Saturday, August 27, 2016

Consumers urged to support milk producers against Lactalis – Le Figaro

As negotiations between the dairy giant and producers on prices failed again, the site has launched a campaign on social networks.

Without being heard by the dairy giant Lactalis, producers can count on the support of the most active consumers. While negotiations on milk prices slip, the site has to launch a campaign on social networks to call the French to boycott the products of the Lactalis Group.

“There 136 years … the boycott is invented to punish a realtor

“in France, 1 farmer on 5 sells its milk production at giant Lactalis die accused of underpaying liter of milk . According to the agricultural unions, the average purchase price of a tonne of milk by Lactalis is 256 €, which is 10-30% less than the prices charged by competitors, “it said on the call for boycott . President Rondelé, Galbani, The Milkmaid, Society, Locatelli, Bridel, Lactel … The site lists the brands of the Lactalis Group – first global dairy group and cheese – to refer the consumer in this process

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” of course, Lactalis is not responsible for the current crisis market, but the company has a moral responsibility vis-à-vis farmers’ qualify the authors of the campaign. According to them, the group “must support the sector and not use this monopoly to drive prices down and squeezing farmers. Recall, however, that Lactalis is not responsible for the overproduction. “

The boycott campaign is based on three claims. Lactalis must, first of all, commit to “pay the true value of the work of its suppliers, including increasing its milk purchase price.” Friday, the group proposed the producers a price of 269 euros the 1000 annual liters, a proposal rejected by the representatives of the farmers. At the entrance of negotiations

Tuesday in fact, the latter demanded 290 euros per 1,000 liters the year. “At 256.90 per tonne bought in July, Lactalis was actually far behind the group and the Laïta Silav company (290 euros per ton) or dairy Holy Father, a subsidiary of Intermarché, which pays farmers 300 euros 1,000 liters, “says

Second claim. Lactalis must exercise” the greatest transparency of its accounts, including on its margins. ” Finally, the authors of the boycott call demanding that the group relax the contracts of its suppliers. They demand “more visibility for the farmer” and a “new method of fixing the price of milk.” Officially launched on Friday, the boycott gathered Saturday morning some 450 boycottants a stated goal of 2,000 signatories. Once this threshold is reached, Lactalis will be officially informed of the current campaign and will transmit its response to boycottants. “Depending on the message and the solutions offered by the company, participants deliberate: they then vote for the maintenance or stop the campaign,” says Levent Acar, the co-founder of the site

<. strong> “read also: Why are farmers angry against Lactalis

Founded in 2015 and officially launched in June 2016 after a fundraiser on the site Kiss Kiss Bank Bank, platform brings together more than 30,000 registered today. Four boycott campaigns have already been launched, said the charge: the first two, against H & M (9215 boycottants) and Petit Navire (11,845 boycottants) but also against Starbucks (9930 boycottants) and the latest range by Sea Shepherd against Marineland (7519 boycottants).


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