Nicolas Sarkozy declined 31 August 2016 its proposals before business leaders gathered at the summer school of Medef – ROMUALD MEIGNEUX / SIPA

the primary candidate for the right Nicolas Sarkozy appeared Wednesday before business leaders gathered at the summer University of MEDEF to present its proposals.

the former head of state, which was not come to this annual event of MEDEF since 2007, allowed himself to be late for his presentation, overcoming the rules established by the MEDEF to guide the actions of each other, reports Le Monde

& gt;. & gt; Read also: No Sarkozy momentum after taking campaign, a poll

Nicolas Sarkozy notably has forty minutes to reel off its economic program before a rather reserved audience, against twenty minutes usually granted to various stakeholders. How? By removing the clock with which the organizers and the public ensured proper compliance of each of talk time.

The daily notes that unlike the others, who had spoken standing or pacing the scene, the former head of the Republicans took over the desk, installed on stage for him.

mixed success

Basically, some of its proposals been applauded as deleting the account hardship, restoring the tax exemption of overtime, the exemption of transmission