Good surprise on the labor market in France: the unemployment rate INSEE fell sharply in the second quarter, reaching its lowest level since 2012
After s’. be stabilized early this year, the indicator measured by the standards of the International Labour Office (ILO), decreased by 0.3 point, to 9.6% of the workforce in France and 9.9 % with Overseas, announced the National Statistics Institute on Thursday. The rate in France full back below the symbolic 10% for the first time since the third quarter of 2012.
On Twitter, Manuel Valls hailed “good numbers”. “The government remains fully mobilized to reinforce this dynamic,” added the Prime Minister.
This decline “confirms the gradual improvement in the economic situation,” said for his part Myriam El Khomri. Labour Minister sees are “the result of deliberate government action.”
The development is however to be analyzed with caution as it is within the margin of error of the indicator ( +/- 0.3).
the decline was sharpest year on year (-0.5 point).
overall, INSEE recorded in the second quarter 2.767 million of unemployed metropolis (-2.6% in the quarter, -4.6% for the year).
Among them, 1.2 million looking for work for at least a year. The long-term unemployment stood at 4.3% of the active population, as in the previous quarter.
The quarterly decline has benefited all age groups. 15-24 years, who are the most affected by unemployment assets, saw their rates fall back to 23.7% (-0.4 pt). As for the rate of 50 or over, it declined 0.1 points to 6.4%.
However, over one year, the senior unemployment rate is falling (-0.6 point). That of young workers is stable
-. Increase the “halo” –
The magnitude of the decline in the second quarter is a surprise because INSEE did not expect in its latest monthly report published in
It also intervenes when the recovery seemed to stall, with zero growth in the second quarter.
Apart from the rate of INSEE, all other indicators of employment stalled between April and June: after an exceptional first quarter, the number of registered at employment center that has slightly decreased in the second quarter (5300 to class A), hires fell 2.2% and private sector job creations slowed (24,100 positions after four quarters around 40,000).
the decrease by INSEE itself in perspective, as the “halo around unemployment” himself has slightly increased.
These people want to work, but not counted because they are not actively looking or are not immediately available, was 1.5 million in mid-2016, a number increased by 29,000 over the quarter and 43,000 over the year.
in addition, the number people underemployed, that is to say, who like to work more, was up (+0.3 point), to 6.7%. This is, the majority of women in involuntary part-time.
If the unemployment rate INSEE deviates from its historical high (10.4% in France, 10.7% in all France) achieved in 1997, it remains far from its level before the crisis of 2008. That year, unemployment was down to 6.8% in France and 7.2% in France entirely.
François Hollande conditioned his possible candidacy for a second term decline “credible” in unemployment in 2016. the president must announce its decision at the end of the year.
18 / 08/2016 11:47:34 – Paris (AFP) – AFP © 2016

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