GOVERNMENT Several ministers denounced “ambition” and lack the sense of responsibility of ex-Minister of Economy …
Although Michel Sapin said “regret the departure” of Emmanuel Macron
during the handover at Bercy, nobody is fooled. The economy minister is sure to colleagues
the government, and its latest have more or less openly informed.
The first is chopping Stéphane Le Foll, the spokesman of the government. “I think that Emmanuel left for personal reasons” because “he wants to be a candidate,” denounced Wednesday morning Stéphane Le Foll on Europe 1. The Minister of Economy “slammed the door [...] He explained that it was because he could not speak. Just to remind that
Emmanuel Macron, July 12, that is to say, the day before surgery
President of the Republic, has still made a big rally with 2,000 people at the Mutuality, “lamented the spokesman of the government.
Asked about RTL, the Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem,
& gt; & gt; Read also: The political class reacts with many (many) irony
On Twitter, Juliette Méadel, Secretary of State for victim assistance, was also at his way, criticized the resignation of the Ministry of Economy. “Being Minister of the Republic is use every minute of his time to serve his country. There is so much to do for France. “
Jean-Marie Le Guen, State Secretary for Relations with Parliament, for its part, pointed at LCI” some form of ambition and intent “of Emmanuel Macron. “Then does it be realized? I have also some doubts, “he commented.
The President of the PS group in the National Assembly, Bruno Le Roux, has also said” questioning “on the resignation of Emmanuel Macron, stressing the need to “loyalty”. “In this moment, we need cohesion, not a new candidate, not a new party, no further confusion. (…) And I saw yesterday (…) an additional confounding factor. That’s why I told that Emmanuel Macron
the resignation was not worth lack of loyalty, “said Bruno Le Roux of France 2

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