Monday, August 29, 2016

DIRECT. Milk crisis: Negotiations between Lactalis and producers will resume tomorrow – USAinformations

Here our entire live #LAIT

7:04 p.m. : on the eve of the resumption of negotiations with Lactalis, farmers are up the heat, all over France. Here are some action shots carried Jeuxey (Vosges) and Vannes (Morbihan).

6:01 p.m. the main news headlines to 18 hours

negotiations on the price of milk. will resume tomorrow between Lactalis and producer organizations. Despite this announcement, the FNSEA agricultural union first, maintains fifteen shares to Lactalis plants from 20 hours

Implementation of key reforms of the quinquennium and enhanced security measures. The Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, presented this morning the new school year on Thursday. The education minister also denounced the “fantasies” and “rantings” and targeted to the right.

OMVA disposal a US fund run by Frank McCourt, the former owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball club.

• Five people were arrested after the arson that targeted the night the main scientific center justice in Brussels, causing an explosion and extensive damage. The hypothesis of a terrorist act is not confirmed

4:55 p.m. : Despite the resumption of talks tomorrow between Lactalis and producer groups, the actions initiated by the FNSEA are underway in Britain <. / p>

4:24 p.m. : negotiations will resume tomorrow between Lactalis and producer organizations in Laval (Mayenne), Lactalis ad.

3:25 p.m. : farmers continue their blockade of Lactalis sites, such as here in Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine). Breeders still demanding an increase in the purchase price for their milk.

1:58 p.m. the main news headlines at 14 hours

the FNSEA agricultural union first, announced. shares to fifteen plants Lactalis from 20 hours. He demands the resumption of negotiations on the price of milk between the industrial giant and producer organizations.

• Five people were arrested after the arson that targeted the night the main scientific center justice in Brussels, causing an explosion and extensive damage. The hypothesis of a terrorist act is not confirmed

Implementation of key reforms of the quinquennium and enhanced security measures. Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, presented this morning back to school Thursday. The education minister also denounced the “fantasies” and “rantings” and targeted to the right.

1:56 p.m. : Remember, a producer in five in France working for Lactalis or 20 % of the French collection. This represents five billion liters of milk collected from a total of 25 billion produced annually in France.

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1:45 p.m. : journalist France Bleu has seen the arrival of a tractor in front of a Lactalis center near Rennes (Ile-et-Vilaine). FNSEA has announced a series of actions throughout France

1:24 p.m. . I’m a bit fed up the attitude of ranchers and farmers to supermarkets. I manage a Gironde. And I have to face the anger of farmers because a lot of intermediaries sweeten the way, before arriving on the shelves of my small supermarket. I understand the anger but it is moved, because they attack the wrong people. They know but prefer the easy way out.

1:23 p.m. : In the comments, @responsable supermarket, explains that, according to him, these institutions are not the right target

1:19 p.m. : Lactalis announced last Friday , an increase of 15 euros per tonne of milk. Insufficient to live, says the main agricultural union.

1:17 p.m. The FNSEA expects the shares to 15 Lactalis sites from 20 hours

1:17 p.m. : An employee cleans Lactalis, outside the headquarters of the company in Laval (Mayenne), inscriptions painted by breeders. They are still demanding an increase in the price per ton of milk.


12:17 : This is the essential news at midday:

• Five people were arrested after arson that targeted the night the main scientific center of justice in Brussels, causing an explosion and extensive damage. The hypothesis of a terrorist act is not confirmed

Implementation of key reforms of the quinquennium and enhanced security measures. Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, presented this morning the new school year on Thursday.

“Strangled ” by very low prices, the milk producers have decided to increase pressure on the Lactalis group, organizing a “nationwide action”. USAinformations recalls the reasons for their anger.

• Big scare for passengers from Los Angeles (USA). The airport of the city was partially evacuated after information about a possible shooting, which ultimately proved to be a false alarm.

8:47 : Stéphane Le Foll is the guest of the new political appointments with USAinformations Jean-Michel apathy on the radio. The Minister of Agriculture spoke on the milk crisis, while agricultural trade unions announced a strong national mobilization, on Monday, to try to force the dairy giant Lactalis to raise its purchase price.

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