Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Between the MEDEF and the majority, falling out of love is consummated – The World

 the president of MEDEF, Pierre Gattaz (left)  and the Director General of the employers'  organization Michel Guilbaud (center), on 30 June  2016 at Matignon.

” Give us reasons to believe. “ This is the theme on which the bosses will challenge Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 August, when the summer school of Medef, in Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines), the leading candidates in the primary the right. Successively pass on the “grill” Francois Fillon, Nicolas Sarkozy Bruno Le Maire and Alain Juppe. Suffice to say that the side of the employers’ organization, the left is no longer believed, that is if we are ever believed one day, and it defers all his hopes on the right. Eight months before the presidential election, between the government and the employers’ organization, relations have stalled or even abhorrent. “Nobody has never been any doubt about the political preference of entrepreneurs. It is in the nature of things: at the end of a five-year period, they no longer
nothing to get us, “
loose, fatalistic, a heavyweight in the government

Gone is the time when, in August 2012, while the left had to regain power, the Prime Minister of the time, Jean-Marc Ayrault, accompanied by a dozen members of his government, marked his presence on campus employers “in a spirit of openness and trust” . Quickly, however, tensions have emerged, to the point that, in 2013, Medef put its summer school under the sign of “fight” . Nevertheless, they were still seven ministers, the main interlocutors of Bercy, to bend to exercise. And give assurances to employers after the introduction of the tax credit for Competitiveness and Employment (CICE). The Minister of Economy and Finance, Pierre Moscovici, presenting himself as the “Minister of companies” urged to “being in combat together” .


the left had worked on the issue of competitiveness, a real conversion. Without managing to fully convince its employer partners. Despite the pledges that were made to him, the new president of Medef, Pierre Gattaz, thought “not fully reassured” . This would also result in the inability to reach an agreement in the Finance Act 2014 on corporate taxation. Mistrust of both sides, therefore prevailed on trust.

A new honeymoon seems to be emerging in 2014 following the appointment of Manuel Valls at Matignon and the establishment responsibility pact: an exceptional effort for companies – 41 billion euros – as the right itself, in its previous mandates, never consented to. The new head of government proclaims his love for entrepreneurs. “I like the company,” insists he before an audience of patrons who applause

Read also:. Medef plagued by internal divisions


in love, and it takes two, despite commitments – hard cash – the government, employers continues to believe that the account is not there and s ‘concerned about the “contradictory signals” addressed by the left, increasingly torn between “reformers” and his wing “contentious”. Relations between the government and Medef stretch. The employers’ organization decides to engage in a bidding war strategy while the government side, some to the new economy minister, Emmanuel Macron, do not hesitate to call the responsibility pact “failure”, given the reluctance of employers to hold its share of commitments.

Yet it is this same Emmanuel Macron will be welcomed like a star when the 2015 edition of the corporate university and transport his audience by stating that “the left could believe, long ago, that France may get better by working less, this is now behind us” .

“scorched earth policy”

Since then, the economy minister is one of the few members of the government to find more favor with bosses, even if they continue to lament that he did not go to the end of his intentions or that he was prevented from doing so. This year, Mr. Macron will be the guest of honor of the appointment employers. He will intervene late Wednesday afternoon, always to give business leaders “reason to believe” .

But without illusions. Medef not give any confidence to the executive. When in the fall of 2015, the government decided to postpone a quarter of the payroll tax relief provided in 2016, the employers’ organization protested against the “Non-compliance with the given word” . Blithely forgetting that before this government has made a significant measure of overdamping for investment. Whatever, for the employers, the message is “disastrous” .

Therefore, Medef seems to have opted for the “scorched earth “, as the minister says one. The labor law reviewed in the spring? “A disappointing text that favors inaction. “ In the process, he chose to derail the agreement on the renewal of the UNEDIC convention. He then criticizes the “denials” the government when the latter decides, contrary to what was foreseen in the pact responsibility to permanently remove the social contribution of solidarity societies (C3S) paid by big business in favor of raising the CICE and targeted reduction in corporation tax for SMEs.

the chamber also takes a stand against the prospect of a special tax paid by households and businesses, to finance regional facilities, though initially approved by the President of the Association of regions of France, Philippe Richert (LR), forcing it to turn tail. He considers “unreasonable” the withholding tax on income that Bercy plans to implement from 1 st January 2018. Nothing or almost of what the government can escape the employer condemnation. Hoping the next will give him “reason to believe”

Read also:. “The business of health improves, investment restarts”


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