Lactalis. The FNSEA and the JA also calling for a consensus on the price of milk between Lactalis and producer organizations.

 the agricultural union delegations with  philippe Jehan president of the FDSEA 53
The agricultural union delegations with Philippe Jehan president of the FDSEA 53 | Joel Le Gall

In the evening, the Socialist deputy Mayenne Guillaume Garot called for the opening of “discussion” in order to “create opportunities for better pay” of producers.

in a press conference Monday at 22 am, Philippe Jehan, President of the FDSEA Mayenne assured that “farmers remain until an agreement is signed” .

At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of  farmers milk came from Brittany, Normandy and  Loire arrive at the headquarters of Lactalis  (Bridel, President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by  this blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1000  liters.
At the call of the FNSEA, hundreds of milk producers from Brittany, Normandy and Loire arrive at the headquarters of Lactalis (Bridel, President, Lactel, Celia). They mean by this blockade for a revaluation to 340 € 1,000 liters. | Joel Le Gall


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