The giant online retailer Amazon will experience a new organization of work, on a small scale. If part-time workers are already employed on Amazon sites, it is this time of entire teams, included executives who will work only 30 hours per week, as against 40 hours for full-time employees.
reduced working time and career development
According to the Washington Post (in English), the experiment was presented at a business seminar. A document detailed as: “We want to create a working environment with a reduced working time for the teams, but still promotes success and changing career.”
A week four days
The program would cover only three teams Amazon. The Washington Post details
the organization of working time: it is to work from Monday to Thursday from 10 to 14 hours, with about ten hours over the rest of the week These employees if they will be paid 75% of a full-time, benefit however the same benefits as all other Amazon employees. A spokesman however said that Amazon did not plan to reduce working time throughout the company. 

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