Tuesday, August 30, 2016

DIRECT. Milk crisis: an agreement was reached between pastoralists and Lactalis – USAinformations

Here our entire live #LAIT

2:09 p.m. the main news headlines to 14 hours

• #MACRON <. / strong> Emmanuel Macron announced its employees of the Ministry of Economy he was leaving the government. He must meet François Hollande to 15 hours.

European Commission asked Apple to pay a record amount of over 13 billion euros to Ireland. The American brand, which is going to appeal, is accused of having benefited from a favorable tax too.

An agreement was reached between Lactalis and a producer organization. FNSEA announced the discontinuation of actions by farmers throughout France.

• Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” … The majority did his return last night during a re-entry meeting in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne). Here’s what to keep in and we explain why the phrase of Manuel Valls on Marianne does not.

2:00 p.m. the FNSEA announces discontinuation of actions by farmers throughout France

1:53 p.m. This agreement funds a production model exceeded both the quality plan that the welfare of the animal world and encourages inhumane farms (1000 cows, etc.). Mr Besnier you would not yield

13:51 . Dear milk producers play up range. Imitate your fellow brother-fort that they sell their milk more expensive by focusing on high end. Abandon Lactalis which is in the low or midrange. At this point you will have a more acceptable level of price

1:51 p.m. . Congratulations. Following positive in effect although incomplete to allow dairy farmers to live from their craft. But the government has done nothing in this outcome!

1:50 p.m. : You are always likely to react on the agreement reached between milk producers and Lactalis

1:04 p.m. : Prime Minister welcomes agreement between Lactalis and dairy producers


12:52 : We find our reporter Elise Lambert on site. She tells us more about the agreement reached between the producer organizations and Lactalis.

12:39 producer organizations have obtained the purchase of a tonne of milk to 290 euros

12:38 An agreement was reached with Lactalis announces a producer organization

12:34 . Lactalis is the mirror effect on your unsustainable economic model because of the extra costs of production.Vous gentlemen farmers should thank Lactalis to open your eyes.

12:33 Let us increase the energy of blocking our milk producers, by the action of responsible consumers. Anyway, it will not let them raise the price of a liter …

12:32 When we see that organic producers sell their milk 1 € per liter in direct sales, the choice of farmers should be quick: go organic and direct sales

12:32 : You are still very many to react to blockades of dairy farmers.

12:24 : We’re back in Ille-et-Vilaine, where my colleague Elise Lambert. It is next to dairy farmers.

12:12 : This is the essential news at midday:

European Commission asked Apple to pay a record amount of more than € 13 billion in ‘Ireland. The American is accused of having benefited from a favorable tax too.

The third session of negotiations on the price of milk has opened this morning between producer organizations and Lactalis. Meanwhile, the FNSEA maintains pressure through dozens of actions on the dairy giant’s sites throughout France.

• Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” … The majority is back in a re-entry meeting last night in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne). Here’s what to keep in and why the phrase of Manuel Valls on Marianne does not.

• End of negotiations on the Transatlantic Free Trade Treaty (TTIP also Tafta called in English)? Matthias Fekl, Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, announced on RMC, which demanded Paris end of trade

11:41 : producers milk also carry out actions in Deux-Sèvres, in the farmers’ union FNSEA.

11:25 : the bailiff request 50 euros / hour occupancy from the notification” that we make a package “#Lactalis

11:24 kayser1425 @ : Yes, and for now there is no filter. This meeting should focus on the terms for fixing the price of milk for the future. Meanwhile, milk producers still hold shares. My Elise Lambert colleague is at their side in Ille-et-Vilaine

11:23 . Are the negotiations still course?

10:40 : “If we meet this morning is that we have some bright elements that allow us to think that we are moving towards a crisis.”

in the English Channel, the president of the FDSEA is optimistic about the outcome of these negotiations.

10:34 : Cesson Branch, near Rennes, where about thirty dairy producers of Cotes d’Armor and Ille-et-Vilaine block Lactalis logistics base. Our reporter Elise Lambert is back on site

9:37 . No, I think that will be good idea. We are in a market economy. The milk crisis is due to an overproduction foremost. If supply is greater than demand it is normal that the price of milk down. Also if Lactalis can not buy milk from French dairy cows it will buy elsewhere

9:37 . great idea but consumers, in their great majority, are reluctant to this kind of approach and look only to their first interest: they please at the best price. It must be very militant for such actions especially in the length

9:37 Hello, C ‘ is actually to us consumers to take responsibility. Especially as Lactalis, which pays so low milk producers do not sell us their products cheaper! He therefore made substantial margins! We

will stop buying other brands as Chairman of course but also for Société Roquefort, feta for Salakis, bridel, milk for yoghurt etc …. If purchases massively down, Lactalis will quickly understand where his interest!

9:48 : Some milk producers call to boycott French products from the brand Lactalis (President, Lactel, Society, Galbani, the Milkmaid, etc.). In the comments, you are divided on the initiative.

9:10 : This is a new item on the news of the morning:

negotiations resumed two hours between representatives of milk producers and Lactalis to the prefecture of Mayenne in Laval. This is the third session of talks.

• End of negotiations on the Treaty of transatlantic free trade (also known as TTIP Tafta English)? Matthias Fekl, Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, announced on RMC, which demanded Paris end of trade.

• Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” … The majority is back in a re-entry meeting last night in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne). Here’s what to retain.

• The American actor Gene Wilder, known for his role as Willy Wonka Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971), died at the age of 83.

7:35 . You have to know the Lactalis brands and make purchases on strike to starve starver

7:35 : Hello I understand the farmers and their courage honestly I am positive that 1000 liters of milk paid to farmers are not 290 euros and 360 euros but still it’s nice

7:34 : milk producers have conducted several operations to buildings Lactalis tonight. Farmers threaten to continue their actions if negotiations fail. France 2 makes the point.


7:15 : the meeting was attended by three representatives of Lactalis, the spokesman of the group, five representatives of the producers and the prefect of Mayenne <. / p>

7:14 : The negotiations between milk producer organizations and Lactalis, on milk prices, have gone back to the prefecture of Mayenne in Laval

7:11 Hello @Sayan . Difficult to answer to all milk producers. Two of them told the Paris have chosen to sell their milk to Lactalis, it was five years ago, when the group “remunerated rather better than its competitors.”

Lactalis buys today over 20% of French milk from 17,000 farmers. And, indeed, the world number one is currently paying 256 euros 1 000 liters of milk, or a price of 10-30 euros lower than that paid its main competitors.

6:18 while 100 farmers of the Auge found themselves before the Graindorge cheese (acquired in June by the world leader in dairy products), 170 of their colleagues Bocage blocked access to the pie factory producing Domfront. The action takes place from 9:00 p.m. to 0:00 says Ouest-France

6:17 : the Orne milk producers demonstrated against Lactalis last night. In this department, two assembly points were on offer.

6:08 : this is a first point on the news Tuesday 30 August:

negotiations on the price of milk between Lactalis and producer organizations resume today while the FNSEA, the first agricultural union, has launched actions before Lactalis sites and supermarkets.

• Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” . .. The majority is back at a meeting yesterday evening reentry in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne). Here’s what to retain.

• The American actor Gene Wilder, known for his role as Willy Wonka Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971), died at the age of 83 years.

OMVA be transferred to a US fund run by Frank McCourt, former owner of the baseball club Los Angeles Dodgers.

0:01 : This live is over. Here’s what to remember the evening’s news:

• Sarkozy, Europe, “Marianne topless” … The government was holding her back from meeting tonight. Here’s what to retain.

Negotiations on the price of milk will resume tomorrow between Lactalis and producer organizations. Despite this announcement, the FNSEA agricultural union first, conducted tonight actions before several factories Lactalis.

• The American actor Gene Wilder, known for his role as Willy Wonka Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971), died at the age of 83.

OMVA be transferred to a US fund run by Frank McCourt, former owner of the baseball club of Los Angeles Dodgers.

10:31 p.m. : Our reporter Elise Lambert is always the side of farmers who laid siege to Lactalis, Cesson-Sevigne (Ille-et-Vilaine). Some will spend the night in their cars.

10:06 p.m. Here are some screenshots of actions today by dairy farmers against Lactalis



8:37 p.m. Our reporter Elise Lambert is always alongside the farmers that block Lactalis

8:06 p.m. : Our reporter Elise Lambert is Cesson-Sevigne (Ille-et-Vilaine) with farmers who laid siege to Lactalis. One of them explains his approach.

8:03 p.m. : It is 20 hours, here’s an update on the news:

negotiations on the price of milk will resume tomorrow between Lactalis and producer organizations. Despite this announcement, the FNSEA agricultural union first, leads tonight actions before fifteen plants Lactalis

Implementation of key reforms of the quinquennium and enhanced security measures. The Minister of national Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, presented this morning the new school year on Thursday. She also denounced the “fantasies” and “rants”, and targeted to the right.

OMVA be transferred to a US fund directed by Frank McCourt, former owner of the baseball club Los Angeles Dodgers.

• Five people were arrested after the arson that targeted the night the main scientific center of justice in Brussels causing an explosion and extensive damage. The hypothesis of a terrorist act is not confirmed.

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