Saturday, August 27, 2016

TGV: Historical contract for Alstom in the United States – The World

Joseph H. Boardman, President and Amtrak  Jerôme Wallut, Vice President of Alstom North  America, signed a historic agreement in  Wilmington, Delaware.

Alstom won a contract history 1.8 billion to sell its “TGV” in the United States, announced Friday, August 26 group. The French manufacturer enters an important market when building high-speed lines is growing rapidly worldwide.

The American railway company Amtrak has commissioned the French group 28 new generation of trains to replace its trains in service since 2000 and manufactured by the Bombardier consortium – Alstom. The latter, however, held that 25% of the joint venture.

The “TGV” new generation will link Boston and Washington, the federal capital, via New York and Philadelphia, covering a distance of 730 km.

the stated objective Amtrak is “increase passenger transport capacity, reduce travel times and optimize operational costs” . The number of passengers on this unique high-speed line in the United States was 3.5 million in 2014, according to Alstom. “This region between Boston and Washington is inhabited by a seven Americans” , said the US Vice President Joe Biden announced in Wilmington (Delaware) that investment for Amtrak.

A contract that is timely

The new train will carry up to 35% more passengers compared to its predecessor. Initially, its speed will be 257 km / h and will eventually reach 300 km / h.

Currently, you have 2:45 to link the cities of New York and Washington, remote 350 about km (220 miles). By comparison, the French TGV sets 1:55 for a Paris-Lyon route 425 km.

The announcement of this agreement comes as the development of transport infrastructure is one of the issues of the

presidential campaign United States, countries where the train remains the least borrowed facing Queen car traveling means and the plane.

“the high-speed trains from Alstom, we have Avelia called, are the most advanced trains, most reliable and safest in the world “, ensures Jerome Wallut, vice president of Alstom in north America.

This contract comes to point for the french group, which seeks to increase its activity almost a year after the transfer for € 9.7 billion of its energy division to US conglomerate General Electric (GE).

Read also: Alstom:” the weakness of the french market weakens our industrial “

It could serve as a springboard to sell its technology to other US states such as California that builds since 2015 a high-speed line to connect San Francisco to Los Angeles scheduled for 2020. other projects such as Dallas-Houston, Las Vegas, Palmdale (California) are also under investigation.

400 direct jobs in the State of New York

in addition, the US contract is a showcase for French technology, marketed since 1981 and modernized since.

Apart USA, France, Spain, UK, Turkey, Russia, Australia and China are building new high-speed lines will need new “TGV” calculates Alstom. Germany and Japan are considering, them to replace their aging fleets

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the high-speed train market is buoyant. It should be around EUR 6 billion in 2017, against 5.2 billion in 2014, according to the International Union of Railways (UIC). Around 60 000 km of additional high-speed lines should, according to the organization, to be built by 2030.

Meanwhile, Alstom will manufacture in Hornell, north of the State of New York , the oars of his “TGV” American. The contract of € 1.8 billion will create 400 direct jobs in the State of New York. The railway company Amtrak said the first trains enter service in 2021.


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